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# Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Red Hat, Inc.
# Copyright (C) 2007-2009 One Laptop Per Child
# Copyright (C) 2010 Collabora Ltd. <>
18 years ago
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
A definitive reference for what a Sugar Python activity must do to
participate in the Sugar desktop.
.. note:: This API is STABLE.
The :class:`Activity` class is used to derive all Sugar Python
activities. This is where your activity starts.
**Derive from the class**
.. code-block:: python
from sugar3.activity.activity import Activity
class MyActivity(Activity):
def __init__(self, handle):
Activity.__init__(self, handle)
An activity must implement a new class derived from
Name the new class `MyActivity`, where `My` is the name of your
activity. Use bundle metadata to tell Sugar to instantiate this
class. See :class:`~sugar3.bundle` for bundle metadata.
**Create a ToolbarBox**
In your :func:`__init__` method create a
:class:``, with an
:class:`~sugar3.activity.widgets.ActivityToolbarButton`, a
:class:`~sugar3.activity.widgets.StopButton`, and then call
.. code-block:: python
:emphasize-lines: 2-4,10-
from sugar3.activity.activity import Activity
from import ToolbarBox
from sugar3.activity.widgets import ActivityToolbarButton
from sugar3.activity.widgets import StopButton
class MyActivity(Activity):
def __init__(self, handle):
Activity.__init__(self, handle)
toolbar_box = ToolbarBox()
activity_button = ActivityToolbarButton(self)
toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(activity_button, 0)
separator = Gtk.SeparatorToolItem(draw=False)
toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(separator, -1)
stop_button = StopButton(self)
toolbar_box.toolbar.insert(stop_button, -1)
**Journal methods**
In your activity class, code
:func:`~sugar3.activity.activity.Activity.read_file()` and
:func:`~sugar3.activity.activity.Activity.write_file()` methods.
Most activities create and resume journal objects. For example,
the Write activity saves the document as a journal object, and
reads it from the journal object when resumed.
:func:`~sugar3.activity.activity.Activity.read_file()` and
:func:`~sugar3.activity.activity.Activity.write_file()` will be
called by the toolkit to tell your activity that it must load or
save the data the user is working on.
**Activity toolbars**
Add any activity toolbars before the last separator in the
:class:``, so that the
:class:`~sugar3.activity.widgets.StopButton` is aligned to the
There are a number of standard Toolbars.
You may need the :class:`~sugar3.activity.widgets.EditToolbar`.
This has copy and paste buttons. You may derive your own
class from
.. code-block:: python
from sugar3.activity.widgets import EditToolbar
class MyEditToolbar(EditToolbar):
See :class:`~sugar3.activity.widgets.EditToolbar` for the
methods you should implement in your class.
You may need some activity specific buttons and options which
you can create as toolbars by deriving a class from
.. code-block:: python
class MySpecialToolbar(Gtk.Toolbar):
An activity can be shared across the network with other users. Near
the end of your :func:`__init__`, test if the activity is shared,
and connect to signals to detect sharing.
.. code-block:: python
if self.shared_activity:
# we are joining the activity
self.connect('joined', self._joined_cb)
if self.get_shared():
# we have already joined
# we are creating the activity
self.connect('shared', self._shared_cb)
Add methods to handle the signals.
Read through the methods of the :class:`Activity` class below, to learn
more about how to make an activity work.
Hint: A good and simple activity to learn from is the Read activity.
You may copy it and use it as a template.
import six
import gettext
import logging
import os
import signal
import time
from hashlib import sha1
from functools import partial
import cairo
import json
import gi
gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
gi.require_version('Gdk', '3.0')
gi.require_version('TelepathyGLib', '0.12')
gi.require_version('SugarExt', '1.0')
from gi.repository import GLib
from gi.repository import GObject
from gi.repository import Gdk
from gi.repository import Gtk
from gi.repository import TelepathyGLib
import dbus
import dbus.service
from dbus import PROPERTIES_IFACE
from sugar3 import util
from sugar3 import power
from sugar3.profile import get_color, get_save_as
from sugar3.presence import presenceservice
from sugar3.activity.activityservice import ActivityService
from import style
from import Window
from import Alert
from import Icon
from sugar3.datastore import datastore
from sugar3.bundle.activitybundle import get_bundle_instance
from sugar3.bundle.helpers import bundle_from_dir
Allow to run activities without Sugar shell. - Handle lack of GSettings gracefully. - Still requires sugar-datastore. - Supports avoiding X11 docks/panels. - Provides icons for Activity windows. Try it outside Sugar. Go to an Activity directory and run 'sugar-activity'. Tested it with Terminal, Finance, Write, Browse, Memorize under XFCE4. Tested in Gnome under OLPC-OS. Also works from Sugar Terminal Activity. Does not affect regular Sugar operation. This is patch v.2 - Addresses most concerns: - Removed commented code, sorry. - Changed code to use profile.get_nickname and get_color where possible. Couldn't the launcher just pass this info? Maybe the launcher could set the activity root as well? - It is intended to be usable from the command line also. Should put sugar version in the environment - It is intended to work even without Sugar Shell installed. Why don't we always set the icon? - On XO it might use some memory. I was concerned to degrade performance. Also, imports should be at the top of the file? - Also a concern about performance on XO. This way it is only loaded in this use case. Maybe it is insignificant -moved as requested. It would be nice if the changes to the POT for sugar-toolkit-gtk3 could be incorporated in this pull request, please. - There were no changes to POT files as part of this patch. Maybe it is worth translating low level command line tools, not sure. Suggest packaged activities might also provide .desktop files. - Intriguing but not sure within scope of this patch. You mean generate a .desktop file automatically as an option? Sounds nice! Suggest sugar-activity might also accept path to unpacked bundle. - Implemented!
