#!/usr/bin/python3 """ Run as: python3 thisscript.py "/bundles/directoty" "/website/template/root/directory/ All sub-directories of bundles directory will be scanned for activity bundles i.e. .xo files. """ """ FIXME: paths hard coded unix style & most likely will not work on winodws. Use code written for IMM to handle it. """ import glob import json import os import shutil import sys from urllib.parse import quote as strToHtmlFmt import zipfile from GeneralFunctions.DataStructureManupulations import ( GetTextAfter, UnquoteString, StrListToDictionary ) from GeneralFunctions.InputOutput import ( WriteTextFiles, WriteBinaryToFile ) from GeneralFunctions.OS import ( CallFuncInDir, CreateDir ) class extractData: def findInfoFiles(self, bundle): infoFiles = [] for File in bundle.namelist(): if File.endswith("activity/activity.info"): infoFiles.append(File) return infoFiles def copyBundle(self, bundleSrc, activityName): CallFuncInDir( self.websiteDir, shutil.copy2, self.bundlesDir+bundleSrc, "bundles/"+activityName+".xo" ) def createDirectories(self): assert(CreateDir("app")) assert(CreateDir("icons")) assert(CreateDir("bundles")) assert(CreateDir("js")) def extractActivityInfo(self, infoFilePath, zipFile): infoList, infoDict = [], {} infoList = zipFile.read( infoFilePath).decode("utf-8").split('\n') return StrListToDictionary(infoList) def extractInfoAndIconFromBundles(self): for bundlePath in self.activityBundles: bundle = zipfile.ZipFile(bundlePath, "r") infoFiles = self.findInfoFiles(bundle) if len(infoFiles) != 1: self.bundlesNotExactlyOneInfoFile.append(bundlePath) else: infoDict = self.extractActivityInfo(infoFiles[0], bundle) self.bundlesInfoList.append(infoDict) # FIXME: create seprate function for it # extract and copy icon activityName = infoDict.get("name") if type(activityName) == str: iconRelativePath = infoDict.get("icon") if type(iconRelativePath) == str: iconFolder = infoFiles[0][:infoFiles[0].rfind("/")+1] iconAbsolutePath = ( iconFolder+iconRelativePath+".svg") if iconAbsolutePath in bundle.namelist(): icon = bundle.read(iconAbsolutePath) iconPath = ( "icons/"+ activityName +".svg" ) CallFuncInDir( self.websiteDir, WriteBinaryToFile, iconPath, icon ) else: # Conitnue without icon since non-fatal error self.iconErroredBundles.append(bundlePath) bundle.close() # FIXME: uncomment below function. # Disabled sometime during devlopment as time consuming self.copyBundle(bundlePath, activityName) bundle.close() def generateAppsHtmlPages(self): iconsDir = "../icons/" bundlesDir = "../bundles/" for appInfo in self.indexDictList: pathName = strToHtmlFmt(appInfo["name"], safe='') html = ( '\n\n\n'+appInfo["name"]+ '\n\n\n\n\n' '\n



' '



'+appInfo["summary"]+ '




'+ appInfo["description"]+'


Tags' '



