2006-07-18 16:51:04 +02:00
import avahi
import sys, os
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("../../"))
from sugar import util
import dbus, dbus.service
def _txt_to_dict(txt):
"""Convert an avahi-returned TXT record formatted
as nested arrays of integers (from dbus) into a dict
of key/value string pairs."""
prop_dict = {}
props = avahi.txt_array_to_string_array(txt)
for item in props:
key = value = None
if '=' not in item:
# No = means a boolean value of true
key = item
value = True
(key, value) = item.split('=')
prop_dict[key] = value
return prop_dict
def compose_service_name(name, activity_id):
if not name:
raise ValueError("name must be a valid string.")
if not activity_id:
return name
if type(name) != type(u""):
raise ValueError("name must be in unicode.")
composed = "%s [%s]" % (name, activity_id)
return composed.encode()
def _decompose_service_name(name):
"""Break a service name into the name and activity ID, if we can."""
if type(name) != type(u""):
raise ValueError("name must be a valid unicode string.")
name_len = len(name)
if name_len < util.ACTIVITY_ID_LEN + 5:
return (None, name)
# check for activity id end marker
if name[name_len - 1] != "]":
return (None, name)
start = name_len - 1 - util.ACTIVITY_ID_LEN
end = name_len - 1
# check for activity id start marker
if name[start - 1] != "[" or name[start - 2] != " ":
return (None, name)
activity_id = name[start:end]
if not util.validate_activity_id(activity_id):
return (None, name)
return (activity_id, name[:start - 2])
def is_multicast_address(address):
"""Simple numerical check for whether an IP4 address
is in the range for multicast addresses or not."""
if not address:
return False
if address[3] != '.':
return False
first = int(address[:3])
if first >= 224 and first <= 239:
return True
return False
SERVICE_DBUS_INTERFACE = "org.laptop.Presence.Service"
class ServiceDBusHelper(dbus.service.Object):
"""Handle dbus requests and signals for Service objects"""
def __init__(self, parent, bus_name, object_path):
self._parent = parent
self._bus_name = bus_name
self._object_path = object_path
dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, bus_name, self._object_path)
in_signature="", out_signature="a{sv}")
def getProperties(self):
"""Return service properties."""
pary = {}
pary['name'] = self._parent.get_name()
pary['type'] = self._parent.get_type()
pary['domain'] = self._parent.get_domain()
pary['activityId'] = self._parent.get_activity_id()
port = self._parent.get_port()
if port:
pary['port'] = self._parent.get_port()
addr = self._parent.get_address()
if addr:
pary['address'] = addr
source_addr = self._parent.get_publisher_address()
if source_addr:
pary['sourceAddress'] = source_addr
return pary
in_signature="s", out_signature="s")
def getPublishedValue(self, key):
"""Return the value belonging to the requested key from the
service's TXT records."""
value = self._parent.get_one_property(key)
if type(value) == type(True):
value = str(value)
return value
class Service(object):
"""Encapsulates information about a specific ZeroConf/mDNS
service as advertised on the network."""
def __init__(self, bus_name, object_id, name, stype, domain, address=None, port=-1, properties=None):
if not bus_name:
raise ValueError("DBus bus name must be valid")
if not object_id or type(object_id) != type(1):
raise ValueError("object id must be a valid number")
# Validate immutable options
if name and type(name) != type(u""):
raise ValueError("name must be unicode.")
if not name or not len(name):
raise ValueError("must specify a valid service name.")
if stype and type(stype) != type(u""):
raise ValueError("service type must be in unicode.")
if not stype or not len(stype):
raise ValueError("must specify a valid service type.")
if not stype.endswith("._tcp") and not stype.endswith("._udp"):
raise ValueError("must specify a TCP or UDP service type.")
if domain and type(domain) != type(u""):
raise ValueError("domain must be in unicode.")
if len(domain) and domain != "local":
raise ValueError("must use the 'local' domain (for now).")
(actid, real_name) = _decompose_service_name(name)
self._name = real_name
self._stype = stype
self._domain = domain
self._port = -1
self._properties = {}
# Publisher address is the unicast source IP
self._publisher_address = address
# Address is the published address, could be multicast or unicast
self._address = None
if self._properties.has_key('address'):
# Ensure that an ActivityID tag, if given, matches
# what we expect from the service type
if self._properties.has_key(_ACTIVITY_ID_TAG):
prop_actid = self._properties[_ACTIVITY_ID_TAG]
if (prop_actid and not actid) or (prop_actid != actid):
raise ValueError("ActivityID property specified, but the service names's activity ID didn't match it: %s, %s" % (prop_actid, actid))
self._activity_id = actid
if actid and not self._properties.has_key(_ACTIVITY_ID_TAG):
self._properties[_ACTIVITY_ID_TAG] = actid
2006-07-19 06:10:35 +02:00
self._owner = None
2006-07-18 16:51:04 +02:00
# register ourselves with dbus
self._object_id = object_id
self._object_path = "/org/laptop/Presence/Services/%d" % self._object_id
self._dbus_helper = ServiceDBusHelper(self, bus_name, self._object_path)
def object_path(self):
2006-07-19 06:10:35 +02:00
return dbus.ObjectPath(self._object_path)
2006-07-18 16:51:04 +02:00
2006-07-19 06:10:35 +02:00
def get_owner(self):
return self._owner
def set_owner(self, owner):
if self._owner is not None:
raise RuntimeError("Can only set a service's owner once")
self._owner = owner
2006-07-18 16:51:04 +02:00
def get_name(self):
"""Return the service's name, usually that of the
buddy who provides it."""
