/* Sugar Activities App Store (SAAS) https://github.com/free-libre-software/sugarappstore https://radii.dev/sugarlabs/appstore Copyright 2020 Manish This file is part of "Sugar Activities App Store" aka "SAAS". SAAS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. SAAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with SAAS. If not, see . */ "use strict"; var similarString = function(a, b) { return !a.localeCompare(b, undefined, {sensitivity: 'base'}); } var countSimilarWordsInStrings = function(str1, str2) { var count = 0; var array1 = str1.split(' '); var array2 = str2.split(' '); for (var wordX of array1) { for (var wordY of array2) { if (similarString(wordX, wordY)) count++; } } return count; } // FIXME: function not yet tested var partialStrMatch = function(str1, str2) { var lengthDiff = str1.length - str2.length; if (lengthDiff < 0) { [str1, str2] = [str2, str1]; lengthDiff = -lengthDiff; } for (var i=0; i <= lengthDiff; i++) { var str1Part = str1.substr(i, i+lengthDiff); if (similarString(str1Part, str2)) return 1; } return 0; } var search = { _index : null, _queuedQuery : null, appObjToHtml : function(app) { var html = '













    \n'; for (var tag of app.tags) html += '
  • '+ tag +'
  • \n'; html += '


\n'; return html; }, assignIndex : function(index) { this._index = index; if (this._queuedQuery !== null) { var queuedQuery = this._queuedQuery; this._queuedQuery = null; performSearch(queuedQuery); } }, displayResults : function(results) { $("#searchResults").show(); if (results[0][0] <= 0) { $(".sR:eq(1)").html("

No search result found

"); return; } for (var i=0; i <= $(".sR").length; i++) { // No more entries matching query if (results[i][0] <= 0) break var app = this._index[results[i][1]]; var html = this.appObjToHtml(app); $(".sR:eq("+i+")").html(html); } }, getQueryParameters : function (queryString) { var queryString = document.location.search; return this.parseQueryParameters(queryString); }, indexLoaded : function () { return (this._index !== null); }, init : function () { var params = this.getQueryParameters(); if (params.q) { var query = params.q[0]; query = query.replace("+", " "); $('input[name="q"]')[0].value = query; this.performSearch(query); } }, parseQueryParameters : function (queryString) { var parameters = {} var parts = queryString.substr(queryString.indexOf('?')+1).split('&'); for (var pair of parts) { var spliter = pair.indexOf('='); var key = pair.substr(0, spliter); var value = pair.substr(spliter+1); if (key in parameters) parameters[key].push(value); else parameters[key] = [value]; } return parameters; }, performSearch : function (query) { if (this.indexLoaded()) this.processSearch(query); else this._queuedQuery = query; }, processSearch : function (query) { var results = this.rankApps(query); results.sort(function(a, b) { // sort in descending rank order return b[0]-a[0]; }); this.displayResults(results); }, rankApp : function(app, query) { var rank = 0; rank += 10*countSimilarWordsInStrings(app.name, query); // rank += partialStrMatch(app.name, query); rank += 3*countSimilarWordsInStrings(app.summary, query); // rank += partialStrMatch(app.summary, query); rank += 2*countSimilarWordsInStrings(app.description, query); // rank += partialStrMatch(app.description, query); for (var tag of app.tags) rank += 5*countSimilarWordsInStrings(tag, query); // below statement causes error: tag is undefined when empty? // rank += partialStrMatch(tag, query); return rank; }, rankApps : function(query) { var results = []; for (var i=0; i < this._index.length; i++) { var app = this._index[i]; var rank = this.rankApp(app, query); results.push([rank, i]); } return results; } }; $(document).ready( function() { search.init(); });