# vi: ts=4 ai noet # # Copyright (C) 2006, Red Hat, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import dbus import dbus.glib import dbus.decorators import gobject import gtk import logging import os from gettext import gettext as _ import hippo import style from sugar.graphics.iconcolor import IconColor from sugar.graphics.timeline import Timeline from wepkeydialog import WEPKeyDialog from bubble import Bubble import nminfo IW_AUTH_ALG_OPEN_SYSTEM = 0x00000001 IW_AUTH_ALG_SHARED_KEY = 0x00000002 NM_DEVICE_STAGE_STRINGS=("Unknown", "Prepare", "Config", "Need Users Key", "IP Config", "IP Config Get", "IP Config Commit", "Activated", "Failed", "Cancled" ) NM_SERVICE = 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager' NM_IFACE = 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager' NM_IFACE_DEVICES = 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Devices' NM_PATH = '/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager' DEVICE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0 DEVICE_TYPE_802_3_ETHERNET = 1 DEVICE_TYPE_802_11_WIRELESS = 2 NM_DEVICE_CAP_NONE = 0x00000000 NM_DEVICE_CAP_NM_SUPPORTED = 0x00000001 NM_DEVICE_CAP_CARRIER_DETECT = 0x00000002 NM_DEVICE_CAP_WIRELESS_SCAN = 0x00000004 sys_bus = dbus.SystemBus() NM_802_11_CAP_NONE = 0x00000000 NM_802_11_CAP_PROTO_NONE = 0x00000001 NM_802_11_CAP_PROTO_WEP = 0x00000002 NM_802_11_CAP_PROTO_WPA = 0x00000004 NM_802_11_CAP_PROTO_WPA2 = 0x00000008 NM_802_11_CAP_KEY_MGMT_PSK = 0x00000040 NM_802_11_CAP_KEY_MGMT_802_1X = 0x00000080 NM_802_11_CAP_CIPHER_WEP40 = 0x00001000 NM_802_11_CAP_CIPHER_WEP104 = 0x00002000 NM_802_11_CAP_CIPHER_TKIP = 0x00004000 NM_802_11_CAP_CIPHER_CCMP = 0x00008000 class Network(gobject.GObject): __gsignals__ = { 'init-failed': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ([])) } def __init__(self, op): gobject.GObject.__init__(self) self._op = op self._ssid = None self._mode = None self._strength = 0 self._valid = False obj = sys_bus.get_object(NM_SERVICE, self._op) net = dbus.Interface(obj, NM_IFACE_DEVICES) net.getProperties(reply_handler=self._update_reply_cb, error_handler=self._update_error_cb) def _update_reply_cb(self, *props): self._ssid = props[1] self._strength = props[3] self._mode = props[6] caps = props[7] if caps & NM_802_11_CAP_PROTO_WPA or caps & NM_802_11_CAP_PROTO_WPA2: # We do not support WPA at this time, so don't show # WPA-enabled access points in the menu logging.debug("Net(%s): ssid '%s' dropping because WPA[2] unsupported" % (self._op, self._ssid)) self._valid = False self.emit('init-failed') else: self._valid = True logging.debug("Net(%s): ssid '%s', mode %d, strength %d" % (self._op, self._ssid, self._mode, self._strength)) def _update_error_cb(self, err): logging.debug("Net(%s): failed to update. (%s)" % (self._op, err)) self._valid = False self.emit('init-failed') def get_ssid(self): return self._ssid def get_op(self): return self._op def get_strength(self): return self._strength def set_strength(self, strength): self._strength = strength def is_valid(self): return self._valid def add_to_menu(self, menu, callback, dev): strength = self._strength if strength > 100: strength = 100 elif strength < 0: strength = 0 item = NetworkMenuItem(text=self._ssid, percent=strength) item.connect('button-press-event', callback, (dev, self)) menu.add_item(item) class Device(gobject.GObject): __gsignals__ = { 'init-failed': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ([])), 'activated': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ([])), 'strength-changed': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ([gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT])) } def __init__(self, op): gobject.GObject.