return self._name
def is_multicast_service(self):
"""Return True if the service's address is a multicast address,
False if it is not."""
return is_multicast_address(self._address)
def get_one_property(self, key):
"""Return one property of the service, or None
if the property was not found. Cannot distinguish
between lack of a property, and a property value that
actually is None."""
if key in self._properties.keys():
return self._properties[key]
return None
def get_properties(self):
"""Return a python dictionary of all the service's
return self._properties
def set_properties(self, properties):
"""Set the service's properties from either an Avahi
TXT record (a list of lists of integers), or a
python dictionary."""
self._properties = {}
props = {}
if type(properties) == type([]):
props = _txt_to_dict(properties)
elif type(properties) == type({}):
props = properties
2006-07-19 06:10:35 +02:00
# Set key/value pairs on internal property list
2006-07-18 16:51:04 +02:00
for key, value in props.items():
tmp_key = key
tmp_val = value
if type(tmp_key) == type(u""):
tmp_key = tmp_key.encode()
if type(tmp_val) == type(u""):
tmp_val = tmp_val.encode()
self._properties[tmp_key] = tmp_val
def get_type(self):
"""Return the service's service type."""
return self._stype
def get_activity_id(self):
"""Return the activity ID this service is associated with, if any."""
return self._activity_id
def get_port(self):
return self._port
def set_port(self, port):
if type(port) != type(1) or (port <= 1024 and port > 65536):
raise ValueError("must specify a valid port number between 1024 and 65536.")
self._port = port
def get_publisher_address(self):
return self._publisher_address
def get_address(self):
return self._address
def set_address(self, address):
if address is not None:
if type(address) != type(u""):
raise ValueError("address must be unicode")
self._address = address
def get_domain(self):
"""Return the ZeroConf/mDNS domain the service was found in."""
return self._domain
# Tests
import unittest
class ServiceTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
_DEF_NAME = u"foobar"
_DEF_STYPE = u"_foo._bar._tcp"
_DEF_DOMAIN = u"local"
_DEF_PORT = 1234
_DEF_PROPS = {'foobar': 'baz'}
_STR_TEST_ARGS = [None, 0, [], {}]
def _test_init_fail(self, name, stype, domain, address, port, properties, fail_msg):
"""Test something we expect to fail."""
service = Service(name, stype, domain, address, port, properties)
except ValueError, exc:
self.fail("expected a ValueError for %s." % fail_msg)
def testName(self):
for item in self._STR_TEST_ARGS:
self._test_init_fail(item, self._DEF_STYPE, self._DEF_DOMAIN, self._DEF_ADDRESS,
self._DEF_PORT, self._DEF_PROPS, "invalid name")
def testType(self):
for item in self._STR_TEST_ARGS:
self._test_init_fail(self._DEF_NAME, item, self._DEF_DOMAIN, self._DEF_ADDRESS,
self._DEF_PORT, self._DEF_PROPS, "invalid service type")
self._test_init_fail(self._DEF_NAME, "_bork._foobar", self._DEF_DOMAIN, self._DEF_ADDRESS,
self._DEF_PORT, self._DEF_PROPS, "invalid service type")
def testDomain(self):
for item in self._STR_TEST_ARGS:
self._test_init_fail(self._DEF_NAME, self._DEF_STYPE, item, self._DEF_ADDRESS,
self._DEF_PORT, self._DEF_PROPS, "invalid domain")
# Only accept local for now
self._test_init_fail(self._DEF_NAME, self._DEF_STYPE, "foobar", self._DEF_ADDRESS,
self._DEF_PORT, self._DEF_PROPS, "invalid domain")
# Make sure "" works
session_bus = dbus.SessionBus()
bus_name = dbus.service.BusName('org.laptop.Presence', bus=session_bus)
service = Service(bus_name, 1, self._DEF_NAME, self._DEF_STYPE, "", self._DEF_ADDRESS,
self._DEF_PORT, self._DEF_PROPS)
del bus_name, session_bus
assert service, "Empty domain was not accepted!"
