/******************************************************************************************************* The following code is the output produced from the Lab 1 literate program This is produced by taking the code from section 1 and substituting the named code chunks into this. This process is repeated until all the chunk references are filled. For example: the reference is replaced with the code in section 3: int main( ) { i } Where chunks have the same name they are collected in the order they appear into the final code. This means that I can write the program in an order that makes sense as it is read and still get a program that compiles and executes. For more detailed explanations see the cwebman pdf file. *******************************************************************************************************/ #include #include using namespace std; void push(char word[]); char*pop(); bool isEmpty(); const int STACK_SIZE= 100; const int WORD_SIZE= 20; char stack[STACK_SIZE][WORD_SIZE]; int top= 0; int main() { char filename[20]; ifstream fin; char word[WORD_SIZE]; cerr<<"Please enter the name of the input file: "; cin>>filename; fin.open(filename); if(!fin) { cerr<<"Error opening file "<>word){ push(word); } while(!isEmpty())cout<