__init__(self) self._op = op self._iface = None self._type = DEVICE_TYPE_UNKNOWN self._udi = None self._active = False self._strength = 0 self._link = False self._valid = False self._networks = {} self._active_net = None self._caps = 0 obj = sys_bus.get_object(NM_SERVICE, self._op) dev = dbus.Interface(obj, NM_IFACE_DEVICES) dev.getProperties(reply_handler=self._update_reply_cb, error_handler=self._update_error_cb) def _update_reply_cb(self, *props): self._iface = props[1] self._type = props[2] self._udi = props[3] self._active = props[4] if self._active: self.emit('activated') self._link = props[15] self._caps = props[17] if self._type == DEVICE_TYPE_802_11_WIRELESS: old_strength = self._strength self._strength = props[14] if self._strength != old_strength: self.emit('strength-changed', self._strength) self._update_networks(props[20], props[19]) self._valid = True def _update_networks(self, net_ops, active_op): for op in net_ops: net = Network(op) self._networks[op] = net net.connect('init-failed', self._net_init_failed) if op == active_op: self._active_net = op def _update_error_cb(self, err): logging.debug("Device(%s): failed to update. (%s)" % (self._op, err)) self._valid = False self.emit('init-failed') def _net_init_failed(self, net): net_op = net.get_op() if not self._networks.has_key(net_op): return if net_op == self._active_net: self._active_net = None del self._networks[net_op] def _add_to_menu_wired(self, menu, callback): item = NetworkMenuItem(_("Wired Network"), stylesheet="nm.Bubble.Wired", hi_stylesheet="nm.Bubble.Wired.Hi", act_stylesheet="nm.Bubble.Wired.Activated") item.connect('button-press-event', callback, (self, None)) menu.add_item(item) def _add_to_menu_wireless(self, menu, callback, active_only): act_net = None if self._active_net and self._networks.has_key(self._active_net): act_net = self._networks[self._active_net] # Only add the active network if active_only == True if active_only: if act_net: act_net.add_to_menu(menu, callback, self) return # Otherwise, add all networks _except_ the active one for net in self._networks.values(): if not net.is_valid(): continue if act_net == net: continue net.add_to_menu(menu, callback, self) def add_to_menu(self, menu, callback, active_only=False): if self._type == DEVICE_TYPE_802_3_ETHERNET: self._add_to_menu_wired(menu, callback) elif self._type == DEVICE_TYPE_802_11_WIRELESS: self._add_to_menu_wireless(menu, callback, active_only) def get_op(self): return self._op def get_network(self, op): if self._networks.has_key(op): return self._networks[op] return None def get_network_ops(self): return self._networks.keys() def get_strength(self): return self._strength def set_strength(self, strength): if strength == self._strength: return False if strength >= 0 and strength <= 100: self._strength = strength else: self._strength = 0 self.emit('strength-changed', self._strength) def network_appeared(self, network): if self._networks.has_key(network): return net = Network(network) self._networks[network] = net net.connect('init-failed', self._net_init_failed) def network_disappeared(self, network): if not self._networks.has_key(network): return if network == self._active_net: self._active_net = None del self._networks[network] def get_active(self): return self._active def set_active(self, active, ssid=None): self._active = active if self._type == DEVICE_TYPE_802_11_WIRELESS: if not ssid: self._active_net = None else: for (op, net) in self._networks.items(): if