ISQA_4 - Issue Tracker

User Stories

  1. I can POST /api/issues/{projectname} with form data containing required issue_title, issue_text, created_by, and optional assigned_to and status_text.
  2. The object saved (and returned) will include all of those fields (blank for optional no input) and also include created_on(date/time), updated_on(date/time), open(boolean, true for open, false for closed), and _id.
  3. I can PUT /api/issues/{projectname} with a _id and any fields in the object with a value to object said object. Returned will be 'successfully updated' or 'could not update '+_id. This should always update updated_on. If no fields are sent return 'no updated field sent'.
  4. I can DELETE /api/issues/{projectname} with a _id to completely delete an issue. If no _id is sent return '_id error', success: 'deleted '+_id, failed: 'could not delete '+_id.
  5. I can GET /api/issues/{projectname} for an array of all issues on that specific project with all the information for each issue as was returned when posted.
  6. I can filter my get request by also passing along any field and value in the query(ie. /api/issues/{project}?open=false). I can pass along as many fields/values as I want.
  7. All 11 functional tests are complete and passing.

Example get usage:


Example return:

[{"_id":"5871dda29faedc3491ff93bb","issue_title":"Fix error in posting data","issue_text":"When we post data it has an error.","created_on":"2017-01-08T06:35:14.240Z","updated_on":"2017-01-08T06:35:14.240Z","created_by":"Joe","assigned_to":"Joe","open":true,"status_text":"In QA"},...]

EXAMPLE: Go to /apitest/ project issues

API Tests:

Submit issue on apitest

Update issue on apitest (Change any or all to update issue on the _id supplied)

Delete issue on apitest