// License: AGPLv3 or later. https://www.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.html Compile on UOW Banshee server using either of the following command in terminal/shell: $ make OR $ CC -std=c++11 -o ABC driver.cpp abc.cpp general_functions.cpp As per test on my machine using folowwing code, there is no memory leak: $ valgrind --tool=memcheck ./ABC Students.txt Subjects.txt Teachers.txt Results.txt However, there is leak when running bcheck on banshee. This could be because of bug in compiler CC. Documentation: Commenting explaning functions use and rational are in header files. Comments explaning implementation of functions are in cpp files. Exit codes error list: (Read standard error output to find the exact reason of errors.) 1 - Error related to arguments recived 2 - Error while reading file 3 - Error while processing subjects file lines string into subject structs 4 - Error while processing teachers file lines string into teacher structs 5 - Subject code in student's subject list or teacher's subject list is out of range (more than number of subjects) 6 - Error while writting results to output-file