net.get_ssid() == ssid: self._active_net = op def get_type(self): return self._type def is_valid(self): return self._valid def set_carrier(self, on): self._link = on def get_capabilities(self): return self._caps nm_bubble_wireless = { 'fill-color' : 0x646464FF, 'stroke-color' : 0x646464FF, 'progress-color': 0x333333FF, 'spacing' : style.space_unit, 'padding' : style.space_unit * 1.5 } nm_bubble_wireless_hi = { 'fill-color' : 0x979797FF, 'stroke-color' : 0x979797FF, 'progress-color': 0x666666FF, 'spacing' : style.space_unit, 'padding' : style.space_unit * 1.5 } nm_bubble_wireless_activated = { 'fill-color' : 0xA7A7A7FF, 'stroke-color' : 0xA7A7A7FF, 'progress-color': 0x777777FF, 'spacing' : style.space_unit, 'padding' : style.space_unit * 1.5 } nm_bubble_wired = { 'fill-color' : 0x000000FF, 'stroke-color' : 0x000000FF, 'progress-color': 0x000000FF, 'spacing' : style.space_unit, 'padding' : style.space_unit * 1.5 } nm_bubble_wired_hi = { 'fill-color' : 0x333333FF, 'stroke-color' : 0x333333FF, 'progress-color': 0x000000FF, 'spacing' : style.space_unit, 'padding' : style.space_unit * 1.5 } nm_bubble_wired_activated = { 'fill-color' : 0x444444FF, 'stroke-color' : 0x444444FF, 'progress-color': 0x000000FF, 'spacing' : style.space_unit, 'padding' : style.space_unit * 1.5 } nm_menu_item_title = { 'xalign': hippo.ALIGNMENT_START, 'padding-left': 5, 'color' : 0xFFFFFFFF, 'font' : style.get_font_description('Bold', 1.2) } style.register_stylesheet("nm.Bubble.Wireless", nm_bubble_wireless) style.register_stylesheet("nm.Bubble.Wireless.Hi", nm_bubble_wireless_hi) style.register_stylesheet("nm.Bubble.Wireless.Activated", nm_bubble_wireless_activated) style.register_stylesheet("nm.Bubble.Wired", nm_bubble_wired) style.register_stylesheet("nm.Bubble.Wired.Hi", nm_bubble_wired_hi) style.register_stylesheet("nm.Bubble.Wired.Activated", nm_bubble_wired_activated) style.register_stylesheet("nm.MenuItem.Title", nm_menu_item_title) class NetworkMenuItem(Bubble): def __init__(self, text, percent=0, stylesheet="nm.Bubble.Wireless", hi_stylesheet="nm.Bubble.Wireless.Hi", act_stylesheet="nm.Bubble.Wireless.Activated"): Bubble.__init__(self, percent=percent) self._hover = False self._default_stylesheet = stylesheet self._hi_stylesheet = hi_stylesheet self._act_stylesheet = act_stylesheet style.apply_stylesheet(self, stylesheet) text_item = hippo.CanvasText(text=text) style.apply_stylesheet(text_item, 'nm.MenuItem.Title') self.append(text_item) self.connect('motion-notify-event', self._motion_notify_event_cb) # Disable active hilight for now... #self.connect('button-press-event', self._button_press_event_cb) def _motion_notify_event_cb(self, widget, event): if event.detail == hippo.MOTION_DETAIL_ENTER: if not self._hover: self._hover = True style.apply_stylesheet(self, self._hi_stylesheet) elif event.detail == hippo.MOTION_DETAIL_LEAVE: if self._hover: self._hover = False style.apply_stylesheet(self, self._default_stylesheet) return True def _button_press_event_cb(self, widget, event): style.apply_stylesheet(self, self._act_stylesheet) return False class NetworkMenu(gtk.Window): __gsignals__ = { 'action': (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ([int])), } def __init__(self): gtk.Window.