"""Telepathy-python presence server interface/implementation plugin""" # Copyright (C) 2007, Red Hat, Inc. # Copyright (C) 2007, Collabora Ltd. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # Standard library import logging import os import sys try: # Python >= 2.5 from hashlib import md5 except ImportError: from md5 import new as md5 # Other libraries import dbus import gobject import gtk from telepathy.client import (ConnectionManager, ManagerRegistry, Connection, Channel) from telepathy.interfaces import (CONN_MGR_INTERFACE, CONN_INTERFACE, CHANNEL_TYPE_CONTACT_LIST, CHANNEL_INTERFACE_GROUP, CONN_INTERFACE_ALIASING, CONN_INTERFACE_AVATARS, CONN_INTERFACE_PRESENCE, CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT, CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAMED_MEDIA, PROPERTIES_INTERFACE) from telepathy.constants import (HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT, HANDLE_TYPE_LIST, HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT, HANDLE_TYPE_ROOM, CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED, CONNECTION_STATUS_DISCONNECTED, CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTING, CONNECTION_STATUS_REASON_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED, CONNECTION_STATUS_REASON_NONE_SPECIFIED, PROPERTY_FLAG_WRITE) from sugar import util # Presence Service local modules from buddyiconcache import BuddyIconCache import psutils CONN_INTERFACE_BUDDY_INFO = 'org.laptop.Telepathy.BuddyInfo' CONN_INTERFACE_ACTIVITY_PROPERTIES = 'org.laptop.Telepathy.ActivityProperties' _PROTOCOL = "jabber" _OBJ_PATH_PREFIX = "/org/freedesktop/Telepathy/Connection/gabble/jabber/" _logger = logging.getLogger('s-p-s.server_plugin') _RECONNECT_TIMEOUT = 5000 def _buddy_icon_save_cb(buf, data): data[0] += buf return True def _get_buddy_icon_at_size(icon, maxw, maxh, maxsize): loader = gtk.gdk.PixbufLoader() loader.write(icon) loader.close() unscaled_pixbuf = loader.get_pixbuf() del loader pixbuf = unscaled_pixbuf.scale_simple(maxw, maxh, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR) del unscaled_pixbuf data = [""] quality = 90 img_size = maxsize + 1 while img_size > maxsize: del data data = [""] pixbuf.save_to_callback(_buddy_icon_save_cb, "jpeg", {"quality":"%d" % quality}, data) quality -= 10 img_size = len(data[0]) del pixbuf if img_size > maxsize: del data raise RuntimeError("could not size image less than %d bytes" % maxsize) return str(data[0]) class ServerPlugin(gobject.GObject): """Telepathy-python-based presence server interface The ServerPlugin instance translates network events from Telepathy Python into GObject events. It provides direct python calls to perform the required network operations to implement the PresenceService. """ __gsignals__ = { 'contact-online': # Contact has come online and we've discovered all their buddy # properties. # args: contact handle: int; dict {name: str => property: object} (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, [object, object]), 'contact-offline': # Contact has gone offline. # args: contact handle (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, [object]), 'status': # Connection status changed. # args: status, reason as for Telepathy StatusChanged (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, [int, int]), 'avatar-updated': # Contact's avatar has changed # args: contact handle: int; icon data: str (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, [object, object]), 'buddy-properties-changed': # OLPC buddy properties changed; as for PropertiesChanged # args: # contact handle: int # properties: dict {name: str => property: object} # FIXME: are these all the properties or just those that changed? (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, [object, object]), 'buddy-activities-changed': # OLPC activities changed # args: # contact handle: int # activity IDs: list of str (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, [object, object]), 'activity-invitation': # We were invited to join an activity # args: activity ID: str (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, [object]), 'private-invitation': # We were invited to join a chat or a media call # args: channel object path (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, [object]), 'activity-properties-changed': # An activity's properties changed; as for # ActivityPropertiesChanged # args: activity ID: str; properties: dict { str => object } # FIXME: are these all the properties or just those that changed? (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, [object, object]), 'activity-shared': # share_activity() succeeded # args: # activity ID: str # channel: telepathy.client.Channel, or None on failure # error: None, or Exception on failure # userdata as passed to share_activity (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, [object, object, object, object]), 'activity-joined': # join_activity() succeeded # args: as for activity-shared (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, [object, object, object, object]), } def __init__(self, registry, owner): """Initialize the ServerPlugin instance registry -- telepathy.client.ManagerRegistry from the PresenceService, used to find the "gabble" connection manager in this case... owner -- presence.buddy.GenericOwner instance (normally a presence.buddy.ShellOwner instance) """ gobject.GObject.