/* * * * FILL IN EACH UNIT TEST BELOW COMPLETELY * -----[Keep the tests in the same order!]---- * (if additional are added, keep them at the very end!) */ var chai = require('chai'); var assert = chai.assert; var ConvertHandler = require('../controllers/convertHandler.js'); var convertHandler = new ConvertHandler(); suite('Unit Tests', function(){ suite('Function convertHandler.getNum(input)', function() { test('Whole number input', function(done) { var input = '32L'; assert.equal(convertHandler.getNum(input),32); done(); }); test('Decimal Input', function(done) { //done(); }); test('Fractional Input', function(done) { //done(); }); test('Fractional Input w/ Decimal', function(done) { //done(); }); test('Invalid Input (double fraction)', function(done) { //done(); }); test('No Numerical Input', function(done) { //done(); }); }); suite('Function convertHandler.getUnit(input)', function() { test('For Each Valid Unit Inputs', function(done) { var input = ['gal','l','mi','km','lbs','kg','GAL','L','MI','KM','LBS','KG']; input.forEach(function(ele) { //assert }); done(); }); test('Unknown Unit Input', function(done) { //done(); }); }); suite('Function convertHandler.getReturnUnit(initUnit)', function() { test('For Each Valid Unit Inputs', function(done) { var input = ['gal','l','mi','km','lbs','kg']; var expect = ['l','gal','km','mi','kg','lbs']; input.forEach(function(ele, i) { assert.equal(convertHandler.getReturnUnit(ele), expect[i]); }); done(); }); }); suite('Function convertHandler.spellOutUnit(unit)', function() { test('For Each Valid Unit Inputs', function(done) { //see above example for hint done(); }); }); suite('Function convertHandler.convert(num, unit)', function() { test('Gal to L', function(done) { var input = [5, 'gal']; var expected = 18.9271; assert.approximately(convertHandler.convert(input[0],input[1]),expected,0.1); //0.1 tolerance done(); }); test('L to Gal', function(done) { //done(); }); test('Mi to Km', function(done) { //done(); }); test('Km to Mi', function(done) { //done(); }); test('Lbs to Kg', function(done) { //done(); }); test('Kg to Lbs', function(done) { //done(); }); }); });