API Project: URL Shortener Microservice

User Story:

  1. I can POST a URL to [project_url]/api/shorturl/new and I will receive a shortened URL in the JSON response.

    Example : {"original_url":"www.google.com","short_url":1}

  2. If I pass an invalid URL that doesn't follow the http(s)://www.example.com(/more/routes) format, the JSON response will contain an error like {"error":"invalid URL"}

    HINT: To be sure that the submitted URL points to a valid site, you can use the function dns.lookup(host, cb) from the dns core module. Incase you are new to NodeJs, you can learn about this function from its documentation.(NodeJs Documentation)

  3. When I visit the shortened URL, it will redirect me to my original link.

Short URL Creation

example: POST [project_url]/api/shorturl/new - https://www.google.com

Example Usage:


Will Redirect to:
