You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

550 lines
18 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2007, One Laptop Per Child
# Copyright (C) 2010, Simon Schampijer
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import logging
import time
from datetime import datetime
import os
import tempfile
import gobject
import gconf
import gio
import dbus
import dbus.glib
from sugar import env
from sugar import mime
from sugar import dispatch
DS_DBUS_SERVICE = "org.laptop.sugar.DataStore"
DS_DBUS_INTERFACE = "org.laptop.sugar.DataStore"
DS_DBUS_PATH = "/org/laptop/sugar/DataStore"
_data_store = None
def _get_data_store():
global _data_store
if not _data_store:
_bus = dbus.SessionBus()
_data_store = dbus.Interface(_bus.get_object(DS_DBUS_SERVICE,
_data_store.connect_to_signal('Created', __datastore_created_cb)
_data_store.connect_to_signal('Deleted', __datastore_deleted_cb)
_data_store.connect_to_signal('Updated', __datastore_updated_cb)
return _data_store
def __datastore_created_cb(object_id):
metadata = _get_data_store().get_properties(object_id, byte_arrays=True)
updated.send(None, object_id=object_id, metadata=metadata)
def __datastore_updated_cb(object_id):
metadata = _get_data_store().get_properties(object_id, byte_arrays=True)
updated.send(None, object_id=object_id, metadata=metadata)
def __datastore_deleted_cb(object_id):
deleted.send(None, object_id=object_id)
created = dispatch.Signal()
deleted = dispatch.Signal()
updated = dispatch.Signal()
class DSMetadata(gobject.GObject):
"""A representation of the metadata associated with a DS entry."""
__gsignals__ = {
'updated': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ([])),
def __init__(self, properties=None):
if not properties:
self._properties = {}
self._properties = properties
default_keys = ['activity', 'activity_id',
'mime_type', 'title_set_by_user']
for key in default_keys:
if key not in self._properties:
self._properties[key] = ''
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._properties[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if key not in self._properties or self._properties[key] != value:
self._properties[key] = value
def __delitem__(self, key):
del self._properties[key]
def __contains__(self, key):
return self._properties.__contains__(key)
def has_key(self, key):
logging.warning(".has_key() is deprecated, use 'in'")
return key in self._properties
def keys(self):
return self._properties.keys()
def get_dictionary(self):
return self._properties
def copy(self):
return DSMetadata(self._properties.copy())
def get(self, key, default=None):
if key in self._properties:
return self._properties[key]
return default
def update(self, properties):
"""Update all of the metadata"""
for (key, value) in properties.items():
self[key] = value
class DSObject(object):
"""A representation of a DS entry."""
def __init__(self, object_id, metadata=None, file_path=None):
self._update_signal_match = None
self._object_id = None
self._metadata = metadata
self._file_path = file_path
self._destroyed = False
self._owns_file = False
def get_object_id(self):
return self._object_id
def set_object_id(self, object_id):
if self._update_signal_match is not None:
if object_id is not None:
self._update_signal_match = _get_data_store().connect_to_signal(
'Updated', self.__object_updated_cb, arg0=object_id)
self._object_id = object_id
object_id = property(get_object_id, set_object_id)
def __object_updated_cb(self, object_id):
properties = _get_data_store().get_properties(self._object_id,
def get_metadata(self):
if self._metadata is None and not self.object_id is None:
properties = _get_data_store().get_properties(self.object_id)
metadata = DSMetadata(properties)
self._metadata = metadata
return self._metadata
def set_metadata(self, metadata):
if self._metadata != metadata:
self._metadata = metadata
metadata = property(get_metadata, set_metadata)
def get_file_path(self, fetch=True):
if fetch and self._file_path is None and not self.object_id is None:
self._owns_file = True
return self._file_path
def set_file_path(self, file_path):
if self._file_path != file_path:
if self._file_path and self._owns_file:
if os.path.isfile(self._file_path):
self._owns_file = False
self._file_path = file_path
file_path = property(get_file_path, set_file_path)
def destroy(self):
if self._destroyed:
logging.warning('This DSObject has already been destroyed!.')
