# Copyright (C) 2007, One Laptop Per Child # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """ STABLE. """ import logging import StringIO import cairo from gi.repository import GObject from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import Gdk import dbus from sugar3.datastore import datastore from sugar3.activity.activity import PREVIEW_SIZE J_DBUS_SERVICE = 'org.laptop.Journal' J_DBUS_INTERFACE = 'org.laptop.Journal' J_DBUS_PATH = '/org/laptop/Journal' FILTER_TYPE_MIME_BY_ACTIVITY = 'mime_by_activity' FILTER_TYPE_GENERIC_MIME = 'generic_mime' FILTER_TYPE_ACTIVITY = 'activity' def get_preview_pixbuf(preview_data, width=-1, height=-1): """ Retrive a pixbuf with the content of the preview field Args: metadata (dictionary): preview data from the metadata dictionary. Can't be None. Returned from the sugar3.datastore.datastore.DSObject.get_metadata() method. Keyword Args: width (int): the pixbuf width, if is not set, the default width will be used height (int): the pixbuf width, if is not set, the default height will be used Returns: Pixbuf, the generated Pixbuf None, if it could not be created Example: pixbuf = get_preview_pixbuf(metadata.get('preview', '')) has_preview = pixbuf is not None if has_preview: im = Gtk.Image() im.set_from_pixbuf(pixbuf) box.add(im) im.show() """ if width == -1: width = PREVIEW_SIZE[0] if height == -1: height = PREVIEW_SIZE[1] pixbuf = None if len(preview_data) > 4: if preview_data[1:4] != 'PNG': # TODO: We are close to be able to drop this. import base64 preview_data = base64.b64decode(preview_data) png_file = StringIO.StringIO(preview_data) try: # Load image and scale to dimensions surface = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(png_file) png_width = surface.get_width() png_height = surface.get_height() preview_surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height) cr = cairo.Context(preview_surface) scale_w = width * 1.0 / png_width scale_h = height * 1.0 / png_height scale = min(scale_w, scale_h) cr.scale(scale, scale) cr.set_source_rgba(1, 1, 1, 0) cr.set_operator(cairo.OPERATOR_SOURCE) cr.paint() cr.set_source_surface(surface) cr.paint() pixbuf = Gdk.pixbuf_get_from_surface(preview_surface, 0, 0, width, height) except Exception: logging.exception('Error while loading the preview') return pixbuf class ObjectChooser(object): """ UI interface for object choosers. Object choosers can be used by acivities to allow the user to select objects from the file system or from some other similar source. Keyword Args: parent (:class:`Gtk.Widget`): the widget calling ObjectChooser what_filter (str): an activity bundle_id or a generic mime type as defined in :mod:`sugar3.mime` used to determine which objects will be presented in the object chooser filter_type (str): should be one of [None, FILTER_TYPE_GENERIC_MIME, FILTER_TYPE_ACTIVITY, FILTER_TYPE_MIME_BY_ACTIVITY] If filter_type is None, the default behavior of the what_filter is applied (for backward compatibility), this option is DEPRECATED. If filter_type is FILTER_TYPE_GENERIC_MIME, the what_filter should be a generic mime type defined in mime.py; the object chooser will filter based in the 'mime_type' metadata field. If filter_type is FILTER_TYPE_ACTIVITY, the what_filter should by an activity bundle_id; the object chooser will filter based in the 'activity' metadata field. If filter_type is FILTER_TYPE_MIME_BY_ACTIVITY, the what_filter should be an activity bundle_id; the object chooser will filter based on the 'mime_type' metadata field and the mime types defined by the activity in the activity.info file. show_preview (bool): if True will show the preview image asociated with the object in the Journal. This option is only available if filter_type is selected. Examples: chooser = ObjectChooser(self._activity, what_filter='Image') chooser = ObjectChooser(parent=self, what_filter=self.get_bundle_id(), filter_type=FILTER_TYPE_ACTIVITY) """ def __init__(self, parent=None, what_filter=None, filter_type=None, show_preview=False): if parent is None: parent_xid = 0 elif hasattr(parent, 'get_window') and hasattr(parent.get_window(), 'get_xid'): parent_xid = parent.get_window().get_xid() else: parent_xid = parent self._parent_xid = parent_xid self._show_preview = show_preview self._main_loop = None self._object_id = None self._bus = None self._chooser_id = None self._response_code = Gtk.ResponseType.NONE self._what_filter = what_filter if filter_type is not None: # verify is one of the availables types # add here more types if needed if filter_type not in [FILTER_TYPE_MIME_BY_ACTIVITY, FILTER_TYPE_GENERIC_MIME, FILTER_TYPE_ACTIVITY]: raise Exception('filter_type not implemented') self._filter_type = filter_type def run(self): """ Runs the object chooser and displays it. Returns: Gtk.ResponseType constant, the response received from displaying the object chooser. """ self._object_id = None self._main_loop = GObject.MainLoop() self._bus = dbus.SessionBus(mainloop=self._main_loop) self._bus.add_signal_receiver( self.__name_owner_changed_cb, signal_name='NameOwnerChanged', dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.DBus', arg0=J_DBUS_SERVICE) obj = self._bus.get_object(J_DBUS_SERVICE, J_DBUS_PATH) journal = dbus.Interface(obj, J_DBUS_INTERFACE) journal.connect_to_signal('ObjectChooserResponse', self.__chooser_response_cb) journal.connect_to_signal('ObjectChooserCancelled', self.__chooser_cancelled_cb) if self._what_filter is None: what_filter = '' else: what_filter = self._what_filter if self._filter_type is None: self._chooser_id = journal.ChooseObject( self._parent_xid, what_filter) else: self._chooser_id = journal.ChooseObjectWithFilter( self._parent_xid, what_filter, self._filter_type, self._show_preview) Gdk.threads_leave() try: self._main_loop.run() finally: Gdk.threads_enter() self._main_loop = None return self._response_code def get_selected_object(self): """ Gets the object selected using the object chooser. Returns: object, the object selected """ if self._object_id is None: return None else: return datastore.get(self._object_id) def destroy(self): """ Destroys and cleans up (disposes) the object chooser. """ self._cleanup() def _cleanup(self): if self._main_loop is not None: self._main_loop.quit() self._main_loop = None self._bus = None def __chooser_response_cb(self, chooser_id, object_id): if chooser_id != self._chooser_id: return logging.debug('ObjectChooser.__chooser_response_cb: %r' % object_id) self._response_code = Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT self._object_id = object_id self._cleanup() def __chooser_cancelled_cb(self, chooser_id): if chooser_id != self._chooser_id: return logging.debug('ObjectChooser.__chooser_cancelled_cb: %r' % chooser_id) self._response_code = Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL self._cleanup() def __name_owner_changed_cb(self, name, old, new): logging.debug('ObjectChooser.__name_owner_changed_cb') # Journal service disappeared from the bus self._response_code = Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL self._cleanup()