def testAddress(self):
self._test_init_fail(self._DEF_NAME, self._DEF_STYPE, self._DEF_DOMAIN, [],
self._DEF_PORT, self._DEF_PROPS, "invalid address")
self._test_init_fail(self._DEF_NAME, self._DEF_STYPE, self._DEF_DOMAIN, {},
self._DEF_PORT, self._DEF_PROPS, "invalid address")
self._test_init_fail(self._DEF_NAME, self._DEF_STYPE, self._DEF_DOMAIN, 1234,
self._DEF_PORT, self._DEF_PROPS, "invalid address")
def testPort(self):
self._test_init_fail(self._DEF_NAME, self._DEF_STYPE, self._DEF_DOMAIN, self._DEF_ADDRESS,
[], self._DEF_PROPS, "invalid port")
self._test_init_fail(self._DEF_NAME, self._DEF_STYPE, self._DEF_DOMAIN, self._DEF_ADDRESS,
{}, self._DEF_PROPS, "invalid port")
self._test_init_fail(self._DEF_NAME, self._DEF_STYPE, self._DEF_DOMAIN, self._DEF_ADDRESS,
"adf", self._DEF_PROPS, "invalid port")
def testGoodInit(self):
session_bus = dbus.SessionBus()
bus_name = dbus.service.BusName('org.laptop.Presence', bus=session_bus)
service = Service(bus_name, 1, self._DEF_NAME, self._DEF_STYPE, self._DEF_DOMAIN, self._DEF_ADDRESS,
self._DEF_PORT, self._DEF_PROPS)
del bus_name, session_bus
assert service.get_name() == self._DEF_NAME, "service name wasn't correct after init."
assert service.get_type() == self._DEF_STYPE, "service type wasn't correct after init."
assert service.get_domain() == "local", "service domain wasn't correct after init."
assert service.get_address() == self._DEF_ADDRESS, "service address wasn't correct after init."
assert service.get_port() == self._DEF_PORT, "service port wasn't correct after init."
value = service.get_one_property('foobar')
assert value and value == 'baz', "service property wasn't correct after init."
def testAvahiProperties(self):
props = [[111, 114, 103, 46, 102, 114, 101, 101, 100, 101, 115, 107, 116, 111, 112, 46, 65, 118, 97, 104, 105, 46, 99, 111, 111, 107, 105, 101, 61, 50, 54, 48, 49, 53, 52, 51, 57, 53, 50]]
key = "org.freedesktop.Avahi.cookie"
expected_value = "2601543952"
session_bus = dbus.SessionBus()
bus_name = dbus.service.BusName('org.laptop.Presence', bus=session_bus)
service = Service(bus_name, 1, self._DEF_NAME, self._DEF_STYPE, self._DEF_DOMAIN, self._DEF_ADDRESS,
self._DEF_PORT, props)
del bus_name, session_bus
value = service.get_one_property(key)
assert value and value == expected_value, "service properties weren't correct after init."
value = service.get_one_property('bork')
assert not value, "service properties weren't correct after init."
def testBoolProperty(self):
props = [[111, 114, 103, 46, 102, 114, 101, 101, 100, 101, 115, 107, 116, 111, 112, 46, 65, 118, 97, 104, 105, 46, 99, 111, 111, 107, 105, 101]]
key = "org.freedesktop.Avahi.cookie"
expected_value = True
session_bus = dbus.SessionBus()
bus_name = dbus.service.BusName('org.laptop.Presence', bus=session_bus)
service = Service(bus_name, 1, self._DEF_NAME, self._DEF_STYPE, self._DEF_DOMAIN, self._DEF_ADDRESS,
self._DEF_PORT, props)
value = service.get_one_property(key)
del bus_name, session_bus
assert value is not None and value == expected_value, "service properties weren't correct after init."
def testGroupService(self):
# Valid group service type, non-multicast address
group_stype = u"_af5e5a7c998e89b9a_group_olpc._udp"
self._test_init_fail(self._DEF_NAME, group_stype, self._DEF_DOMAIN, self._DEF_ADDRESS,
self._DEF_PORT, self._DEF_PROPS, "group service type, but non-multicast address")
# Valid group service type, None address
session_bus = dbus.SessionBus()
bus_name = dbus.service.BusName('org.laptop.Presence', bus=session_bus)
service = Service(bus_name, 1, self._DEF_NAME, group_stype, self._DEF_DOMAIN, None,
self._DEF_PORT, self._DEF_PROPS)
assert service.get_address() == None, "address was not None as expected!"
# Valid group service type and multicast address, ensure it works
mc_addr = u""
service = Service(bus_name, 1, self._DEF_NAME, group_stype, self._DEF_DOMAIN, mc_addr,
self._DEF_PORT, self._DEF_PROPS)
del bus_name, session_bus
assert service.get_address() == mc_addr, "address was not expected address!"
def addToSuite(suite):
addToSuite = staticmethod(addToSuite)
def main():
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
runner = unittest.TextTestRunner()
if __name__ == "__main__":