__init__(self, gtk.WINDOW_POPUP) canvas = hippo.Canvas() self.add(canvas) canvas.show() self._root = hippo.CanvasBox() style.apply_stylesheet(self._root, 'menu') canvas.set_root(self._root) def add_separator(self): separator = hippo.CanvasBox() style.apply_stylesheet(separator, 'menu.Separator') self._root.append(separator) def add_item(self, item): self._root.append(item) NM_STATE_UNKNOWN = 0 NM_STATE_ASLEEP = 1 NM_STATE_CONNECTING = 2 NM_STATE_CONNECTED = 3 NM_STATE_DISCONNECTED = 4 ICON_WIRED = "stock-net-wired" ICON_WIRELESS_00 = "stock-net-wireless-00" ICON_WIRELESS_01_20 = "stock-net-wireless-01-20" ICON_WIRELESS_21_40 = "stock-net-wireless-21-40" ICON_WIRELESS_41_60 = "stock-net-wireless-41-60" ICON_WIRELESS_61_80 = "stock-net-wireless-61-80" ICON_WIRELESS_81_100 = "stock-net-wireless-81-100" class NMClientApp: def __init__(self): self.nminfo = None self._nm_present = False self._nm_state = NM_STATE_UNKNOWN self._update_timer = 0 self._active_device = None self._devices = {} self._key_dialog = None self._icon_theme = gtk.icon_theme_get_default() self._icons = {} self._cur_icon = None try: self._icons = self._load_icons() except RuntimeError: logging.debug("Couldn't find required icon resources, will exit.") os._exit(1) self._setup_trayicon() self._menu = None self._hover_menu = False self._timeline = Timeline(self) self._timeline.add_tag('popup', 6, 6) self._timeline.add_tag('before_popdown', 7, 7) self._timeline.add_tag('popdown', 8, 8) try: self.nminfo = nminfo.NMInfo(self) except RuntimeError: pass self._setup_dbus() if self._nm_present: self._get_nm_state() self._get_initial_devices() def _get_one_icon_pixbuf(self, name): info = self._icon_theme.lookup_icon(name, 75, 0) if not info or not info.get_filename(): raise RuntimeError return gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(info.get_filename()) def _load_icons(self): icons = {} icons[ICON_WIRED] = self._get_one_icon_pixbuf(ICON_WIRED) icons[ICON_WIRELESS_00] = self._get_one_icon_pixbuf(ICON_WIRELESS_00) icons[ICON_WIRELESS_01_20] = self._get_one_icon_pixbuf(ICON_WIRELESS_01_20) icons[ICON_WIRELESS_21_40] = self._get_one_icon_pixbuf(ICON_WIRELESS_21_40) icons[ICON_WIRELESS_41_60] = self._get_one_icon_pixbuf(ICON_WIRELESS_41_60) icons[ICON_WIRELESS_61_80] = self._get_one_icon_pixbuf(ICON_WIRELESS_61_80) icons[ICON_WIRELESS_81_100] = self._get_one_icon_pixbuf(ICON_WIRELESS_81_100) return icons def _get_nm_state(self): # Grab NM's state self._nm_obj.state(reply_handler=self._get_state_reply_cb, \ error_handler=self._get_state_error_cb) def _get_state_reply_cb(self, state): if self._nm_state != state: self._schedule_icon_update(immediate=True) self._nm_state = state def _get_state_error_cb(self, err): logging.debug("Failed to get NetworkManager state! %s" % err) def _get_icon(self): act_dev = None if self._active_device and self._devices.has_key(self._active_device): act_dev = self._devices[self._active_device] pixbuf = None if not self._nm_present \ or not act_dev \ or self._nm_state == NM_STATE_UNKNOWN \ or self._nm_state == NM_STATE_ASLEEP \ or self._nm_state == NM_STATE_DISCONNECTED: pixbuf = self._icons[ICON_WIRELESS_00] elif act_dev.get_type() == DEVICE_TYPE_802_3_ETHERNET: pixbuf = self._icons[ICON_WIRED] elif act_dev.get_type() == DEVICE_TYPE_802_11_WIRELESS: strength = act_dev.get_strength() if strength <= 0: pixbuf = self._icons[ICON_WIRELESS_00] elif strength >= 1 and strength <= 20: pixbuf = self._icons[ICON_WIRELESS_01_20] elif strength >= 21 and strength <= 40: pixbuf = self._icons[ICON_WIRELESS_21_40] elif strength >= 41 and strength <= 60: pixbuf = self._icons[ICON_WIRELESS_41_60] elif strength >= 61 and strength <= 80: pixbuf = self._icons[ICON_WIRELESS_61_80] elif strength >= 81 and strength: pixbuf = self._icons[ICON_WIRELESS_81_100] if not pixbuf: pixbuf = self._icons[ICON_WIRELESS_00] return pixbuf def _setup_trayicon(self): pixbuf = self._get_icon() self._trayicon = gtk.status_icon_new_from_pixbuf(pixbuf) self._trayicon.connect("popup_menu", self._status_icon_clicked) self._trayicon.connect("activate", self._status_icon_clicked) self._schedule_icon_update() def _status_icon_clicked(self, button=0, time=None): self._timeline.play(None, 'popup') def _get_menu_position(self, menu, item): (screen, rect, orientation) = item.get_geometry() [item_x, item_y, item_w, item_h] = rect [menu_w, menu_h] = menu.size_request() x = item_x + item_w - menu_w y = item_y + item_h x = min(x, screen.get_width() - menu_w) x = max(0, x) y = min(y, screen.get_height() - menu_h) y = max(0, y) return (x, y) def do_popup(self, current, n_frames): if self._menu: return self._menu = self._create_menu() self._menu.connect('enter-notify-event', self._menu_enter_notify_event_cb) self._menu.connect('leave-notify-event', self._menu_leave_notify_event_cb) (x, y) = self._get_menu_position(self._menu, self._trayicon) self._menu.move(x, y) self._menu.show_all() def do_popdown(self, current, frame): if self._menu: self._menu.destroy() self._menu = None def _popdown(self): self._timeline.play('popdown', 'popdown') def _menu_enter_notify_event_cb(self, widget, event): self._hover_menu = True self._timeline.play('popup', 'popup') def _menu_leave_notify_event_cb(self, widget, event): self._hover_menu = False self._popdown() def _create_menu(self): menu = NetworkMenu() # Active device goes above the separator act_dev = None if self._active_device and self._devices.has_key(self._active_device): act_dev = self._devices[self._active_device] if act_dev: act_dev.add_to_menu(menu, self._menu_item_clicked_cb, active_only=True) menu.add_separator() # Wired devices first, if they don't support carrier detect for dev in self._devices.values(): if not dev.is_valid(): continue if dev.get_type() != DEVICE_TYPE_802_3_ETHERNET: continue if dev.get_capabilities() & NM_DEVICE_CAP_CARRIER_DETECT: continue if dev == act_dev: continue dev.add_to_menu(menu, self._menu_item_clicked_cb) # Wireless devices second for dev in self._devices.values(): if not dev.is_valid(): continue if dev.get_type() != DEVICE_TYPE_802_11_WIRELESS: continue dev.add_to_menu(menu, self._menu_item_clicked_cb) return menu def _update_icon(self): pixbuf = self._get_icon() if self._cur_icon != pixbuf: self._trayicon.set_from_pixbuf(pixbuf) self._cur_icon = pixbuf blink = False if self._nm_state == NM_STATE_CONNECTING: blink = True self._trayicon.set_blinking(blink) self._update_timer = 0 return False def _schedule_icon_update(self, immediate=False): if immediate and self._update_timer: gobject.source_remove(self._update_timer) self._update_timer = 0 if self._update_timer != 0: # There is already an update scheduled return if immediate: self._update_timer = gobject.idle_add(self._update_icon) else: self._update_timer = gobject.timeout_add(2000, self._update_icon) def _get_initial_devices_reply_cb(self, ops): for op in ops: self._add_device(op) def _dev_init_failed_cb(self, dev): # Device failed to initialize, likely due to dbus errors or something op = dev.get_op() self._remove_device(op) def _get_initial_devices_error_cb(self, err): logging.debug("Error updating devices (%s)" % err) def _get_initial_devices(self): self._nm_obj.getDevices(reply_handler=self._get_initial_devices_reply_cb, \ error_handler=self._get_initial_devices_error_cb) def _add_device(self, dev_op): if self._devices.has_key(dev_op): return dev = Device(dev_op) self._devices[dev_op] = dev dev.connect('init-failed', self._dev_init_failed_cb) dev.connect('activated', self._dev_activated_cb) dev.connect('strength-changed', self._dev_strength_changed_cb) def _remove_device(self, dev_op): if not self._devices.has_key(dev_op): return if self._active_device == dev_op: self._active_device = None dev = self._devices[dev_op] dev.disconnect('activated') dev.disconnect('init-failed') dev.disconnect('strength-changed') del self._devices[dev_op] self._schedule_icon_update(immediate=True) def _dev_activated_cb(self, dev): op = dev.get_op() if not self._devices.has_key(op): return if not dev.get_active(): return self._active_device = op self._schedule_icon_update(immediate=True) def _dev_strength_changed_cb(self, dev, strength): op = dev.get_op() if not self._devices.has_key(op): return if not dev.get_active(): return self._schedule_icon_update() def get_device(self, dev_op): if not self._devices.has_key(dev_op): return None return self._devices[dev_op] def _setup_dbus(self): self._sig_handlers = { 'StateChange': self.state_change_sig_handler, 'DeviceAdded': self.device_added_sig_handler, 'DeviceRemoved': self.device_removed_sig_handler, 'DeviceActivationStage': self.device_activation_stage_sig_handler, 'DeviceActivating': self.device_activating_sig_handler, 'DeviceNowActive': self.device_now_active_sig_handler, 'DeviceNoLongerActive': self.device_no_longer_active_sig_handler, 'DeviceCarrierOn': self.device_carrier_on_sig_handler, 'DeviceCarrierOff': self.device_carrier_off_sig_handler, 'DeviceStrengthChanged': self.wireless_device_strength_changed_sig_handler, 'WirelessNetworkAppeared': self.wireless_network_appeared_sig_handler, 'WirelessNetworkDisappeared': self.wireless_network_disappeared_sig_handler, 'WirelessNetworkStrengthChanged': self.wireless_network_strength_changed_sig_handler } self._nm_proxy = sys_bus.get_object(NM_SERVICE, NM_PATH) self._nm_obj = dbus.Interface(self._nm_proxy, NM_IFACE) sys_bus.add_signal_receiver(self.name_owner_changed_sig_handler, signal_name="NameOwnerChanged", dbus_interface="org.freedesktop.DBus") for (signal, handler) in self._sig_handlers.items(): sys_bus.add_signal_receiver(handler, signal_name=signal, dbus_interface=NM_IFACE) # Find out whether or not NM is running try: bus_object = sys_bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.DBus', '/org/freedesktop/DBus') name = bus_object.GetNameOwner("org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerInfo", \ dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.DBus') if name: self._nm_present = True except dbus.DBusException: pass def _menu_item_clicked_cb(self, widget, event, dev_data): (device, network) = dev_data net_op = "" if network: net_op = network.get_op() try: # NM 0.6.4 and earlier have a bug which returns an # InvalidArguments error if no security information is passed # for wireless networks self._nm_obj.setActiveDevice(device.get_op(), network.get_ssid()) except dbus.DBusException, e: if str(e).find("invalid arguments"): pass else: raise dbus.DBusException(e) self._popdown() def get_key_for_network(self, net, async_cb, async_err_cb): # Throw up a dialog asking for the key here, and set # the authentication algorithm to the given one, if any # # Key needs to be limited to _either_ 10 or 26 digits long, # and contain _only_ _hex_ digits, 0-9 or a-f # # Auth algorithm should be a dropdown of: [Open System, Shared Key], # mapping to the values [IW_AUTH_ALG_OPEN_SYSTEM, IW_AUTH_ALG_SHARED_KEY] # above self._key_dialog = WEPKeyDialog(net, async_cb, async_err_cb) self._key_dialog.connect("response", self._key_dialog_response_cb) self._key_dialog.connect("destroy", self._key_dialog_destroy_cb) self._key_dialog.show_all() def _key_dialog_destroy_cb(self, widget, foo=None): if