API Project: URL Shortener Microservice

User Story:

  1. I can POST a URL to [project_url]/api/shorturl/new and I will receive a shortened URL in the JSON response.
    Example : { "original_url": "www.google.com", "short_url": 1 }
  2. If I pass an invalid URL that doesn't follow the http(s)://www.example.com(/more/routes) format, the JSON response will contain an error like { "error": "invalid URL" }
    HINT: To be sure that the submitted URL points to a valid site, you can use the function dns.lookup(host, cb) from the dns core module.
  3. When I visit the shortened URL, it will redirect me to my original link.

Short URL Creation

example: POST [project_url]/api/shorturl/new - https://www.google.com

Example Usage:


Will Redirect to:
