# Copyright (C) 2007, Red Hat, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import gobject import dbus import dbus.service from dbus.gobject_service import ExportedGObject import logging # Note that this import has side effects! import dbus.glib from telepathy.client import ManagerRegistry, Connection from telepathy.interfaces import (CONN_MGR_INTERFACE, CONN_INTERFACE) from telepathy.constants import (CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTING, CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED, CONNECTION_STATUS_DISCONNECTED, CONNECTION_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT) from server_plugin import ServerPlugin from linklocal_plugin import LinkLocalPlugin from sugar import util from buddy import Buddy, ShellOwner, TestOwner from activity import Activity _PRESENCE_SERVICE = "org.laptop.Sugar.Presence" _PRESENCE_INTERFACE = "org.laptop.Sugar.Presence" _PRESENCE_PATH = "/org/laptop/Sugar/Presence" _logger = logging.getLogger('s-p-s.presenceservice') class NotFoundError(dbus.DBusException): def __init__(self, msg): dbus.DBusException.__init__(self, msg) self._dbus_error_name = _PRESENCE_INTERFACE + '.NotFound' class PresenceService(ExportedGObject): __gtype_name__ = "PresenceService" __gsignals__ = { 'connection-status': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ([gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN])) } def __init__(self, test_num=0, randomize=False): self._next_object_id = 0 self._connected = False self._buddies = {} # key -> Buddy self._handles_buddies = {} # tp client -> (handle -> Buddy) self._activities = {} # activity id -> Activity bus = dbus.SessionBus() self._bus_name = dbus.service.BusName(_PRESENCE_SERVICE, bus=bus) bus.add_signal_receiver(self._connection_disconnected_cb, signal_name="Disconnected", dbus_interface="org.freedesktop.DBus") # Create the Owner object objid = self._get_next_object_id() if test_num > 0: self._owner = TestOwner(self, self._bus_name, objid, test_num, randomize) else: self._owner = ShellOwner(self, self._bus_name, objid) self._buddies[self._owner.props.key] = self._owner self._registry = ManagerRegistry() self._registry.LoadManagers() # Set up the server connection self._server_plugin = ServerPlugin(self._registry, self._owner) self._handles_buddies[self._server_plugin] = {} self._server_plugin.connect('status', self._server_status_cb) self._server_plugin.connect('contact-online', self._contact_online) self._server_plugin.connect('contact-offline', self._contact_offline) self._server_plugin.connect('avatar-updated', self._avatar_updated) self._server_plugin.connect('buddy-properties-changed', self._buddy_properties_changed) self._server_plugin.connect('buddy-activities-changed', self._buddy_activities_changed) self._server_plugin.connect('activity-invitation', self._activity_invitation) self._server_plugin.connect('private-invitation', self._private_invitation) self._server_plugin.connect('activity-properties-changed', self._activity_properties_changed) self._server_plugin.start() # Set up the link local connection self._ll_plugin = LinkLocalPlugin(self._registry, self._owner) self._handles_buddies[self._ll_plugin] = {} ExportedGObject.__init__(self, self._bus_name, _PRESENCE_PATH) def _connection_disconnected_cb(self, foo=None): """Log event when D-Bus kicks us off the bus for some reason""" _logger.debug("Disconnected from session bus!!!") def _server_status_cb(self, plugin, status, reason): # FIXME: figure out connection status when we have a salut plugin too old_status = self._connected if status == CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED: self._connected = True self._handles_buddies[plugin][plugin.self_handle] = self._owner self._owner.add_telepathy_handle(plugin, plugin.self_handle) else: self._connected = False if plugin.self_handle is not None: self._handles_buddies.setdefault(plugin, {}).pop( plugin.self_handle, None) self._owner.remove_telepathy_handle(plugin, plugin.self_handle) if self._connected != old_status: self.emit('connection-status', self._connected) def _contact_online(self, tp, handle, props): new_buddy = False key = props["key"] buddy = self._buddies.get(key) if not buddy: # we don't know yet this buddy objid = self._get_next_object_id() buddy = Buddy(self._bus_name, objid, key=key) buddy.connect("validity-changed", self._buddy_validity_changed_cb) buddy.connect("disappeared", self._buddy_disappeared_cb) self._buddies[key] = buddy