self._destroyed = True
if self._file_path and self._owns_file:
if os.path.isfile(self._file_path):
self._owns_file = False
self._file_path = None
def __del__(self):
if not self._destroyed:
logging.warning('DSObject was deleted without cleaning up first. '
'Call DSObject.destroy() before disposing it.')
def copy(self):
return DSObject(None, self._metadata.copy(), self._file_path)
class RawObject(object):
"""A representation for objects not in the DS but
in the file system.
def __init__(self, file_path):
stat = os.stat(file_path)
client = gconf.client_get_default()
metadata = {
'uid': file_path,
'title': os.path.basename(file_path),
'timestamp': stat.st_mtime,
'mime_type': gio.content_type_guess(filename=file_path),
'activity': '',
'activity_id': '',
'icon-color': client.get_string('/desktop/sugar/user/color'),
'description': file_path,
self.object_id = file_path
self._metadata = DSMetadata(metadata)
self._file_path = None
self._destroyed = False
def get_metadata(self):
return self._metadata
metadata = property(get_metadata)
def get_file_path(self, fetch=True):
# we have to create symlink since its a common practice
# to create hardlinks to jobject files
# and w/o this, it wouldn't work since we have file from mounted device
if self._file_path is None:
data_path = os.path.join(env.get_profile_path(), 'data')
self._file_path = tempfile.mktemp(
prefix='rawobject', dir=data_path)
if not os.path.exists(data_path):
os.symlink(self.object_id, self._file_path)
return self._file_path
file_path = property(get_file_path)
def destroy(self):
if self._destroyed:
logging.warning('This RawObject has already been destroyed!.')
self._destroyed = True
if self._file_path is not None:
if os.path.exists(self._file_path):
self._file_path = None
def __del__(self):
if not self._destroyed:
logging.warning('RawObject was deleted without cleaning up. '
'Call RawObject.destroy() before disposing it.')
def get(object_id):
"""Get the properties of the object with the ID given.
Keyword arguments:
object_id -- unique identifier of the object
Return: a DSObject
if object_id.startswith('/'):
return RawObject(object_id)
metadata = _get_data_store().get_properties(object_id, byte_arrays=True)
ds_object = DSObject(object_id, DSMetadata(metadata), None)
# TODO: register the object for updates
return ds_object
def create():
"""Create a new DSObject.
Return: a DSObject
metadata = DSMetadata()
metadata['mtime'] =
metadata['timestamp'] = int(time.time())
return DSObject(object_id=None, metadata=metadata, file_path=None)
def _update_ds_entry(uid, properties, filename, transfer_ownership=False,
reply_handler=None, error_handler=None, timeout=-1):
debug_properties = properties.copy()
if "preview" in debug_properties:
debug_properties["preview"] = "<omitted>"
logging.debug('dbus_helpers.update: %s, %s, %s, %s', uid, filename,
debug_properties, transfer_ownership)
if reply_handler and error_handler:
_get_data_store().update(uid, dbus.Dictionary(properties), filename,
_get_data_store().update(uid, dbus.Dictionary(properties),
filename, transfer_ownership)
def _create_ds_entry(properties, filename, transfer_ownership=False):
object_id = _get_data_store().create(dbus.Dictionary(properties), filename,
return object_id
def write(ds_object, update_mtime=True, transfer_ownership=False,
reply_handler=None, error_handler=None, timeout=-1):
"""Write the DSObject given to the datastore. Creates a new entry if
the entry does not exist yet.
Keyword arguments:
update_mtime -- boolean if the mtime of the entry should be regenerated
(default True)
transfer_ownership -- set it to true if the ownership of the entry should
be passed - who is responsible to delete the file
when done with it (default False)
reply_handler -- will be called with the method's return values as
arguments (default None)
error_handler -- will be called with an instance of a DBusException
representing a remote exception (default None)
timeout -- dbus timeout for the caller to wait (default -1)
properties = ds_object.metadata.get_dictionary().copy()
if update_mtime:
properties['mtime'] =
properties['timestamp'] = int(time.time())
file_path = ds_object.get_file_path(fetch=False)
if file_path is None:
file_path = ''
# FIXME: this func will be sync for creates regardless of the handlers
# supplied. This is very bad API, need to decide what to do here.
if ds_object.object_id:
if reply_handler or error_handler:
logging.warning('datastore.write() cannot currently be called' \
'async for creates, see ticket 3071')
ds_object.object_id = _create_ds_entry(properties, file_path,
ds_object.metadata['uid'] = ds_object.object_id
# TODO: register the object for updates
logging.debug('Written object %s to the datastore.', ds_object.object_id)
def delete(object_id):
"""Delete the datastore entry with the given uid.
Keyword arguments:
object_id -- uid of the datastore entry
16 years ago
def find(query, sorting=None, limit=None, offset=None, properties=None,
reply_handler=None, error_handler=None):
"""Find DS entries that match the query provided.
Keyword arguments:
query -- a dictionary containing metadata key value pairs
for a fulltext search use the key 'query' e.g. {'query': 'blue*'}
other possible well-known properties are:
'activity': 'my.organization.MyActivity'
'activity_id': '6f7f3acacca87886332f50bdd522d805f0abbf1f'
'title': 'My new project'
'title_set_by_user': '0'
'keep': '0'
'ctime': '1972-05-12T18:41:08'
'mtime': '2007-06-16T03:42:33'
'timestamp': 1192715145
'preview': ByteArray(png file data, 300x225 px)
'icon-color': '#ff0000,#ffff00'
'mime_type': 'application/x-my-activity'
'share-scope': # if shared
'buddies': '{}'
'description': 'some longer text'
'tags': 'one two'
sorting -- key to order results by e.g. 'timestamp' (default None)
limit -- return only limit results (default None)
offset -- return only results starting at offset (default None)
properties -- you can specify here a list of metadata you want to be
present in the result e.g. ['title, 'keep'] (default None)
reply_handler -- will be called with the method's return values as
arguments (default None)
error_handler -- will be called with an instance of a DBusException
representing a remote exception (default None)
Return: DSObjects matching the query, number of matches
query = query.copy()
16 years ago
if properties is None:
properties = []
if sorting:
query['order_by'] = sorting
if limit:
query['limit'] = limit
if offset:
query['offset'] = offset
if reply_handler and error_handler:
_get_data_store().find(query, properties,
entries, total_count = _get_data_store().find(query, properties,
ds_objects = []
for entry in entries:
object_id = entry['uid']
del entry['uid']
ds_object = DSObject(object_id, DSMetadata(entry), None)
return ds_objects, total_count
def copy(ds_object, mount_point):
"""Copy a datastore entry
Keyword arguments:
ds_object -- DSObject to copy
mount_point -- mount point of the new datastore entry
new_ds_object = ds_object.copy()
new_ds_object.metadata['mountpoint'] = mount_point
if 'title' in ds_object.metadata:
filename = ds_object.metadata['title']
if 'mime_type' in ds_object.metadata:
mime_type = ds_object.metadata['mime_type']
extension = mime.get_primary_extension(mime_type)
if extension:
filename += '.' + extension
new_ds_object.metadata['suggested_filename'] = filename
# this will cause the file be retrieved from the DS
new_ds_object.file_path = ds_object.file_path
def mount(uri, options, timeout=-1):
"""Deprecated. API private to the shell. Mount a device.
Keyword arguments:
uri -- identifier of the device
options -- mount options
timeout -- dbus timeout for the caller to wait (default -1)
Return: empty string
return _get_data_store().mount(uri, options, timeout=timeout)
def unmount(mount_point_id):
"""Deprecated. API private to the shell.
Keyword arguments:
mount_point_id -- id of the mount point
Note: API private to the shell.
def mounts():
"""Deprecated. Returns the mount point of the datastore. We get mount
points through gio now. API private to the shell.
Return: datastore mount point
return _get_data_store().mounts()
def complete_indexing():
"""Deprecated. API private to the shell."""
logging.warning('The method complete_indexing has been deprecated.')
def get_unique_values(key):
"""Retrieve an array of unique values for a field.
Keyword arguments:
key -- only the property activity is currently supported
Return: list of activities
return _get_data_store().get_uniquevaluesfor(
key, dbus.Dictionary({}, signature='ss'))