fix (curriculum): updated guidelines for the boilerplate text to match with the demo

Hassaan Pasha 4 years ago committed by Kristofer Koishigawa
parent 8123554e2d
commit 5cdcd62ed9

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
4. If the date string is **valid** the api returns a JSON having the structure
`{"unix": <date.getTime()>, "utc" : <date.toUTCString()> }`
e.g. `{"unix": 1479663089000 ,"utc": "Sun, 20 Nov 2016 17:31:29 GMT"}`.
5. If the date string is **invalid** the api returns a JSON having the structure `{"unix": null, "utc" : "Invalid Date" }`. It is what you get from the date manipulation functions used above.
5. If the date string is **invalid** the api returns a JSON having the structure `{"error" : "Invalid Date" }`.
#### Example usage:

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
<li>If the date string is <strong>valid</strong> the api returns a JSON having the structure<br><code>{"unix": &lt;date.getTime()&gt;, "utc" : &lt;date.toUTCString()&gt; }</code><br>
e.g. <code>{"unix": 1479663089000 ,"utc": "Sun, 20 Nov 2016 17:31:29 GMT"}</code></li>
<li>If the date string is <strong>invalid</strong> the api returns a JSON having the structure <br>
<code>{"unix": null, "utc" : "Invalid Date" }</code>. It is what you get from the date manipulation functions used above.
<code>{"error" : "Invalid Date" }</code>.
