Do not calculate palette height on PaletteWindowWidget - Fixes #4792

To solve ticket #4673, we calculate the palette size using the size
of all the widgets [2]. That solves the problem on Palettes based on
_PaletteMenuWidget but on _PaletteWindowWidget produce a wrong value
when the secondary_label is not null, and as a consequence
the palette position is wrong.
The solution is do the calculation only for _PaletteMenuWidget based

[2] b9d6b628a9
Gonzalo Odiard 9 years ago
parent e990ec7703
commit 9314fd89fa

@ -621,18 +621,19 @@ class PaletteWindow(GObject.GObject):
req = self._widget.size_request()
# on Gtk 3.10, menu at the bottom of the screen are resized
# to not fall out, and report a wrong size.
# measure the children and move the menu - SL #4673
total_height = 0
for child in self._widget.get_children():
child_req = child.size_request()
total_height += child_req.height
# need add the border line width as defined in sugar-artwork
line_width = 2
total_height += line_width * 2
req.height = total_height
if isinstance(self._widget, _PaletteMenuWidget):
# on Gtk 3.10, menu at the bottom of the screen are resized
# to not fall out, and report a wrong size.
# measure the children and move the menu - SL #4673
total_height = 0
for child in self._widget.get_children():
child_req = child.size_request()
total_height += child_req.height
# need add the border line width as defined in sugar-artwork
line_width = 2
total_height += line_width * 2
req.height = total_height
position = invoker.get_position_for_alignment(self._alignment, req)
if position is None:
