Initial documentation pass for the sugar.clipboard.clipboardservice module.

Mike C. Fletcher 17 years ago
parent 2ca12e9da2
commit 5efe3ef532

@ -1 +1,6 @@
"""Sugar's web-browser activity
XUL Runner and gtkmozembed and is produced by the PyGTK
.defs system.
from sugar.browser._sugarbrowser import *

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
"""UI class to access system-level clipboard object"""
import logging
import dbus
import gobject
@ -14,7 +15,16 @@ DBUS_INTERFACE = "org.laptop.Clipboard"
DBUS_PATH = "/org/laptop/Clipboard"
class ClipboardService(gobject.GObject):
"""GUI interfaces for the system clipboard dbus service
This object is used to provide convenient access to the clipboard
service (see source/services/clipboard/ It
provides utility methods for adding/getting/removing objects from
the clipboard as well as generating events when such events occur.
Meaning is source/services/clipboard/
objects when describing "objects" on the clipboard.
__gsignals__ = {
'object-added': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE,
([str, str])),
@ -25,6 +35,11 @@ class ClipboardService(gobject.GObject):
def __init__(self):
"""Initialise the ClipboardService instance
If the service is not yet active in the background uses
a signal watcher to connect when the service appears.
self._dbus_service = None
@ -44,6 +59,7 @@ class ClipboardService(gobject.GObject):
def _connect_clipboard_signals(self):
"""Connect dbus signals to our GObject signal generating callbacks"""
bus = dbus.SessionBus()
if not self._connected:
proxy_obj = bus.get_object(DBUS_SERVICE, DBUS_PATH)
@ -59,46 +75,124 @@ class ClipboardService(gobject.GObject):
def _name_owner_changed_cb(self, name, old, new):
"""On backend service creation, connect to the server"""
if not old and new:
# ClipboardService started up
def _object_added_cb(self, object_id, name):
"""Emit an object-added GObject event when dbus event arrives"""
self.emit('object-added', str(object_id), name)
def _object_deleted_cb(self, object_id):
"""Emit an object-deleted GObject event when dbus event arrives"""
self.emit('object-deleted', str(object_id))
def _object_state_changed_cb(self, object_id, values):
"""Emit an object-state-changed GObject event when dbus event arrives
GObject event has:
From the ClipboardObject instance which is being described.
self.emit('object-state-changed', str(object_id), values[NAME_KEY],
values[PERCENT_KEY], values[ICON_KEY], values[PREVIEW_KEY],
def add_object(self, name):
"""Add a new object to the path
returns dbus path-name for the new object's cliboard service,
this is used for all future references to the cliboard object.
That service is actually provided by the clipboard
service object, not the ClipboardObject
return str(self._dbus_service.add_object(name))
def add_object_format(self, object_id, formatType, data, on_disk):
"""Annotate given object on the clipboard with new information
object_id -- dbus path as returned from add_object
formatType -- XXX what should this be? mime type?
data -- storage format for the clipped object?
on_disk -- whether the data is on-disk (non-volatile) or in
memory (volatile)
Last three arguments are just passed directly to the
clipboardobject.Format instance on the server side.
returns None
def delete_object(self, object_id):
"""Remove the given object from the clipboard
object_id -- dbus path as returned from add_object
def set_object_percent(self, object_id, percent):
"""Set the "percentage" for the given clipboard object
object_id -- dbus path as returned from add_object
percentage -- numeric value from 0 to 100 inclusive
Object percentages which are set to 100% trigger "file-completed"
operations, see the backend ClipboardService's
_handle_file_completed method for details.
returns None
self._dbus_service.set_object_percent(dbus.ObjectPath(object_id), percent)
def get_object(self, object_id):
"""Retrieve the clipboard object structure for given object
object_id -- dbus path as returned from add_object
Retrieves the metadata description of a given object, but
*not* the data for the object. Use get_object_data passing
one of the values in the FORMATS_KEY value in order to
retrieve the data.
returns dictionary with
NAME_KEY: str,
PERCENT_KEY: number,
ICON_KEY: str,
PREVIEW_KEY: XXX what is it?,
ACTIVITY_KEY: source activity id,
FORMATS_KEY: list of XXX what is it?
return self._dbus_service.get_object(dbus.ObjectPath(object_id),)
def get_object_data(self, object_id, formatType):
"""Retrieve object's data in the given formatType
object_id -- dbus path as returned from add_object
formatType -- format specifier XXX of what description
returns data as a string
return self._dbus_service.get_object_data(dbus.ObjectPath(object_id),
_clipboard_service = None
def get_instance():
"""Retrieve this process's interface to the clipboard service"""
global _clipboard_service
if not _clipboard_service:
_clipboard_service = ClipboardService()
