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Coder 2019-09-30 08:58:41 +00:00
parent 17a9a4dd53
commit c568338e83
8 changed files with 858 additions and 0 deletions

CSCI251-A1- Spring 2019.pdf Normal file

Binary file not shown.

Readme.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
// License: AGPLv3 or later. https://www.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.html
Compile on UOW Banshee server using either of the following command in terminal/shell:
$ make
$ CC -std=c++11 -o ABC driver.cpp abc.cpp general_functions.cpp
As per test on my machine using folowwing code, there is no memory leak:
$ valgrind --tool=memcheck ./ABC Students.txt Subjects.txt Teachers.txt Results.txt
However, there is leak when running bcheck on banshee. This could be because of bug in compiler CC.
Commenting explaning functions use and rational are in header files. Comments explaning implementation of functions are in cpp files.
Exit codes error list:
(Read standard error output to find the exact reason of errors.)
1 - Error related to arguments recived
2 - Error while reading file
3 - Error while processing subjects file lines string into subject structs
4 - Error while processing teachers file lines string into teacher structs
5 - Subject code in student's subject list or teacher's subject list is out of range (more than number of subjects)
6 - Error while writting results to output-file

abc.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
// License: AGPLv3 or later. https://www.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.html
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
# include "general_functions.h"
# include "abc.h"
using namespace std;
input_files_name perform_checks_on_args(
int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc != 5)
cerr << "Expected 5 arguments, received " << argc
<< " argument(s). Please provide exactly 5 arguments and "
"in correct order i.e.:\n"
"1. Program name/path (received automatically)\n"
"2. Students File such as Students.txt\n"
"3. Subjects File such as Subjects.txt\n"
"4. Teachers File such as Teachers.txt\n"
"5. Output-file such as Results.txt\n"
"Run program similar to this:\n"
"$ ./ABC Students.txt Subjects.txt Teachers.txt "
input_files_name args;
args.students = argv[1];
args.subjects = argv[2];
args.teachers = argv[3];
args.results = argv[4];
return args;
input_files_textlines read_input_files(
input_files_name file_names)
input_files_textlines files_textlines;
files_textlines.students = get_textfile_lines(
files_textlines.subjects = get_textfile_lines(
files_textlines.teachers = get_textfile_lines(
return files_textlines;
vector<student> generate_students_struct(
vector<string> students_lines)
cout << "Processing students file text:" << endl;
vector<student> students;
int line_number = 0;
for (auto student_line:students_lines)
// Ignoring empty line. Giving no warning/error for it either.
if (student_line.size() == 0)
student a_student;
string ability_string;
string consistency_string;
string subject_sring;
istringstream line(student_line);
getline(line, a_student.name, ',');
getline(line, a_student.code, ',');
getline(line, ability_string, ',');
a_student.ability = stoi(ability_string);
getline(line, consistency_string, ',');
a_student.consistency = stoi(consistency_string);
getline(line, a_student.program, ':');
while(getline(line, subject_sring, ','))
int subject_code = stoi(subject_sring);
if (subject_code > 0)
throw "Anything that you can";
if (a_student.name.size() == 0
or a_student.code.size() != 6
or is_string_some_positive_number(
a_student.code) == false
or a_student.ability < 0
or a_student.ability > 100
or a_student.consistency < 0
or a_student.consistency > 15
or a_student.program.size() == 0
or a_student.subjects.size() == 0)
throw "All the things that you can";
cout << "Student Name: " << a_student.name << '\n'
<< "Code: " << a_student.code << '\n'
<< "Ability: " << a_student.ability << '\n'
<< "Consistency: " << a_student.consistency << '\n'
<< "Program Name: " << a_student.program << '\n'
<< "Subjects code: ";
for (auto subject_code: a_student.subjects)
cout << subject_code << " ";
cout << '\n' << endl;
cerr << "Non-Fatal Error Occured while processing student"
<< " file lines into student structs. However as per "
<< "specifiction, skipping proccesing anymore "
<< "students.\n"
<< "Line number: " << line_number << " is not in "
<< "proper format.\n"
<< "Actual Line:\n"
<< student_line << "\n"
<< "Expected line format:\n"
<< "Name,Student code,Ability,Consistency,Program "
<< "name:Subject list\n"
<< "Where,\n"
<< "1. Name is an non-empty string.\n"
<< "2. Student code is 6 *digit* string.\n"
<< "3. Ability is an integer in range 0 to 100.\n"
<< "4. Consistency is an integer in range 0 to 15.\n"
<< "5. Program name is an non-empty string.\n"
<< "6. Subject list is the list of comma-seprated "
<< "positive integers representing subject codes.\n";
return students;
vector<subject> generate_subjects_struct(
vector<string> subjects_lines)
cout << "Processing subjects file text:" << endl;
vector<subject> subjects;
int line_number = 0;
for (auto subject_line: subjects_lines)
// Ignoring empty line. Giving no warning/error for it either.
if (subject_line.size() == 0)
subject a_subject;
string difficulty_string;
string variability_string;
istringstream line(subject_line);
getline(line, a_subject.name, ',');
getline(line, difficulty_string, ',');
a_subject.difficulty = stoi(difficulty_string);
getline(line, variability_string);
a_subject.variability = stoi(variability_string);
if (a_subject.name.size() == 0
or a_subject.difficulty < -15
or a_subject.difficulty > 15
or a_subject.variability < -3
or a_subject.variability > 3)
throw "Buzzwords";
cout << "Subject Name: " << a_subject.name << '\n'
<< "Difficulty: " << a_subject.difficulty << '\n'
<< "Variability: " << a_subject.variability << '\n'
<< endl;
catch (...)
cerr << "Fatal error occured while processing subjects "
<< "file lines into subject structs. Line: "
<< line_number << " is not in proper format.\n"
<< "Actual line:\n"
<< subject_line << "\n"
<< "Expected line format: \n"
<< "Name,Difficulty,Variability\n"
<< "Where,\n"
<< "1. Name is a non-empty string.\n"
<< "2. Diffuculty is interger in range -15 to 15.\n"
<< "3. Variability is integer in range -3 to 3.\n";
return subjects;
vector<teacher> generate_teachers_struct(
vector<string> teachers_lines)
cout << "Processing teachers file text:" << endl;
vector<teacher> teachers;
int line_number = 0;
for (auto teacher_line: teachers_lines)