widget != self._key_dialog: return self._key_dialog_response_cb(widget, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL) def _key_dialog_response_cb(self, widget, response_id): if widget != self._key_dialog: return key = self._key_dialog.get_key() wep_auth_alg = self._key_dialog.get_auth_alg() net = self._key_dialog.get_network() (async_cb, async_err_cb) = self._key_dialog.get_callbacks() # Clear self._key_dialog before we call destroy(), otherwise # the destroy will trigger and we'll get called again by # self._key_dialog_destroy_cb self._key_dialog = None widget.destroy() if response_id == gtk.RESPONSE_OK: self.nminfo.get_key_for_network_cb( net, key, wep_auth_alg, async_cb, async_err_cb, canceled=False) else: self.nminfo.get_key_for_network_cb( net, None, None, async_cb, async_err_cb, canceled=True) def cancel_get_key_for_network(self): # Close the wireless key dialog and just have it return # with the 'canceled' argument set to true if not self._key_dialog: return self._key_dialog_destroy_cb(self._key_dialog) def device_activation_stage_sig_handler(self, device, stage): logging.debug('Device Activation Stage "%s" for device %s' % (NM_DEVICE_STAGE_STRINGS[stage], device)) def state_change_sig_handler(self, state): self._nm_state = state self._schedule_icon_update(immediate=True) def device_activating_sig_handler(self, device): self._active_device = device def device_now_active_sig_handler(self, device, ssid=None): if not self._devices.has_key(device): return self._active_device = device self._devices[device].set_active(True, ssid) self._schedule_icon_update(immediate=True) def device_no_longer_active_sig_handler(self, device): if not self._devices.has_key(device): return if self._active_device == device: self._active_device = None self._devices[device].set_active(False) self._schedule_icon_update(immediate=True) def name_owner_changed_sig_handler(self, name, old, new): if name != NM_SERVICE: return if (old and len(old)) and (not new and not len(new)): # NM went away self._nm_present = False self._schedule_icon_update(immediate=True) for op in self._devices.keys(): del self._devices[op] self._devices = {} self._active_device = None self._nm_state = NM_STATE_UNKNOWN elif (not old and not len(old)) and (new and len(new)): # NM started up self._nm_present = True self._get_nm_state() self._get_initial_devices() def device_added_sig_handler(self, device): self._add_device(device) def device_removed_sig_handler(self, device): self._remove_device(device) def wireless_network_appeared_sig_handler(self, device, network): if not self._devices.has_key(device): return self._devices[device].network_appeared(network) def wireless_network_disappeared_sig_handler(self, device, network): if not self._devices.has_key(device): return self._devices[device].network_disappeared(network) def wireless_device_strength_changed_sig_handler(self, device, strength): if not self._devices.has_key(device): return self._devices[device].set_strength(strength) def wireless_network_strength_changed_sig_handler(self, device, network, strength): if not self._devices.has_key(device): return net = self._devices[device].get_network(network) if net: net.set_strength(strength) def device_carrier_on_sig_handler(self, device): if not self._devices.has_key(device): return self._devices[device].set_carrier(True) def device_carrier_off_sig_handler(self, device): if not self._devices.has_key(device): return self._devices[device].set_carrier(False) def run(self): loop = gobject.MainLoop() try: loop.run() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass