# This class open the /proc/PID/maps and /proc/PID/smaps files
# to get useful information about the real memory usage
#!/usr/bin/env python

import os

# Parse the /proc/PID/smaps file
class ProcSmaps:

    mappings = [] # Devices information
    def __init__(self, pid):
        smapfile = "/proc/%s/smaps" % pid
        self.mappings = []
        # Coded by Federico Mena (script)
            infile = open(smapfile, "r")
            input = infile.read()
            print "Error trying " + smapfile
        lines = input.splitlines()

        num_lines = len (lines)
        line_idx = 0
        # 08065000-08067000 rw-p 0001c000 03:01 147613     /opt/gnome/bin/evolution-2.6
        # Size:                 8 kB
        # Rss:                  8 kB
        # Shared_Clean:         0 kB
        # Shared_Dirty:         0 kB
        # Private_Clean:        8 kB
        # Private_Dirty:        0 kB
        while num_lines > 0:
            fields = lines[line_idx].split (" ", 5)
            if len (fields) == 6:
                (offsets, permissions, bin_permissions, device, inode, name) = fields
                (offsets, permissions, bin_permissions, device, inode) = fields
                name = ""
            size          = self.parse_smaps_size_line (lines[line_idx + 1])
            rss           = self.parse_smaps_size_line (lines[line_idx + 2])
            shared_clean  = self.parse_smaps_size_line (lines[line_idx + 3])
            shared_dirty  = self.parse_smaps_size_line (lines[line_idx + 4])
            private_clean = self.parse_smaps_size_line (lines[line_idx + 5])
            private_dirty = self.parse_smaps_size_line (lines[line_idx + 6])
            name = name.strip ()

            mapping = Mapping (size, rss, shared_clean, shared_dirty, private_clean, private_dirty, permissions, name)
            self.mappings.append (mapping)

            num_lines -= 7
            line_idx += 7

    # Parses a line of the form "foo: 42 kB" and returns an integer for the "42" field
    def parse_smaps_size_line (self, line):
        # Rss:                  8 kB
        fields = line.split ()
        return int(fields[1])

class Mapping:
    def __init__ (self, size, rss, shared_clean, shared_dirty, private_clean, private_dirty, permissions, name):
        self.size = size
        self.rss = rss
        self.shared_clean = shared_clean
        self.shared_dirty = shared_dirty
        self.private_clean = private_clean
        self.private_dirty = private_dirty
        self.permissions = permissions
        self.name = name

# Parse /proc/PID/maps file to get the clean memory usage by process,
# we avoid lines with backed-files
class ProcMaps:
    clean_size = 0
    def __init__(self, pid):
        mapfile = "/proc/%s/maps" % pid

            infile = open(mapfile, "r")
            print "Error trying " + mapfile
            return None
        sum = 0
        to_data_do = {
            "[anon]": self.parse_size_line,
            "[heap]": self.parse_size_line
        for line in infile:
            arr = line.split()
            # Just parse writable mapped areas
            if arr[1][1] != "w":
            if len(arr) == 6:                
                # if we got a backed-file we skip this info
                if os.path.isfile(arr[5]):
                    line_size = to_data_do.get(arr[5], self.skip)(line)
                    sum += line_size
                line_size = self.parse_size_line(line)
                sum += line_size
        self.clean_size = sum
    def skip(self, line):
        return 0
    # Parse a maps line and return the mapped size
    def parse_size_line(self, line):
        start, end = line.split()[0].split('-')
        size = int(end, 16) - int(start, 16)            
        return size