// Ignoring empty line. Giving no warning/error for it either.
if (teacher_line.size() == 0)
teacher a_teacher;
istringstream line(teacher_line);
string toughness_string;
string variability_string;
string subject_string;
getline(line, a_teacher.name, ',');
getline(line, toughness_string, ',');
a_teacher.toughness = stoi(toughness_string);
getline(line, variability_string, ':');
a_teacher.variability = stoi(variability_string);
while(getline(line, subject_string, ','))
int subject_code = stoi(subject_string);
if (subject_code > 0)
throw "Cheesy praises at teacher";
if (a_teacher.name.size() == 0
or a_teacher.toughness < -15
or a_teacher.toughness > 15
or a_teacher.variability < -3
or a_teacher.variability > 3
or a_teacher.subjects.size() == 0)
throw "some swag";
cout << "Teacher Name: " << a_teacher.name << '\n'
<< "Toughness: " << a_teacher.toughness << '\n'
<< "Variability: " << a_teacher.variability << '\n'
<< endl;
catch (...)
cerr << "Fatal error occured while processing teachers "
<< "file lines into teacher structs. Line: "
<< line_number << " is not in proper format.\n"
<< "Actual line:\n"
<< teacher_line << "\n"
<< "Expected line format: \n"
<< "Name,Toughness,Variability:Subjects List\n"
<< "Where,\n"
<< "1. Name is a non-empty string.\n"
<< "2. Toughness is interger in range -15 to 15.\n"
<< "3. Variability is integer in range -3 to 3.\n"
<< "4. Subects list is comma-seprated list of positive"
<< "integers representing subjects codes.\n";
return teachers;
void add_teachers_vector_index_number_to_subjects_struct(
vector<teacher> &teachers,
vector<subject> &subjects)
for (int i=0; i < teachers.size(); i++)
for (auto subject_code: teachers[i].subjects)
if (subject_code <= subjects.size())
/* -1 and +1 since indexes starts from 0.
cerr << "Fatal error. Subject code " << subject_code
<< " of teacher: " << i+1 << " i.e. "
<< teachers[i].name << " is more than total "
<< "number of subjects i.e. " << subjects.size()
<< '\n';
void process_students_and_generate_results(
vector<student> &students,
vector<subject> &subjects,
vector<teacher> &teachers)
cout << "Processing students results:" << endl;
int student_number = 0;
for (auto &a_student: students)
int attempts = 0;
cout << "Processing student " << student_number << " i.e. "
<< a_student.name << ":" << endl;
for (int i=0; i < a_student.subjects.size(); i++)
result a_result;
a_result.subject_code = a_student.subjects[i];
if (a_result.subject_code > subjects.size())
cerr << "Fatal error. Subject code "
<< a_result.subject_code << " of student: "
<< student_number << " i.e. " << a_student.name
<< " is more than total number of subjects i.e. "
<< subjects.size() << '\n';
// -1 since index starts at 0
auto &a_subject = subjects[a_result.subject_code-1];
a_result.subject_name = a_subject.name;
a_result.teacher_code = pick_teacher_randomly(
// -1 since index starts at 0
auto &a_teacher = teachers[a_result.teacher_code-1];
a_result.teacher_name = a_teacher.name;
int attempts_based_marks_modifier = (attempts-1)*5;
a_result.mean = (
- a_subject.difficulty
- a_teacher.toughness
+ attempts_based_marks_modifier);
a_result.standard_deviation = (
- a_subject.variability
- a_teacher.variability);
a_result.standard_deviation = absolute_number(
int minimum_possible_marks = (
a_result.mean - a_result.standard_deviation);
minimum_possible_marks = bigger_number(
minimum_possible_marks, 0);
minimum_possible_marks = smaller_number(
minimum_possible_marks, 100);
int maximum_possible_marks = (
a_result.mean + a_result.standard_deviation);
maximum_possible_marks = smaller_number(
maximum_possible_marks, 100);
maximum_possible_marks = bigger_number(
maximum_possible_marks, 0);
int marks = random_int(
a_result.marks = marks;
a_result.grade = return_grade_for_float((float)marks);
cout << a_result.subject_name << " ("
<< a_result.subject_code << ") by "
<< a_result.teacher_name << " ("
<< a_result.teacher_code << ") Attempt: "
<< attempts << " Mean: "
<< a_result.mean << " Standard Deviation: "
<< a_result.standard_deviation << " Maximum: "
<< maximum_possible_marks << " Minimum: "
<< minimum_possible_marks << " Marks: "
<< a_result.marks << " Grade: " << a_result.grade
<< endl;
// Supplementary provided.
if (marks >= 45 and marks < 50)
int supplementary_marks_modifier = 5;
a_result.mean += supplementary_marks_modifier;
marks = random_int(
+ supplementary_marks_modifier;
a_result.marks = marks;
if (marks >= 50)
a_result.grade = "SP";
a_result.grade = "F";
cout << "Supplementary Marks: " << a_result.marks
<< " Grade: " << a_result.grade << endl;
// Fail.
if (a_result.grade == "F")
/* Max attempts allowed reached. Excluded from college.
* No more subjects are taught.
if (attempts >= MAX_ATTEMPTS_ALLOWED)
a_student.overall_marks += marks;
cout << endl; //cosmetic hotfix
a_student.overall_grade_or_status = "F";
a_student.subjects_studied += 1;
// Repeat same subject
// Study next subject with attempt reset to 0.
a_student.overall_marks += marks;
attempts = 0;
a_student.subjects_studied += 1;
// line between every subject attempt
cout << endl;
a_student.percentage = ((float)
if (a_student.overall_grade_or_status == "?")
a_student.overall_grade_or_status =\
cout << "Overall Percentage: " << a_student.percentage
<< " Overall Grade: " << a_student.overall_grade_or_status
<< '\n' << endl;
void write_results_to_output_file(
vector<student> &students, std::string results_file_name)
ofstream results_file(results_file_name);
if (!results_file.good())
cerr << "Fatal Error: Could not write results to output-file:"
<< results_file_name << "\n"
<< "Possibly do not have write acces to directory\n";
for (auto a_student: students)
results_file << a_student.code << "-" << a_student.name << ","\
<< a_student.program << "-" << a_student.percentage << "-"\
<< a_student.overall_grade_or_status << ":";
for (auto a_result:a_student.results)
results_file << a_result.subject_code << "-"\
<< a_result.subject_name << ","\
<< a_result.teacher_code << "-"\
<< a_result.teacher_name << ","\
<< a_result.mean << "+-"\
<< a_result.standard_deviation << "=>"\
<< a_result.marks << "-" << a_result.grade << ";";
results_file << "\n";
int pick_teacher_randomly(vector<int> teachers_codes)
int selected_teacher_index = random_int(
0, (teachers_codes.size()-1));
return teachers_codes[selected_teacher_index];
string return_grade_for_float(float percentage)
if (percentage >= 85.0)
return "HD";
else if (percentage >= 75.0)
return "D";
else if (percentage >= 65.0)
return "C";
else if (percentage >= 50.0)
return "P";
return "F";

abc.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
// License: AGPLv3 or later. https://www.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.html
/* Functions which are written specifically for A Big College (ABC)
#ifndef _ABC_H_
#define _ABC_H_
#include <vector>
struct input_files_name
std::string students;
std::string subjects;
std::string teachers;
std::string results; // output-file
struct input_files_textlines
std::vector<std::string> students;
std::vector<std::string> subjects;
std::vector<std::string> teachers;
struct teacher
/* teacher's index no.+1 is treated as teacher code which is used
* internally in subject's struct as teachers who can teach those
* subjects
// int code;
std::string name;
int toughness;
int variability;
std::vector<int> subjects;
struct result
int subject_code;
/* Even though redundant, it makes function statements a lot more
* readable.
std::string subject_name;
int teacher_code;
// Same as previous comment
std::string teacher_name;
int mean;
int standard_deviation;
int marks;
std::string grade;
struct student
std::string name;
std::string code;
int ability;
int consistency;
std::string program;
// Only the last attempt of every subject is added to overall_marks
int overall_marks = 0;
/* Following calculation is used to obtain percentage upto two decimal
* points precision only:
* ((float)((overall_marks*100)/subjects_studied)/100.0)
float percentage;
/* If fail, F will be added at exclusion time. Else, will be
* calculated based on percentage.
std::string overall_grade_or_status = "?";
std::vector<int> subjects;
// used for calculating overall percentage
int subjects_studied = 0;
std::vector<result> results;
struct subject
// subject's index no.+1 is treated as subject code
// int code;
std::string name;
int difficulty;
int variability;
std::vector<int> teachers;
input_files_name perform_checks_on_args(
int argc, char *argv[]);
input_files_textlines read_input_files(
input_files_name file_names);
std::vector<student> generate_students_struct(
std::vector<std::string> students);
std::vector<subject> generate_subjects_struct(
std::vector<std::string> subjects);
std::vector<teacher> generate_teachers_struct(
std::vector<std::string> teachers);
void add_teachers_vector_index_number_to_subjects_struct(
std::vector<teacher> &teachers,
std::vector<subject> &subjects);
void process_students_and_generate_results(
std::vector<student> &students,
std::vector<subject> &subjects,
std::vector<teacher> &teachers);
void write_results_to_output_file(
std::vector<student> &students, std::string results_file_name);
int pick_teacher_randomly(std::vector<int> teachers_codes);
std::string return_grade_for_float(float percentage);

