### Assignment In this project you will use object oriented programming to create a Rectangle class and a Square class. The Square class should be a subclass of Rectangle and inherit methods and attributes. #### Rectangle class When a Rectangle object is created, it should be initialized with `width` and `height` attributes. The class should also contain the following methods: * `set_width` * `set_height` * `get_area`: Returns area (`width * height`) * `get_perimeter`: Returns perimeter (`2 * width + 2 * height`) * `get_diagonal`: Returns diagonal (`(width ** 2 + height ** 2) ** .5`) * `get_picture`: Returns a string that represents the shape using lines of "\*". The number of lines should be equal to the height and the number of "\*" in each line should be equal to the width. There should be a new line (`\n`) at the end of each line. If the width or height is larger than 50, this should return the string: "Too big for picture.". * `get_amount_inside`: Takes another shape (square or rectangle) as an argument. Returns the number of times the passed in shape could fit inside the shape (with no rotations). For instance, a rectangle with a width of 4 and a height of 8 could fit in two squares with sides of 4. Additionally, if an instance of a Rectangle is represented as a string, it should look like: `Rectangle(width=5, height=10)` #### Square class The Square class should be a subclass of Rectangle. When a Square object is created, a single side length is passed in. The `__init__` method should store the side length in both the `width` and `height` attributes from the Rectangle class. The Square class should be able to access the Rectangle class methods but should also contain a `set_side` method. If an instance of a Square is represented as a string, it should look like: `Square(side=9)` Additionally, the `set_width` and `set_height` methods on the Square class should set both the width and height. #### Usage example ```py rect = shape_calculator.Rectangle(10, 5) print(rect.get_area()) rect.set_height(3) print(rect.get_perimeter()) print(rect) print(rect.get_picture()) sq = shape_calculator.Square(9) print(sq.get_area()) sq.set_side(4) print(sq.get_diagonal()) print(sq) print(sq.get_picture()) rect.set_height(8) rect.set_width(16) print(rect.get_amount_inside(sq)) ``` That code should return: ``` 50 26 Rectangle(width=10, height=3) ********** ********** ********** 81 5.656854249492381 Square(side=4) **** **** **** **** 8 ``` The unit tests for this project are in `test_module.py`. ### Development Write your code in `shape_calculator.py`. For development, you can use `main.py` to test your `shape_calculator()` function. Click the "run" button and `main.py` will run. ### Testing We imported the tests from `test_module.py` to `main.py` for your convenience. The tests will run automatically whenever you hit the "run" button. ### Submitting Copy your project's URL and submit it to freeCodeCamp.