self._handles_buddies[tp][handle] = buddy # store the handle of the buddy for this CM buddy.add_telepathy_handle(tp, handle) buddy.set_properties(props) def _buddy_validity_changed_cb(self, buddy, valid): if valid: self.BuddyAppeared(buddy.object_path()) _logger.debug("New Buddy: %s (%s)" % (buddy.props.nick, buddy.props.color)) else: self.BuddyDisappeared(buddy.object_path()) _logger.debug("Buddy left: %s (%s)" % (buddy.props.nick, buddy.props.color)) def _buddy_disappeared_cb(self, buddy): if buddy.props.valid: self.BuddyDisappeared(buddy.object_path()) _logger.debug('Buddy left: %s (%s)' % (buddy.props.nick, buddy.props.color) self._buddies.pop(buddy.props.key) def _contact_offline(self, tp, handle): if not self._handles_buddies[tp].has_key(handle): return buddy = self._handles_buddies[tp].pop(handle) key = buddy.props.key # the handle of the buddy for this CM is not valid anymore buddy.remove_telepathy_handle(tp, handle) def _get_next_object_id(self): """Increment and return the object ID counter.""" self._next_object_id = self._next_object_id + 1 return self._next_object_id def _avatar_updated(self, tp, handle, avatar): buddy = self._handles_buddies[tp].get(handle) if buddy and not buddy.props.owner: _logger.debug("Buddy %s icon updated" % buddy.props.nick) buddy.props.icon = avatar def _buddy_properties_changed(self, tp, handle, properties): buddy = self._handles_buddies[tp].get(handle) if buddy: buddy.set_properties(properties) _logger.debug("Buddy %s properties updated: %s" % (buddy.props.nick, properties.keys())) def _new_activity(self, activity_id, tp): try: objid = self._get_next_object_id() activity = Activity(self._bus_name, objid, tp, id=activity_id) except Exception, e: _logger.debug("Invalid activity: %s" % e) return None activity.connect("validity-changed", self._activity_validity_changed_cb) self._activities[activity_id] = activity return activity def _remove_activity(self, activity): _logger.debug("remove activity %s" % activity.props.id) self.ActivityDisappeared(activity.object_path()) del self._activities[activity.props.id] def _buddy_activities_changed(self, tp, contact_handle, activities): acts = [] for act in activities: acts.append(str(act)) _logger.debug("Handle %s activities changed: %s" % (contact_handle, acts)) buddies = self._handles_buddies[tp] buddy = buddies.get(contact_handle) if not buddy: # We don't know this buddy # FIXME: What should we do here? # FIXME: Do we need to check if the buddy is valid or something? _logger.debug("contact_activities_changed: buddy unknown") return old_activities = set() for activity in buddy.get_joined_activities(): old_activities.add(activity.props.id) new_activities = set(activities) activities_joined = new_activities - old_activities for act in activities_joined: _logger.debug("Handle %s joined activity %s" % (contact_handle, act)) activity = self._activities.get(act) if not activity: # new activity, can fail activity = self._new_activity(act, tp) if activity: activity.buddy_joined(buddy) buddy.add_activity(activity) activities_left = old_activities - new_activities for act in activities_left: _logger.debug("Handle %s left activity %s" % (contact_handle, act)) activity = self._activities.get(act) if not activity: continue activity.buddy_left(buddy) buddy.remove_activity(activity) if not activity.get_joined_buddies(): self._remove_activity(activity) def _activity_invitation(self, tp, act_id): activity = self._activities.get(act_id) if activity: self.ActivityInvitation(activity.object_path()) def _private_invitation(self, tp, chan_path): conn = tp.get_connection() self.PrivateInvitation(str(conn.service_name), conn.object_path, chan_path) @dbus.service.signal(_PRESENCE_INTERFACE, signature="o") def ActivityAppeared(self, activity): pass @dbus.service.signal(_PRESENCE_INTERFACE, signature="o") def ActivityDisappeared(self, activity): pass @dbus.service.signal(_PRESENCE_INTERFACE, signature="o") def BuddyAppeared(self, buddy): pass @dbus.service.signal(_PRESENCE_INTERFACE, signature="o") def BuddyDisappeared(self, buddy): pass @dbus.service.signal(_PRESENCE_INTERFACE, signature="o") def ActivityInvitation(self, activity): pass @dbus.service.signal(_PRESENCE_INTERFACE, signature="soo") def PrivateInvitation(self, bus_name, connection, channel): pass @dbus.service.method(_PRESENCE_INTERFACE, out_signature="ao") def GetActivities(self): ret = [] for act in self._activities.values(): if act.props.valid: ret.append(act.object_path()) return ret @dbus.service.method(_PRESENCE_INTERFACE, in_signature="s", out_signature="o") def GetActivityById(self, actid): act = self.internal_get_activity(actid) if not act or not act.props.valid: raise NotFoundError("The activity was not found.") return act.object_path() @dbus.service.method(_PRESENCE_INTERFACE, out_signature="ao") def GetBuddies(self): ret = [] for buddy in self._buddies.values(): if buddy.props.valid: ret.append(buddy.object_path()) return ret @dbus.service.method(_PRESENCE_INTERFACE, in_signature="ay", out_signature="o") def GetBuddyByPublicKey(self, key): key = psutils.bytes_to_string(key) if self._buddies.has_key(key): buddy = self._buddies[key] if buddy.props.valid: return buddy.object_path() raise NotFoundError("The buddy was not found.") @dbus.service.method(_PRESENCE_INTERFACE, in_signature='sou', out_signature='o') def GetBuddyByTelepathyHandle(self, tp_conn_name, tp_conn_path, handle): """Get the buddy corresponding to a Telepathy handle. :Parameters: `tp_conn_name` : str The well-known bus name of a Telepathy connection `tp_conn_path` : dbus.ObjectPath The object path of the Telepathy connection `handle` : int or long The handle of a Telepathy contact on that connection, of type HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT. This may not be a channel-specific handle. :Returns: the object path of a Buddy :Raises NotFoundError: if the buddy is not found. """ for tp, handles in self._handles_buddies.iteritems(): conn = tp.get_connection() if conn is None: continue if (conn.service_name == tp_conn_name and conn.object_path == tp_conn_path): buddy = handles.get(handle) if buddy is not None and buddy.props.valid: return buddy.object_path() # either the handle is invalid, or we don't have a Buddy # object for that buddy because we don't have all their # details yet raise NotFoundError("The buddy %u was not found on the " "connection to %s:%s" % (handle, tp_conn_name, tp_conn_path)) raise NotFoundError("The buddy %u was not found: we have no " "connection to %s:%s" % (handle, tp_conn_name, tp_conn_path)) @dbus.service.method(_PRESENCE_INTERFACE, out_signature="o") def GetOwner(self): if not self._owner: raise NotFoundError("The owner was not found.") else: return self._owner.object_path() @dbus.service.method(_PRESENCE_INTERFACE, in_signature="sssa{sv}", out_signature="o", async_callbacks=('async_cb', 'async_err_cb')) def ShareActivity(self, actid, atype, name, properties, async_cb, async_err_cb): self._share_activity(actid, atype, name, properties, (async_cb, async_err_cb)) @dbus.service.method(_PRESENCE_INTERFACE, out_signature="so") def GetPreferredConnection(self): conn = self._server_plugin.get_connection() return str(conn.service_name), conn.object_path def cleanup(self): for tp in self._handles_buddies: tp.cleanup() def _share_activity(self, actid, atype, name, properties, callbacks): objid = self._get_next_object_id() # FIXME check which tp client we should use to share the activity color = self._owner.props.color activity = Activity(self._bus_name, objid, self._server_plugin, id=actid, type=atype, name=name, color=color, local=True) activity.connect("validity-changed", self._activity_validity_changed_cb) self._activities[actid] = activity activity._share(callbacks, self._owner) # local activities are valid at creation by definition, but we can't # connect to the activity's validity-changed signal until its already # issued the signal, which happens in the activity's constructor # for local activities. self._activity_validity_changed_cb(activity, activity.props.valid) def _activity_validity_changed_cb(self, activity, valid): if valid: self.ActivityAppeared(activity.object_path()) _logger.debug("New Activity: %s (%s)" % (activity.props.name, activity.props.id)) else: self.ActivityDisappeared(activity.object_path()) _logger.debug("Activity disappeared: %s (%s)" % (activity.props.name, activity.props.id)) def _activity_properties_changed(self, tp, act_id, props): activity = self._activities.get(act_id) if activity: activity.set_properties(props) def internal_get_activity(self, actid): if not self._activities.has_key(actid): return None return self._activities[actid] def main(test_num=0, randomize=False): loop = gobject.MainLoop() ps = PresenceService(test_num, randomize) try: loop.run() except KeyboardInterrupt: ps.cleanup() _logger.debug('Ctrl+C pressed, exiting...') if __name__ == "__main__": main()