driver.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
// License: AGPLv3 or later. https://www.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.html
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "abc.h"
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
input_files_name args = perform_checks_on_args(argc, argv);
input_files_textlines input_files_by_line = read_input_files(
vector<student> students = generate_students_struct(
vector<subject> subjects = generate_subjects_struct(
vector<teacher> teachers = generate_teachers_struct(
add_teachers_vector_index_number_to_subjects_struct(teachers, subjects);
students, subjects, teachers);
write_results_to_output_file(students, args.results);
return 0;

general_functions.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
// License: AGPLv3 or later. https://www.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.html
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
# include "general_functions.h"
using namespace std;
vector<string> get_textfile_lines(std::string filename)
ifstream file(filename);
vector<string> file_lines;
if (! file.good())
cerr << "Failed to open/read file: " << filename\
<< ". Non-exhaustive list of possible reasons:\n"\
<< "1. File does not exist.\n"\
<< "2. Unable to read file due to:\n"\
<< "2.1 Don't have read access to file\n"\
<< "2.2 File is opened elsewhere and some program have a "\
<< "lock on file.\n";
cout << "Reading file: " << filename << endl;
while (file.good())
string line;
getline(file, line);
return file_lines;
int random_int(int lower_bound, int upper_bound)
static std::random_device seed;
static std::mt19937 random_number_generator(seed());
std::uniform_int_distribution<std::mt19937::result_type> range(
lower_bound, upper_bound);
return range(random_number_generator);
bool is_string_some_positive_number(std::string a_string)
for (int i=0; i < a_string.size(); i++)
string character(1, a_string[i]);
return false;
return true;

general_functions.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
// License: AGPLv3 or later. https://www.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.html
/* General functions which can be used in any program
#include <vector>
std::vector<std::string> get_textfile_lines(std::string filename);
int random_int(int lower_bound, int upper_bound);
bool is_string_some_positive_number(std::string a_string);
/* Its a good practice to prototype all functions including which are
* defined in header file itself such as inline functions before defining
* any function. This way, even if we use one function in another
* function, we do not have to worry about function undefined error
* possibilities.
inline int absolute_number(int number);
inline int smaller_number(int a, int b);
inline int bigger_number(int a, int b);
/* this function is used between different parts of program's standard
* output for better sepration of dissimilar outputs
inline void print_three_newlines();
inline int absolute_number(int number)
if (number < 0)
return -(number);
return number;
inline int smaller_number(int a, int b)
if (a > b)
return b;
return a;
inline int bigger_number(int a, int b)
if (a < b)
return b;
return a;
inline void print_three_newlines()
std::cout << "\n" << std::endl;

makefile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
ABC: driver.o abc.o general_functions.o
CC -std=c++11 -o ABC driver.o abc.o general_functions.o && rm *.o
driver.o: driver.cpp abc.h
CC -std=c++11 -c driver.cpp
abc.o: abc.cpp general_functions.h
CC -std=c++11 -c abc.cpp
general_functions.o: general_functions.cpp
CC -std=c++11 -c general_functions.cpp