\n\n' ) WriteTextFiles("./app/"+appInfo["name"]+".html", html) """ Only those which are specified in map will be added to index. If an entry or value does not exist in infoJSON than emprty entry will be created for it. appends keys rather than replacing where mutiple map to same """ def generateIndex(self, infoToIndexMap = { "name" : ("name", str), "summary" : ("summary", str), "description" : ("description", str), "tag" : ("tags", list), "tags" : ("tags", list), "categories" : ("tags", list), "category" : ("tags", list) }): unexpectedInputError = ( "main.py generateIndex() : expect only str, list or tuple as " "kwargs -> value[1] but found " ) i2IMap = infoToIndexMap self.indexDictList = [] for obj in json.loads(self.infoJson): indexDict = {} for k, v in obj.items(): if k in i2IMap: # add new entry/key to app index if k not in indexDict: if i2IMap[k][1] == str: indexDict[i2IMap[k][0]] = v elif (i2IMap[k][1] == list or i2IMap[k][1] == tuple): if v.find(';') >= 0: indexDict[i2IMap[k][0]] = v.split(';') else: indexDict[i2IMap[k][0]] = v.split() # Append to existing entry/key to app index else: if i2IMap[k][1] == str: indexDict[i2IMap[k][0]] += ' '+v elif (i2IMap[k][1] == list or i2IMap[k][1] == tuple): if v.find(';') >= 0: indexDict[i2IMap[k][0]] += v.split(';') else: indexDict[i2IMap[k][0]] += v.split() else: print(unexpectedInputError, i2IMap[k][1]) sys.exit(1) # Create entry/key with empty value for keys not present # in activty.info for k ,v in i2IMap.items(): if v[0] not in indexDict: if v[1] == str: indexDict[v[0]] = "" elif (v[1] == list or v[1] == tuple): indexDict[v[0]] = () else: print(unexpectedInputError, v[1]) sys.exit(1) self.indexDictList.append(indexDict) self.indexJs = "search.assignIndex("+json.dumps(self.indexDictList, indent=4)+")" def generateInfoJson(self): self.infoJson = json.dumps(self.bundlesInfoList) def __init__(self, bundlesDir, websiteDir): """ FIXME: WARNING:: some files may be missing such as some app may not have icon (use a placeholder icon for them) Some bundles are not succesfully processed (html page + bundle copy) but are not in error logs as well. There are 495 bundles in Tony's repo, 479 sucessfully processed but showing fatal error of 12 only, i.e. 4 missing. """ self.bundlesDir = bundlesDir self.websiteDir = websiteDir self.activityBundles = [] self.bundlesNotZipFiles = [] self.bundlesNotExactlyOneInfoFile = [] self.bundlesInfoList = [] self.infoJson = '' self.indexDictList = [] self.erroredBundles = [] self.iconErroredBundles = [] CallFuncInDir(self.websiteDir, self.createDirectories) os.chdir(bundlesDir) self.activityBundles = glob.glob("**/*.xo", recursive=True) self.purgeBundlesNotZipFile() self.extractInfoAndIconFromBundles() self.generateInfoJson() self.generateIndex() os.chdir(websiteDir) self.generateAppsHtmlPages() self.writeFiles() #self.copyBundles() def purgeBundlesNotZipFile(self): activityBundles = [] for bundle in self.activityBundles: if zipfile.is_zipfile(bundle): activityBundles.append(bundle) else: self.bundlesNotZipFiles.append(bundle) self.activityBundles = activityBundles def writeFiles(self): """ Files which are not continously written during the process Eg. Html, icon and bundles are written while processing each bundle """ WriteTextFiles("info.json", self.infoJson) WriteTextFiles("./js/index.js",self.indexJs) WriteTextFiles( "bundlesNotExactlyOneInfoFile", self.bundlesNotExactlyOneInfoFile) WriteTextFiles("bundlesNotZipFiles.txt", self.bundlesNotZipFiles) WriteTextFiles("erroredBundles.txt", self.erroredBundles) WriteTextFiles("iconErroredBundles.txt", self.iconErroredBundles) def processArguments(): variables = {} if len(sys.argv) == 3: variables["programDir"] = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))+'/' variables["bundlesDir"] = os.path.realpath(sys.argv[1])+'/' variables["websiteDir"] = os.path.realpath(sys.argv[2])+'/' else: print( "Please give exactly two arguments to program.\n" "1. root directory of all activity bundles to be included " "in website\n" "2. root directory of website template\n" ) sys.exit(1) return variables def main(): variables = processArguments() extractData(variables["bundlesDir"], variables["websiteDir"]) if __name__ == "__main__": main();