import os import shutil def CallFuncInDir(Directory, Function, *args, **kwArgs): CurrentDir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(Directory) Function(*args, **kwArgs) os.chdir(CurrentDir) def CreateDir(Directory): """ return True if operation succesful and False if failed """ if not os.path.isfile(Directory): if not os.path.isdir(Directory): os.mkdir(Directory) return True else: return False def CopyFile(Source, Destination): """ raises exception if fails. Implement exception handling else program will abort. """ try: # hard link if on same partition, Destination) except FileExistsError: # FIXME: create a function to compare if two files # are same and use it here pass except OSError: # copy if on different partition shutil.copy2(Source, Destination) except Exception as unknownError: raise unknownError