# Copyright (C) 2011 One Laptop Per Child # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import os import logging from gettext import gettext as _ from gi.repository import Gio from gi.repository import Gst from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import Gdk from gi.repository import GObject from sugar3 import power DEFAULT_PITCH = 0 DEFAULT_RATE = 0 _SAVE_TIMEOUT = 500 # This voice names are use dto allow the translation of the voice names. # If espeak add new voices, we need update this list. translated_espeak_voices = { 'af': _('Afrikaans'), 'an': _('Aragonese'), 'bg': _('Bulgarian'), 'bs': _('Bosnian'), 'ca': _('Catalan'), 'cs': _('Czech'), 'cy': _('Welsh'), 'da': _('Danish'), 'de': _('German'), 'el': _('Greek'), 'en': _('Default'), 'en_gb': _('English Britain'), 'en_sc': _('English scottish'), 'en_uk-north': _('English-north'), 'en_uk-rp': _('English_rp'), 'en_uk-wmids': _('English_wmids'), 'en_us': _('English USA'), 'en_wi': _('English west indies'), 'eo': _('Esperanto'), 'es': _('Spanish'), 'es_la': _('Spanish latin american'), 'et': _('Estonian'), 'fa': _('Farsi'), 'fa_pin': _('Farsi-pinglish'), 'fi': _('Finnish'), 'fr_be': _('French belgium'), 'fr_fr': _('French'), 'ga': _('Irish-gaeilge'), 'grc': _('Greek-ancient'), 'hi': _('Hindi'), 'hr': _('Croatian'), 'hu': _('Hungarian'), 'hy': _('Armenian'), 'hy_west': _('Armenian (west)'), 'id': _('Indonesian'), 'is': _('Icelandic'), 'it': _('Italian'), 'jbo': _('Lojban'), 'ka': _('Georgian'), 'kn': _('Kannada'), 'ku': _('Kurdish'), 'la': _('Latin'), 'lt': _('Lithuanian'), 'lv': _('Latvian'), 'mk': _('Macedonian'), 'ml': _('Malayalam'), 'ms': _('Malay'), 'ne': _('Nepali'), 'nl': _('Dutch'), 'no': _('Norwegian'), 'pa': _('Punjabi'), 'pl': _('Polish'), 'pt_br': _('Portuguese (Brazil)'), 'pt_pt': _('Portuguese (Portugal)'), 'ro': _('Romanian'), 'ru': _('Russian'), 'sk': _('Slovak'), 'sq': _('Albanian'), 'sr': _('Serbian'), 'sv': _('Swedish'), 'sw': _('Swahili-test'), 'ta': _('Tamil'), 'tr': _('Turkish'), 'vi': _('Vietnam'), 'vi_hue': _('Vietnam_hue'), 'vi_sgn': _('Vietnam_sgn'), 'zh': _('Mandarin'), 'zh_yue': _('Cantonese') } class SpeechManager(GObject.GObject): __gtype_name__ = 'SpeechManager' __gsignals__ = { 'play': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, []), 'pause': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, []), 'stop': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, []) } MIN_PITCH = -100 MAX_PITCH = 100 MIN_RATE = -100 MAX_RATE = 100 def __init__(self, **kwargs): GObject.GObject.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._player = _GstSpeechPlayer() self._player.connect('play', self._update_state, 'play') self._player.connect('stop', self._update_state, 'stop') self._player.connect('pause', self._update_state, 'pause') self._voice_name = self._player.get_default_voice() self._pitch = DEFAULT_PITCH self._rate = DEFAULT_RATE self._is_playing = False self._is_paused = False self._save_timeout_id = -1 self.restore() def _update_state(self, player, signal): self._is_playing = (signal == 'play') self._is_paused = (signal == 'pause') self.emit(signal) def get_is_playing(self): return self._is_playing is_playing = GObject.property(type=bool, getter=get_is_playing, setter=None, default=False) def get_is_paused(self): return self._is_paused is_paused = GObject.property(type=bool, getter=get_is_paused, setter=None, default=False) def get_pitch(self): return self._pitch def get_rate(self): return self._rate def set_pitch(self, pitch): self._pitch = pitch if self._save_timeout_id != -1: GObject.source_remove(self._save_timeout_id) self._save_timeout_id = GObject.timeout_add(_SAVE_TIMEOUT, self.save) def set_rate(self, rate): self._rate = rate if self._save_timeout_id != -1: GObject.source_remove(self._save_timeout_id) self._save_timeout_id = GObject.timeout_add(_SAVE_TIMEOUT, self.save) def say_text(self, text): if text: self._player.speak(self._pitch, self._rate, self._voice_name, text) def say_selected_text(self): clipboard = Gtk.Clipboard.get(Gdk.SELECTION_PRIMARY) clipboard.request_text(self.__primary_selection_cb, None) def pause(self): self._player.pause_sound_device() def restart(self): self._player.restart_sound_device() def stop(self): self._player.stop_sound_device() def __primary_selection_cb(self, clipboard, text, user_data): self.say_text(text) def save(self): self._save_timeout_id = -1 # DEPRECATED from gi.repository import GConf client = GConf.Client.get_default() client.set_int('/desktop/sugar/speech/pitch', self._pitch) client.set_int('/desktop/sugar/speech/rate', self._rate) settings = Gio.Settings('org.sugarlabs.speech') settings.set_int('pitch', self._pitch) settings.set_int('rate', self._rate) logging.debug('saving speech configuration pitch %s rate %s', self._pitch, self._rate) return False def restore(self): settings = Gio.Settings('org.sugarlabs.speech') self._pitch = settings.get_int('pitch') self._rate = settings.get_int('rate') logging.debug('loading speech configuration pitch %s rate %s', self._pitch, self._rate) class _GstSpeechPlayer(GObject.GObject): __gsignals__ = { 'play': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, []), 'pause': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, []), 'stop': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, []) } def __init__(self): Gst.init(None) GObject.GObject.__init__(self) self._pipeline = None self._all_voices = None def restart_sound_device(self): if self._pipeline is None: logging.debug('Trying to restart not initialized sound device') return power.get_power_manager().inhibit_suspend() self._pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.PLAYING) self.emit('play') def pause_sound_device(self): if self._pipeline is None: return self._pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.PAUSED) power.get_power_manager().restore_suspend() self.emit('pause') def stop_sound_device(self): if self._pipeline is None: return self._pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.NULL) power.get_power_manager().restore_suspend() self.emit('stop') def make_pipeline(self, command): if self._pipeline is not None: self.stop_sound_device() del self._pipeline self._pipeline = Gst.parse_launch(command) bus = self._pipeline.get_bus() bus.add_signal_watch() bus.connect('message', self.__pipe_message_cb) def __pipe_message_cb(self, bus, message): if message.type in (Gst.MessageType.EOS, Gst.MessageType.ERROR): self._pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.NULL) self._pipeline = None power.get_power_manager().restore_suspend() self.emit('stop') def speak(self, pitch, rate, voice_name, text): # TODO workaround for http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/1801 if not [i for i in text if i.isalnum()]: return self.make_pipeline('espeak name=espeak ! autoaudiosink') src = self._pipeline.get_by_name('espeak') src.props.text = text src.props.pitch = pitch src.props.rate = rate src.props.voice = voice_name src.props.track = 2 # track for marks self.restart_sound_device() def get_all_voices(self): if self._all_voices is not None: return self._all_voices self._all_voices = {} for voice in Gst.ElementFactory.make('espeak', None).props.voices: name, language, dialect = voice if dialect != 'none': self._all_voices[language + '_' + dialect] = name else: self._all_voices[language] = name return self._all_voices def get_default_voice(self): """Try to figure out the default voice, from the current locale ($LANG) Fall back to espeak's voice called Default.""" voices = self.get_all_voices() locale = os.environ.get('LANG', '') language_location = locale.split('.', 1)[0].lower() language = language_location.split('_')[0] # if the language is es but not es_es default to es_la (latin voice) if language == 'es' and language_location != 'es_es': language_location = 'es_la' best = voices.get(language_location) or voices.get(language) \ or 'default' logging.debug('Best voice for LANG %s seems to be %s', locale, best) return best