8 years ago
from sugar3 import env
from errno import EEXIST
from gi.repository import SugarExt
def _(msg):
return gettext.dgettext('sugar-toolkit-gtk3', msg)
SCOPE_PRIVATE = 'private'
SCOPE_INVITE_ONLY = 'invite' # shouldn't be shown in UI, it's implicit
J_DBUS_SERVICE = 'org.laptop.Journal'
J_DBUS_PATH = '/org/laptop/Journal'
J_DBUS_INTERFACE = 'org.laptop.Journal'
N_BUS_NAME = 'org.freedesktop.Notifications'
N_OBJ_PATH = '/org/freedesktop/Notifications'
N_IFACE_NAME = 'org.freedesktop.Notifications'
CONN_INTERFACE_ACTIVITY_PROPERTIES = 'org.laptop.Telepathy.ActivityProperties'
PREVIEW_SIZE = style.zoom(300), style.zoom(225)
Size of a preview image for journal object metadata.
class _ActivitySession(GObject.GObject):
__gsignals__ = {
'quit-requested': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ([])),
'quit': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ([])),
def __init__(self):
self._xsmp_client = SugarExt.ClientXSMP()
self._xsmp_client.connect('quit', self.__sm_quit_cb)
self._activities = []
self._will_quit = []
def register(self, activity):
def unregister(self, activity):
if len(self._activities) == 0:
logging.debug('Quitting the activity process.')
def will_quit(self, activity, will_quit):
if will_quit:
# We can quit only when all the instances agreed to
for activity in self._activities:
if activity not in self._will_quit:
self._will_quit = []
def __sm_quit_requested_cb(self, client):
def __sm_quit_cb(self, client):
class Activity(Window, Gtk.Container):
Initialise an Activity.
handle (:class:`~sugar3.activity.activityhandle.ActivityHandle`):
instance providing the activity id and access to the presence
service which *may* provide sharing for this application
create_jobject (boolean):
DEPRECATED: define if it should create a journal object if
we are not resuming. The parameter is ignored, and always
will be created a object in the Journal.
* **shared** - the activity has been shared on a network in
order that other users may join,
* **joined** - the activity has joined with other instances of
the activity to create a shared network activity.
Side effects:
* sets the gdk screen DPI setting (resolution) to the Sugar
screen resolution.
* connects our "destroy" message to our _destroy_cb method.
* creates a base Gtk.Window within this window.
* creates an ActivityService (self._bus) servicing this application.
When your activity implements :func:`__init__`, it must call the
:class:`Activity` class :func:`__init__` before any
:class:`Activity` specific code.
__gtype_name__ = 'SugarActivity'
__gsignals__ = {
'shared': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ([])),
'joined': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ([])),
# For internal use only, use can_close() if you want to perform extra
# checks before actually closing
'_closing': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ([])),
def __init__(self, handle, create_jobject=True):
if hasattr(GLib, 'unix_signal_add'):
GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, signal.SIGINT, self.close)
# Stuff that needs to be done early
icons_path = os.path.join(get_bundle_path(), 'icons')
sugar_theme = 'sugar-72'
if 'SUGAR_SCALING' in os.environ:
if os.environ['SUGAR_SCALING'] == '100':
sugar_theme = 'sugar-100'
# This code can be removed when we grow an xsettings daemon (the GTK+
# init routines will then automatically figure out the font settings)
settings = Gtk.Settings.get_default()
settings.set_property('gtk-theme-name', sugar_theme)
settings.set_property('gtk-icon-theme-name', 'sugar')
settings.set_property('gtk-button-images', True)
'%s %f' % (style.FONT_FACE, style.FONT_SIZE))
if 'SUGAR_ACTIVITY_ROOT' in os.environ:
# If this activity runs inside Sugar, we want it to take all the
# screen. Would be better if it was the shell to do this, but we
# haven't found yet a good way to do it there. See #1263.
self.connect('window-state-event', self.__window_state_event_cb)
screen = Gdk.Screen.get_default()
screen.connect('size-changed', self.__screen_size_changed_cb)
# process titles will only show 15 characters
# but they get truncated anyway so if more characters
# are supported in the future we will get a better view
# of the processes
proc_title = '%s <%s>' % (get_bundle_name(), handle.activity_id)
self.connect('realize', self.__realize_cb)
self.connect('delete-event', self.__delete_event_cb)
self._in_main = False
self._iconify = False
self._active = False
self._active_time = None
self._spent_time = 0
self._activity_id = handle.activity_id
self.shared_activity = None
self._join_id = None
self._updating_jobject = False
self._closing = False
self._quit_requested = False
self._deleting = False
self._max_participants = None
self._invites_queue = []
self._jobject = None
self._jobject_old = None
self._is_resumed = False
self._read_file_called = False
self._session = _get_session()
self._session.connect('quit', self.__session_quit_cb)
accel_group = Gtk.AccelGroup()
self.sugar_accel_group = accel_group
18 years ago
self._bus = ActivityService(self)
self._owns_file = False
share_scope = SCOPE_PRIVATE
if handle.object_id:
self._is_resumed = True
self._jobject = datastore.get(handle.object_id)
if 'share-scope' in self._jobject.metadata:
share_scope = self._jobject.metadata['share-scope']
if 'launch-times' in self._jobject.metadata:
self._jobject.metadata['launch-times'] += ', %d' % \
self._jobject.metadata['launch-times'] = \
if 'spent-times' in self._jobject.metadata:
self._jobject.metadata['spent-times'] += ', 0'
self._jobject.metadata['spent-times'] = '0'
self._is_resumed = False
self._jobject = self._initialize_journal_object()
self.shared_activity = None
self._join_id = None
self._original_title = self._jobject.metadata['title']
if handle.invited:
wait_loop = GObject.MainLoop()
self._client_handler = _ClientHandler(
partial(self.__got_channel_cb, wait_loop))
# FIXME: The current API requires that self.shared_activity is set
# before exiting from __init__, so we wait until we have got the
# shared activity.
pservice = presenceservice.get_instance()
mesh_instance = pservice.get_activity(self._activity_id,
self._set_up_sharing(mesh_instance, share_scope)
if self.shared_activity is not None:
self._jobject.metadata['title'] =
self._jobject.metadata['icon-color'] = \
bundle = get_bundle_instance(get_bundle_path())
Allow to run activities without Sugar shell. - Handle lack of GSettings gracefully. - Still requires sugar-datastore. - Supports avoiding X11 docks/panels. - Provides icons for Activity windows. Try it outside Sugar. Go to an Activity directory and run 'sugar-activity'. Tested it with Terminal, Finance, Write, Browse, Memorize under XFCE4. Tested in Gnome under OLPC-OS. Also works from Sugar Terminal Activity. Does not affect regular Sugar operation. This is patch v.2 - Addresses most concerns: - Removed commented code, sorry. - Changed code to use profile.get_nickname and get_color where possible. Couldn't the launcher just pass this info? Maybe the launcher could set the activity root as well? - It is intended to be usable from the command line also. Should put sugar version in the environment - It is intended to work even without Sugar Shell installed. Why don't we always set the icon? - On XO it might use some memory. I was concerned to degrade performance. Also, imports should be at the top of the file? - Also a concern about performance on XO. This way it is only loaded in this use case. Maybe it is insignificant -moved as requested. It would be nice if the changes to the POT for sugar-toolkit-gtk3 could be incorporated in this pull request, please. - There were no changes to POT files as part of this patch. Maybe it is worth translating low level command line tools, not sure. Suggest packaged activities might also provide .desktop files. - Intriguing but not sure within scope of this patch. You mean generate a .desktop file automatically as an option? Sounds nice! Suggest sugar-activity might also accept path to unpacked bundle. - Implemented!
8 years ago
self._busy_count = 0
self._stop_buttons = []
if self._is_resumed and get_save_as():
# preserve original and use a copy for editing
self._jobject_old = self._jobject
self._jobject = datastore.copy(self._jobject, '/')
self._original_title = self._jobject.metadata['title']
def add_stop_button(self, button):
Register an extra stop button. Normally not required. Use only
when an activity has more than the default stop button.
button (:class:`Gtk.Button`): a stop button
Allow to run activities without Sugar shell. - Handle lack of GSettings gracefully. - Still requires sugar-datastore. - Supports avoiding X11 docks/panels. - Provides icons for Activity windows. Try it outside Sugar. Go to an Activity directory and run 'sugar-activity'. Tested it with Terminal, Finance, Write, Browse, Memorize under XFCE4. Tested in Gnome under OLPC-OS. Also works from Sugar Terminal Activity. Does not affect regular Sugar operation. This is patch v.2 - Addresses most concerns: - Removed commented code, sorry. - Changed code to use profile.get_nickname and get_color where possible. Couldn't the launcher just pass this info? Maybe the launcher could set the activity root as well? - It is intended to be usable from the command line also. Should put sugar version in the environment - It is intended to work even without Sugar Shell installed. Why don't we always set the icon? - On XO it might use some memory. I was concerned to degrade performance. Also, imports should be at the top of the file? - Also a concern about performance on XO. This way it is only loaded in this use case. Maybe it is insignificant -moved as requested. It would be nice if the changes to the POT for sugar-toolkit-gtk3 could be incorporated in this pull request, please. - There were no changes to POT files as part of this patch. Maybe it is worth translating low level command line tools, not sure. Suggest packaged activities might also provide .desktop files. - Intriguing but not sure within scope of this patch. You mean generate a .desktop file automatically as an option? Sounds nice! Suggest sugar-activity might also accept path to unpacked bundle. - Implemented!
8 years ago
def iconify(self):
if not self._in_main:
self._iconify = True # i.e. do after
def run_main_loop(self):
if self._iconify:
self._in_main = True
def _initialize_journal_object(self):
title = _('%s Activity') % get_bundle_name()
Allow to run activities without Sugar shell. - Handle lack of GSettings gracefully. - Still requires sugar-datastore. - Supports avoiding X11 docks/panels. - Provides icons for Activity windows. Try it outside Sugar. Go to an Activity directory and run 'sugar-activity'. Tested it with Terminal, Finance, Write, Browse, Memorize under XFCE4. Tested in Gnome under OLPC-OS. Also works from Sugar Terminal Activity. Does not affect regular Sugar operation. This is patch v.2 - Addresses most concerns: - Removed commented code, sorry. - Changed code to use profile.get_nickname and get_color where possible. Couldn't the launcher just pass this info? Maybe the launcher could set the activity root as well? - It is intended to be usable from the command line also. Should put sugar version in the environment - It is intended to work even without Sugar Shell installed. Why don't we always set the icon? - On XO it might use some memory. I was concerned to degrade performance. Also, imports should be at the top of the file? - Also a concern about performance on XO. This way it is only loaded in this use case. Maybe it is insignificant -moved as requested. It would be nice if the changes to the POT for sugar-toolkit-gtk3 could be incorporated in this pull request, please. - There were no changes to POT files as part of this patch. Maybe it is worth translating low level command line tools, not sure. Suggest packaged activities might also provide .desktop files. - Intriguing but not sure within scope of this patch. You mean generate a .desktop file automatically as an option? Sounds nice! Suggest sugar-activity might also accept path to unpacked bundle. - Implemented!
8 years ago
icon_color = get_color().to_string()
jobject = datastore.create()
jobject.metadata['title'] = title
jobject.metadata['title_set_by_user'] = '0'
jobject.metadata['activity'] = self.get_bundle_id()
jobject.metadata['activity_id'] = self.get_id()
jobject.metadata['keep'] = '0'
jobject.metadata['preview'] = ''
jobject.metadata['share-scope'] = SCOPE_PRIVATE
jobject.metadata['icon-color'] = icon_color
jobject.metadata['launch-times'] = str(int(time.time()))
jobject.metadata['spent-times'] = '0'
jobject.file_path = ''
# FIXME: We should be able to get an ID synchronously from the DS,
# then call async the actual create.
return jobject
def __jobject_updated_cb(self, jobject):
if self.get_title() == jobject['title']:
def _set_up_sharing(self, mesh_instance, share_scope):
# handle activity share/join
logging.debug('*** Act %s, mesh instance %r, scope %s' %
(self._activity_id, mesh_instance, share_scope))
if mesh_instance is not None:
# There's already an instance on the mesh, join it
logging.debug('*** Act %s joining existing mesh instance %r' %
(self._activity_id, mesh_instance))
self.shared_activity = mesh_instance
self._join_id = self.shared_activity.connect('joined',
if not self.shared_activity.props.joined:
self.__joined_cb(self.shared_activity, True, None)
elif share_scope != SCOPE_PRIVATE:
logging.debug('*** Act %s no existing mesh instance, but used to '
'be shared, will share' % self._activity_id)
# no existing mesh instance, but activity used to be shared, so
# restart the share
if share_scope == SCOPE_INVITE_ONLY:
elif share_scope == SCOPE_NEIGHBORHOOD:
logging.debug('Unknown share scope %r' % share_scope)
def __got_channel_cb(self, wait_loop, connection_path, channel_path,
pservice = presenceservice.get_instance()
connection_name = connection_path.replace('/', '.')[1:]
bus = dbus.SessionBus()
channel = bus.get_object(connection_name, channel_path)
room_handle = channel.Get(CHANNEL, 'TargetHandle')
mesh_instance = pservice.get_activity_by_handle(connection_path,
mesh_instance = pservice.get_activity(self._activity_id,
self._set_up_sharing(mesh_instance, SCOPE_PRIVATE)
def get_active(self):
Get whether the activity is active. An activity may be made
inactive by the shell as a result of another activity being
active. An active activity accumulates usage metrics.
boolean: if the activity is active.
return self._active
def _update_spent_time(self):
if self._active is True and self._active_time is None:
self._active_time = time.time()
elif self._active is False and self._active_time is not None:
self._spent_time += time.time() - self._active_time
self._active_time = None
elif self._active is True and self._active_time is not None:
current = time.time()
self._spent_time += current - self._active_time
self._active_time = current
def set_active(self, active):
Set whether the activity is active. An activity may declare
itself active or inactive, as can the shell. An active activity
accumulates usage metrics.
active (boolean): if the activity is active.
if self._active != active:
self._active = active
if not self._active and self._jobject:
active = GObject.Property(
type=bool, default=False, getter=get_active, setter=set_active)
Whether an activity is active.
def get_max_participants(self):
Get the maximum number of users that can share a instance
of this activity. Should be configured in the
file. When not configured, it will be zero.
int: the maximum number of participants
See also
in :class:`~sugar3.bundle.activitybundle.ActivityBundle`.
# If max_participants has not been set in the activity, get it
# from the bundle.
if self._max_participants is None:
bundle = get_bundle_instance(get_bundle_path())
self._max_participants = bundle.get_max_participants()
return self._max_participants
def set_max_participants(self, participants):
Set the maximum number of users that can share a instance of
this activity. An activity may use this method instead of or
as well as configuring the file. When both are
used, this method takes precedence over the
participants (int): the maximum number of participants
self._max_participants = participants
max_participants = GObject.Property(
type=int, default=0, getter=get_max_participants,
def get_id(self):
Get the activity id, a likely-unique identifier for the
instance of an activity, randomly assigned when a new instance
is started, or read from the journal object metadata when a
saved instance is resumed.
str: the activity id
See also
and :meth:`~sugar3.util.unique_id`.
return self._activity_id
def get_bundle_id(self):
int: the bundle_id from the file
return os.environ['SUGAR_BUNDLE_ID']
def get_canvas(self):
Get the :attr:`canvas`.
:class:`Gtk.Widget`: the widget used as canvas
return Window.get_canvas(self)
def set_canvas(self, canvas):
Set the :attr:`canvas`.
canvas (:class:`Gtk.Widget`): the widget used as canvas
Window.set_canvas(self, canvas)
if not self._read_file_called:
canvas.connect('map', self.__canvas_map_cb)
canvas = property(get_canvas, set_canvas)
The :class:`Gtk.Widget` used as canvas, or work area of your
activity. A common canvas is :class:`Gtk.ScrolledWindow`.
def __screen_size_changed_cb(self, screen):
def __window_state_event_cb(self, window, event):
self.move(0, 0)
def _adapt_window_to_screen(self):
screen = Gdk.Screen.get_default()
rect = screen.get_monitor_geometry(screen.get_number())
geometry = Gdk.Geometry()
geometry.max_width = geometry.base_width = geometry.min_width = \
geometry.max_height = geometry.base_height = geometry.min_height = \
geometry.width_inc = geometry.height_inc = geometry.min_aspect = \
geometry.max_aspect = 1
hints = Gdk.WindowHints(Gdk.WindowHints.ASPECT |
Gdk.WindowHints.BASE_SIZE |
Gdk.WindowHints.MAX_SIZE |
self.set_geometry_hints(None, geometry, hints)
def __session_quit_requested_cb(self, session):
self._quit_requested = True
if self._prepare_close() and not self._updating_jobject:
session.will_quit(self, True)
def __session_quit_cb(self, client):
def __canvas_map_cb(self, canvas):
if self._jobject and self._jobject.file_path and \
not self._read_file_called:
self._read_file_called = True
def __jobject_create_cb(self):
def __jobject_error_cb(self, err):
logging.debug('Error creating activity datastore object: %s' % err)
def get_activity_root(self):
Deprecated. This part of the API has been moved
out of this class to the module itself
return get_activity_root()
def read_file(self, file_path):
Subclasses implement this method if they support resuming objects from
the journal. 'file_path' is the file to read from.
You should immediately open the file from the file_path,
because the file_name will be deleted immediately after
returning from :meth:`read_file`.
Once the file has been opened, you do not have to read it immediately:
After you have opened it, the file will only be really gone when you
close it.
Although not required, this is also a good time to read all meta-data:
the file itself cannot be changed externally, but the title,
description and other metadata['tags'] may change. So if it is
important for you to notice changes, this is the time to record the
file_path (str): the file path to read
raise NotImplementedError
def write_file(self, file_path):
Subclasses implement this method if they support saving data to objects
in the journal. 'file_path' is the file to write to.
If the user did make changes, you should create the file_path and save
all document data to it.
Additionally, you should also write any metadata needed to resume your
activity. For example, the Read activity saves the current page and
zoom level, so it can display the page.
Note: Currently, the file_path *WILL* be different from the
one you received in :meth:`read_file`. Even if you kept the
file_path from :meth:`read_file` open until now, you must
still write the entire file to this file_path.
file_path (str): complete path of the file to write
raise NotImplementedError
def notify_user(self, summary, body):
Display a notification with the given summary and body.
The notification will go under the activities icon in the frame.
bundle = get_bundle_instance(get_bundle_path())
icon = bundle.get_icon()
bus = dbus.SessionBus()
notify_obj = bus.get_object(N_BUS_NAME, N_OBJ_PATH)
notifications = dbus.Interface(notify_obj, N_IFACE_NAME)
notifications.Notify(self.get_id(), 0, '', summary, body, [],
{'x-sugar-icon-file-name': icon}, -1)
def __save_cb(self):
self._updating_jobject = False
if self._quit_requested:
self._session.will_quit(self, True)
elif self._closing:
def __save_error_cb(self, err):
self._updating_jobject = False
if self._quit_requested:
self._session.will_quit(self, False)
if self._closing:
self._closing = False
raise RuntimeError('Error saving activity object to datastore: %s' %
def _cleanup_jobject(self):
if self._jobject:
if self._owns_file and os.path.isfile(self._jobject.file_path):
logging.debug('_cleanup_jobject: removing %r' %
self._owns_file = False
self._jobject = None
def get_preview(self):
Get a preview image from the :attr:`canvas`, for use as
metadata for the journal object. This should be what the user
is seeing at the time.
str: image data in PNG format
Activities may override this method, and return a string with
image data in PNG format with a width and height of
:attr:`~sugar3.activity.activity.PREVIEW_SIZE` pixels.
The method creates a Cairo surface similar to that of the
:ref:`Gdk.Window` of the :meth:`canvas` widget, draws on it,
then resizes to a surface with the preview size.
if self.canvas is None or not hasattr(self.canvas, 'get_window'):
return None
window = self.canvas.get_window()
if window is None:
return None
alloc = self.canvas.get_allocation()
dummy_cr = Gdk.cairo_create(window)
target = dummy_cr.get_target()
canvas_width, canvas_height = alloc.width, alloc.height
screenshot_surface = target.create_similar(cairo.CONTENT_COLOR,
canvas_width, canvas_height)
del dummy_cr, target
cr = cairo.Context(screenshot_surface)
r, g, b, a_ = style.COLOR_PANEL_GREY.get_rgba()
cr.set_source_rgb(r, g, b)
del cr
preview_width, preview_height = PREVIEW_SIZE
preview_surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32,
preview_width, preview_height)
cr = cairo.Context(preview_surface)
scale_w = preview_width * 1.0 / canvas_width
scale_h = preview_height * 1.0 / canvas_height
scale = min(scale_w, scale_h)
translate_x = int((preview_width - (canvas_width * scale)) / 2)
translate_y = int((preview_height - (canvas_height * scale)) / 2)
cr.translate(translate_x, translate_y)
cr.scale(scale, scale)
cr.set_source_rgba(1, 1, 1, 0)
preview_str = six.BytesIO()
return preview_str.getvalue()
def _get_buddies(self):
if self.shared_activity is not None:
buddies = {}
for buddy in self.shared_activity.get_joined_buddies():
if not buddy.props.owner:
buddy_id = sha1(buddy.props.key).hexdigest()
buddies[buddy_id] = [buddy.props.nick, buddy.props.color]
return buddies
return {}
def save(self):
Save to the journal.
This may be called by the :meth:`close` method.
Activities should not override this method. This method is part of the
public API of an activity, and should behave in standard ways. Use your
own implementation of write_file() to save your activity specific data.
if self._jobject is None:
logging.debug('Cannot save, no journal object.')
logging.debug(' %r' % self._jobject.object_id)
if self._updating_jobject:' still processing a previous request.')
buddies_dict = self._get_buddies()
if buddies_dict:
self.metadata['buddies_id'] = json.dumps(list(buddies_dict.keys()))
self.metadata['buddies'] = json.dumps(self._get_buddies())
# update spent time before saving
def set_last_value(values_list, new_value):
if ', ' not in values_list:
return '%d' % new_value
partial_list = ', '.join(values_list.split(', ')[:-1])
return partial_list + ', %d' % new_value
self.metadata['spent-times'] = set_last_value(
self.metadata['spent-times'], self._spent_time)
preview = self.get_preview()
if preview is not None:
self.metadata['preview'] = dbus.ByteArray(preview)
if not self.metadata.get('activity_id', ''):
self.metadata['activity_id'] = self.get_id()
Allow to run activities without Sugar shell. - Handle lack of GSettings gracefully. - Still requires sugar-datastore. - Supports avoiding X11 docks/panels. - Provides icons for Activity windows. Try it outside Sugar. Go to an Activity directory and run 'sugar-activity'. Tested it with Terminal, Finance, Write, Browse, Memorize under XFCE4. Tested in Gnome under OLPC-OS. Also works from Sugar Terminal Activity. Does not affect regular Sugar operation. This is patch v.2 - Addresses most concerns: - Removed commented code, sorry. - Changed code to use profile.get_nickname and get_color where possible. Couldn't the launcher just pass this info? Maybe the launcher could set the activity root as well? - It is intended to be usable from the command line also. Should put sugar version in the environment - It is intended to work even without Sugar Shell installed. Why don't we always set the icon? - On XO it might use some memory. I was concerned to degrade performance. Also, imports should be at the top of the file? - Also a concern about performance on XO. This way it is only loaded in this use case. Maybe it is insignificant -moved as requested. It would be nice if the changes to the POT for sugar-toolkit-gtk3 could be incorporated in this pull request, please. - There were no changes to POT files as part of this patch. Maybe it is worth translating low level command line tools, not sure. Suggest packaged activities might also provide .desktop files. - Intriguing but not sure within scope of this patch. You mean generate a .desktop file automatically as an option? Sounds nice! Suggest sugar-activity might also accept path to unpacked bundle. - Implemented!
8 years ago
file_path = os.path.join(get_activity_root(), 'instance',
'%i' % time.time())
except NotImplementedError:
logging.debug('Activity.write_file is not implemented.')
if os.path.exists(file_path):
self._owns_file = True
self._jobject.file_path = file_path
# Cannot call datastore.write async for creates:
if self._jobject.object_id is None:
datastore.write(self._jobject, transfer_ownership=True)
self._updating_jobject = True
def copy(self):
Make a copy of the journal object.
Activities may use this to 'Keep in Journal' the current state
of the activity. A new journal object will be created for the
running activity.
Activities should not override this method. Instead, like
:meth:`save` do any copy work that needs to be done in
logging.debug('Activity.copy: %r' % self._jobject.object_id)
self._jobject.object_id = None
def __privacy_changed_cb(self, shared_activity, param_spec):
logging.debug('__privacy_changed_cb %r' %
if shared_activity.props.private:
self._jobject.metadata['share-scope'] = SCOPE_INVITE_ONLY
self._jobject.metadata['share-scope'] = SCOPE_NEIGHBORHOOD
def __joined_cb(self, activity, success, err):
"""Callback when join has finished"""
logging.debug('Activity.__joined_cb %r' % success)
self._join_id = None
if not success:
logging.debug('Failed to join activity: %s' % err)
power_manager = power.get_power_manager()
if power_manager.suspend_breaks_collaboration():
self.__privacy_changed_cb(self.shared_activity, None)
def get_shared_activity(self):
Get the shared activity of type
:class:`sugar3.presence.activity.Activity`, or None if the
activity is not shared, or is shared and not yet joined.
:class:`sugar3.presence.activity.Activity`: instance of
the shared activity or None
return self.shared_activity
def get_shared(self):
Get whether the activity is shared.
bool: the activity is shared.
if not self.shared_activity:
return False
return self.shared_activity.props.joined
def __share_cb(self, ps, success, activity, err):
if not success:
logging.debug('Share of activity %s failed: %s.' %
(self._activity_id, err))
logging.debug('Share of activity %s successful, PS activity is %r.' %
(self._activity_id, activity)) = self._jobject.metadata['title']
power_manager = power.get_power_manager()
if power_manager.suspend_breaks_collaboration():
self.shared_activity = activity
self.__privacy_changed_cb(self.shared_activity, None)
def _invite_response_cb(self, error):
if error:
logging.error('Invite failed: %s', error)
def _send_invites(self):
while self._invites_queue:
account_path, contact_id = self._invites_queue.pop()
pservice = presenceservice.get_instance()
buddy = pservice.get_buddy(account_path, contact_id)
if buddy:
buddy, '', self._invite_response_cb)
logging.error('Cannot invite %s %s, no such buddy',
account_path, contact_id)
def invite(self, account_path, contact_id):
Invite a buddy to join this activity.
**Side Effects:**
Calls :meth:`share` to privately share the activity if it wasn't
shared before.
self._invites_queue.append((account_path, contact_id))
if (self.shared_activity is None or
not self.shared_activity.props.joined):
def share(self, private=False):
Request that the activity be shared on the network.
private (bool): True to share by invitation only,
False to advertise as shared to everyone.
Once the activity is shared, its privacy can be changed by
setting the :attr:`private` property of the
:attr:`sugar3.presence.activity.Activity` class.
if self.shared_activity and self.shared_activity.props.joined:
raise RuntimeError('Activity %s already shared.' %
verb = private and 'private' or 'public'
'Requesting %s share of activity %s.' %
(verb, self._activity_id))
pservice = presenceservice.get_instance()
pservice.connect('activity-shared', self.__share_cb)
pservice.share_activity(self, private=private)
def _show_keep_failed_dialog(self):
A keep error means the activity write_file method raised an
exception before writing the file, or the datastore cannot be
written to.
alert = Alert()
alert.props.title = _('Keep error')
alert.props.msg = _('Keep error: all changes will be lost')
cancel_icon = Icon(icon_name='dialog-cancel')
alert.add_button(Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL, _('Don\'t stop'),
stop_icon = Icon(icon_name='dialog-ok')
alert.add_button(Gtk.ResponseType.OK, _('Stop anyway'), stop_icon)
alert.connect('response', self.__keep_failed_dialog_response_cb)
def __keep_failed_dialog_response_cb(self, alert, response_id):
if response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.OK:
if self._quit_requested:
self._session.will_quit(self, True)
elif self._quit_requested:
self._session.will_quit(self, False)
def can_close(self):
Return whether :func:`close` is permitted.
An activity may override this function to code extra checks
before closing.
bool: whether :func:`close` is permitted by activity,
default True.
return True
def _show_stop_dialog(self):
for button in self._stop_buttons:
alert = Alert()
alert.props.title = _('Stop')
alert.props.msg = _('Stop: name your journal entry')
title = self._jobject.metadata['title']
alert.entry = alert.add_entry()
label, tip = self._get_save_label_tip(title)
button = alert.add_button(Gtk.ResponseType.OK, label,
button.add_accelerator('clicked', self.sugar_accel_group,
Gdk.KEY_Return, 0, 0)
alert.ok = button
label, tip = self._get_erase_label_tip()
button = alert.add_button(Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT, label,
button = alert.add_button(Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL, _('Cancel'),
button.add_accelerator('clicked', self.sugar_accel_group,
Gdk.KEY_Escape, 0, 0)
button.set_tooltip_text(_('Cancel stop and continue the activity'))
alert.connect('realize', self.__stop_dialog_realize_cb)
alert.connect('response', self.__stop_dialog_response_cb)
alert.entry.connect('changed', self.__stop_dialog_changed_cb, alert)
def __stop_dialog_realize_cb(self, alert):
def __stop_dialog_response_cb(self, alert, response_id):
if response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.OK:
title = alert.entry.get_text()
if self._is_resumed and \
title == self._original_title:
self._jobject.metadata['title'] = title
if response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT:
if response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL:
for button in self._stop_buttons:
def __stop_dialog_changed_cb(self, entry, alert):
label, tip = self._get_save_label_tip(entry.get_text())
def _get_save_label_tip(self, title):
label = _('Save new')
tip = _('Save a new journal entry')
if self._is_resumed and \
title == self._original_title:
label = _('Save')
tip = _('Save into the old journal entry')
return label, tip
def _get_erase_label_tip(self):
if self._is_resumed:
label = _('Erase changes')
tip = _('Erase what you have done, '
'and leave your old journal entry unchanged')
label = _('Erase')
tip = _('Erase what you have done, '
'and avoid making a journal entry')
return label, tip
def _prepare_close(self, skip_save=False):
if not skip_save:
except BaseException:
# pylint: disable=W0702
logging.exception('Error saving activity object to datastore')
return False
self._closing = True
return True
def _complete_close(self):
if self.shared_activity:
# Make the exported object inaccessible
def _do_close(self, skip_save):
if not self._closing:
if not self._prepare_close(skip_save):
if not self._updating_jobject:
def close(self, skip_save=False):
Save to the journal and stop the activity.
Activities should not override this method, but should
implement :meth:`write_file` to do any state saving
instead. If the activity wants to control wether it can close,
it should override :meth:`can_close`.
skip_save (bool): avoid last-chance save; but does not prevent
a journal object, as an object is created when the activity
starts. Use this when an activity calls :meth:`save` just
prior to :meth:`close`.
if not self.can_close():
if get_save_as():
if self._jobject.metadata['title'] != self._original_title:
def __realize_cb(self, window):
display_name = Gdk.Display.get_default().get_name()
if ':' in display_name:
# X11 for sure; this only works in X11
xid = window.get_window().get_xid()
SugarExt.wm_set_bundle_id(xid, self.get_bundle_id())
SugarExt.wm_set_activity_id(xid, str(self._activity_id))
elif display_name is 'Broadway':
# GTK3's HTML5 backend
# This is needed so that the window takes the whole browser window
def __delete_event_cb(self, widget, event):
return True
def get_metadata(self):
Get the journal object metadata.
dict: the journal object metadata, or None if there is no object.
Activities can set metadata in write_file() using:
.. code-block:: python
self.metadata['MyKey'] = 'Something'
and retrieve metadata in read_file() using:
.. code-block:: python
self.metadata.get('MyKey', 'aDefaultValue')
Make sure your activity works properly if one or more of the
metadata items is missing. Never assume they will all be
if self._jobject:
return self._jobject.metadata
return None
metadata = property(get_metadata, None)
def handle_view_source(self):
An activity may override this method to show aditional
information in the View Source window. Examples can be seen in
Browse and TurtleArt.
raise NotImplementedError
def get_document_path(self, async_cb, async_err_cb):
Not implemented.
def busy(self):
Show that the activity is busy. If used, must be called once
before a lengthy operation, and :meth:`unbusy` must be called
after the operation completes.
.. code-block:: python
if self._busy_count == 0:
self._old_cursor = self.get_window().get_cursor()
self._busy_count += 1
def unbusy(self):
Show that the activity is not busy. An equal number of calls
to :meth:`unbusy` are required to balance the calls to
int: a count of further calls to :meth:`unbusy` expected
self._busy_count -= 1
if self._busy_count == 0:
return self._busy_count
def _set_cursor(self, cursor):
class _ClientHandler(dbus.service.Object):
def __init__(self, bundle_id, got_channel_cb):
self._got_channel_cb = got_channel_cb
bus = dbus.Bus()
name = CLIENT + '.' + bundle_id
bus_name = dbus.service.BusName(name, bus=bus)
path = '/' + name.replace('.', '/')
dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, bus_name, path)
self._prop_getters = {}
self._prop_setters = {}
self._prop_getters.setdefault(CLIENT, {}).update({
'Interfaces': lambda: list(self._interfaces),
self._prop_getters.setdefault(CLIENT_HANDLER, {}).update({
'HandlerChannelFilter': self.__get_filters_cb,
def __get_filters_cb(self):
filters = {
filter_dict = dbus.Dictionary(filters, signature='sv')
logging.debug('__get_filters_cb %r' % dbus.Array([filter_dict],
return dbus.Array([filter_dict], signature='a{sv}')
in_signature='ooa(oa{sv})aota{sv}', out_signature='')
def HandleChannels(self, account, connection, channels, requests_satisfied,
user_action_time, handler_info):
logging.debug('HandleChannels\n\t%r\n\t%r\n\t%r\n\t%r\n\t%r\n\t%r' %
(account, connection, channels, requests_satisfied,
user_action_time, handler_info))
for object_path, properties in channels:
channel_type = properties[CHANNEL + '.ChannelType']
handle_type = properties[CHANNEL + '.TargetHandleType']
if channel_type == CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT:
self._got_channel_cb(connection, object_path, handle_type)
except Exception as e:
in_signature='ss', out_signature='v')
def Get(self, interface_name, property_name):
if interface_name in self._prop_getters \
and property_name in self._prop_getters[interface_name]:
return self._prop_getters[interface_name][property_name]()
in_signature='ssv', out_signature='')
def Set(self, interface_name, property_name, value):
if interface_name in self._prop_setters \
and property_name in self._prop_setters[interface_name]:
in_signature='s', out_signature='a{sv}')
def GetAll(self, interface_name):
if interface_name in self._prop_getters:
r = {}
for k, v in self._prop_getters[interface_name].items():
r[k] = v()
return r
_session = None
def _get_session():
global _session
if _session is None:
_session = _ActivitySession()
return _session
def get_bundle_name():
str: the bundle name for the current process' bundle
return os.environ['SUGAR_BUNDLE_NAME']
def get_bundle_path():
str: the bundle path for the current process' bundle
return os.environ['SUGAR_BUNDLE_PATH']
def get_activity_root():
str: a path for saving Activity specific preferences, etc.
Returns a path to the location in the filesystem where the
activity can store activity related data that doesn't pertain to
the current execution of the activity and thus cannot go into the
Currently, this will return something like
Activities should ONLY save settings, user preferences and other
data which isn't specific to a journal item here. If (meta-)data
is in anyway specific to a journal entry, it MUST be stored in the
if os.environ.get('SUGAR_ACTIVITY_ROOT'):
return os.environ['SUGAR_ACTIVITY_ROOT']
Allow to run activities without Sugar shell. - Handle lack of GSettings gracefully. - Still requires sugar-datastore. - Supports avoiding X11 docks/panels. - Provides icons for Activity windows. Try it outside Sugar. Go to an Activity directory and run 'sugar-activity'. Tested it with Terminal, Finance, Write, Browse, Memorize under XFCE4. Tested in Gnome under OLPC-OS. Also works from Sugar Terminal Activity. Does not affect regular Sugar operation. This is patch v.2 - Addresses most concerns: - Removed commented code, sorry. - Changed code to use profile.get_nickname and get_color where possible. Couldn't the launcher just pass this info? Maybe the launcher could set the activity root as well? - It is intended to be usable from the command line also. Should put sugar version in the environment - It is intended to work even without Sugar Shell installed. Why don't we always set the icon? - On XO it might use some memory. I was concerned to degrade performance. Also, imports should be at the top of the file? - Also a concern about performance on XO. This way it is only loaded in this use case. Maybe it is insignificant -moved as requested. It would be nice if the changes to the POT for sugar-toolkit-gtk3 could be incorporated in this pull request, please. - There were no changes to POT files as part of this patch. Maybe it is worth translating low level command line tools, not sure. Suggest packaged activities might also provide .desktop files. - Intriguing but not sure within scope of this patch. You mean generate a .desktop file automatically as an option? Sounds nice! Suggest sugar-activity might also accept path to unpacked bundle. - Implemented!
8 years ago
activity_root = env.get_profile_path(os.environ['SUGAR_BUNDLE_ID'])
except OSError as e:
Allow to run activities without Sugar shell. - Handle lack of GSettings gracefully. - Still requires sugar-datastore. - Supports avoiding X11 docks/panels. - Provides icons for Activity windows. Try it outside Sugar. Go to an Activity directory and run 'sugar-activity'. Tested it with Terminal, Finance, Write, Browse, Memorize under XFCE4. Tested in Gnome under OLPC-OS. Also works from Sugar Terminal Activity. Does not affect regular Sugar operation. This is patch v.2 - Addresses most concerns: - Removed commented code, sorry. - Changed code to use profile.get_nickname and get_color where possible. Couldn't the launcher just pass this info? Maybe the launcher could set the activity root as well? - It is intended to be usable from the command line also. Should put sugar version in the environment - It is intended to work even without Sugar Shell installed. Why don't we always set the icon? - On XO it might use some memory. I was concerned to degrade performance. Also, imports should be at the top of the file? - Also a concern about performance on XO. This way it is only loaded in this use case. Maybe it is insignificant -moved as requested. It would be nice if the changes to the POT for sugar-toolkit-gtk3 could be incorporated in this pull request, please. - There were no changes to POT files as part of this patch. Maybe it is worth translating low level command line tools, not sure. Suggest packaged activities might also provide .desktop files. - Intriguing but not sure within scope of this patch. You mean generate a .desktop file automatically as an option? Sounds nice! Suggest sugar-activity might also accept path to unpacked bundle. - Implemented!
8 years ago
if e.errno != EEXIST:
raise e
return activity_root
def show_object_in_journal(object_id):
Raise the journal activity and show a journal object.
object_id (object): journal object
bus = dbus.SessionBus()
obj = bus.get_object(J_DBUS_SERVICE, J_DBUS_PATH)
journal = dbus.Interface(obj, J_DBUS_INTERFACE)
def launch_bundle(bundle_id='', object_id=''):
Launch an activity for a journal object, or an activity.
bundle_id (str): activity bundle id, optional
object_id (object): journal object
bus = dbus.SessionBus()
obj = bus.get_object(J_DBUS_SERVICE, J_DBUS_PATH)
bundle_launcher = dbus.Interface(obj, J_DBUS_INTERFACE)
return bundle_launcher.LaunchBundle(bundle_id, object_id)
def get_bundle(bundle_id='', object_id=''):
Get the bundle id of an activity that can open a journal object.
bundle_id (str): activity bundle id, optional
object_id (object): journal object
bus = dbus.SessionBus()
obj = bus.get_object(J_DBUS_SERVICE, J_DBUS_PATH)
journal = dbus.Interface(obj, J_DBUS_INTERFACE)
bundle_path = journal.GetBundlePath(bundle_id, object_id)
if bundle_path:
return bundle_from_dir(bundle_path)
return None