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ISQA_2 - Metric/Imp Converter
<div id='userstories' style='margin-left: 5%; margin-top: 5%'>
<h3>User Stories</h3>
<li>I will help prevent the client from trying to guess(sniff) the MIME type.</li>
<li>I will prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.</li>
<li>I can <b>GET</b> <code>/api/convert</code> with a single parameter containing an accepted number and unit and have it converted.</li>
<li>Hint: Split the input by looking for the index of the first character.</li>
<li>I can convert 'gal' to 'L' and vice versa. <b>(1 gal to 3.78541 L)</b></li>
<li>I can convert 'lbs' to 'kg' and vice versa. <b>(1 lbs to 0.453592 kg)</b></li>
<li>I can convert 'mi' to 'km' and vice versa. <b>(1 mi to 1.60934 km)</b></li>
<li>If my unit of measurement is invalid, returned will be 'invalid unit'.</li>
<li>If my number is invalid, returned with will 'invalid number'.</li>
<li>If both are invalid, return will be 'invalid number and unit'.</li>
<li>I can use fractions, decimals or both in my parameter(ie. 5, 1/2, 2.5/6), but if nothing is provided it will default to 1.</li>
<li>My return will consist of the initNum, initUnit, returnNum, returnUnit, and string spelling out units in format <code>{initNum} {initial_Units} converts to {returnNum} {return_Units}</code> with the result rounded to 5 decimals.</li>
<li>All 16 unit tests are complete and passing.</li>
<li>All 5 functional tests are complete and passing.</li>
<h3>Example usage:</h3>
<h3>Example return:</h3>
<code>{initNum: 3.1, initUnit: 'mi', returnNum: 5.0000008, returnUnit: 'km', string: '3.1 miles converts to 5.00002 kilometers'}</code>
<hr style='margin: 50px'>
<div id='testui' style='margin-left: 5%'>
<h2 style="text-align: left">Front-End:</h2>
<form id="convertForm" class="border">
<input type="text" id="convertField" name="input" placeholder="3.1mi" style="width: 200px">
<input id="convert" type="submit" value='Convert!'>
<p id='result'></p>
<code id='jsonResult'></code>
<hr style='margin: 50px; margin-top: 200px'>
<!-- Your web-app is https, so your scripts need to be too -->
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.1.min.js"
$(function() {
$('#convertForm').submit(function(event) {
url: '/api/convert',
type: 'get',
data: $('#convertForm').serialize(),
success: function(data) {
$('#result').text(data.string || data);