__init__(self) self._conn = None self._icon_cache = BuddyIconCache() self._registry = registry self._online_contacts = {} # handle -> jid # activity id -> handle self._activities = {} # (activity_id, handle of the activity channel) self._joined_activities = [] self._owner = owner self._owner.connect("property-changed", self._owner_property_changed_cb) self._owner.connect("icon-changed", self._owner_icon_changed_cb) self.self_handle = None self._account = self._get_account_info() self._conn_status = CONNECTION_STATUS_DISCONNECTED self._reconnect_id = 0 # Monitor IPv4 address as an indicator of the network connection self._ip4am = psutils.IP4AddressMonitor.get_instance() self._ip4am.connect('address-changed', self._ip4_address_changed_cb) self._publish_channel = None self._subscribe_channel = None self._subscribe_members = set() self._subscribe_local_pending = set() self._subscribe_remote_pending = set() def _ip4_address_changed_cb(self, ip4am, address): _logger.debug("::: IP4 address now %s", address) if address: _logger.debug("::: valid IP4 address, conn_status %s", self._conn_status) if self._conn_status == CONNECTION_STATUS_DISCONNECTED: _logger.debug("::: will connect") self.start() else: _logger.debug("::: invalid IP4 address, will disconnect") self.cleanup() def _owner_property_changed_cb(self, owner, properties): """Local user's configuration properties have changed owner -- the Buddy object for the local user properties -- set of updated properties calls: _set_self_current_activity current-activity _set_self_alias nick _set_self_olpc_properties color depending on which properties are present in the set of properties. """ _logger.debug("Owner properties changed: %s", properties) if properties.has_key("current-activity"): self._set_self_current_activity() if properties.has_key("nick"): self._set_self_alias() # Hack; send twice to make sure the server gets it gobject.timeout_add(1000, self._set_self_alias) if properties.has_key("color") or properties.has_key("ip4-address"): if self._conn_status == CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED: self._set_self_olpc_properties() def _owner_icon_changed_cb(self, owner, icon): """Owner has changed their icon, forward to network""" _logger.debug("Owner icon changed to size %d", len(str(icon))) self._set_self_avatar(icon) def _get_account_info(self): """Retrieve metadata dictionary describing this account returns dictionary with: server : server url from owner account : printable-ssh-key-hash@server password : ssh-key-hash register : whether to register (i.e. whether not yet registered) """ account_info = {} account_info['server'] = self._owner.get_server() khash = util.printable_hash(util._sha_data(self._owner.props.key)) account_info['account'] = "%s@%s" % (khash, account_info['server']) account_info['password'] = self._owner.get_key_hash() account_info['register'] = not self._owner.get_registered() print "ACCT: %s" % account_info return account_info def _find_existing_connection(self): """Try to find an existing Telepathy connection to this server filters the set of connections from telepathy.client.Connection.get_connections to find a connection using our protocol with the "self handle" of that connection being a handle which matches our account (see _get_account_info) returns connection or None """ our_name = self._account['account'] # Search existing connections, if any, that we might be able to use connections = Connection.get_connections() conn = None for item in connections: if not item.object_path.startswith(_OBJ_PATH_PREFIX): continue if item[CONN_INTERFACE].GetProtocol() != _PROTOCOL: continue if item[CONN_INTERFACE].GetStatus() == CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED: test_handle = item[CONN_INTERFACE].RequestHandles( HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT, [our_name])[0] if item[CONN_INTERFACE].GetSelfHandle() != test_handle: continue return item return None def get_connection(self): """Retrieve our telepathy.client.Connection object""" return self._conn def _init_connection(self): """Set up our connection if there is no existing connection (_find_existing_connection returns None) produce a new connection with our protocol for our account. if there is an existing connection, reuse it by registering for various of events on it. """ conn = self._find_existing_connection() if not conn: acct = self._account.copy() # Create a new connection gabble_mgr = self._registry.GetManager('gabble') name, path = gabble_mgr[CONN_MGR_INTERFACE].RequestConnection( _PROTOCOL, acct) conn = Connection(name, path) del acct conn[CONN_INTERFACE].connect_to_signal('StatusChanged', self._status_changed_cb) conn[CONN_INTERFACE].connect_to_signal('NewChannel', self._new_channel_cb) # hack conn._valid_interfaces.add(CONN_INTERFACE_PRESENCE) conn._valid_interfaces.add(CONN_INTERFACE_BUDDY_INFO) conn._valid_interfaces.add(CONN_INTERFACE_ACTIVITY_PROPERTIES) conn._valid_interfaces.add(CONN_INTERFACE_AVATARS) conn._valid_interfaces.add(CONN_INTERFACE_ALIASING) conn[CONN_INTERFACE_PRESENCE].connect_to_signal('PresenceUpdate', self._presence_update_cb) self._conn = conn status = self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE].GetStatus() if status == CONNECTION_STATUS_DISCONNECTED: def connect_reply(): _logger.debug('Connect() succeeded') def connect_error(e): _logger.debug('Connect() failed: %s', e) if not self._reconnect_id: self._reconnect_id = gobject.timeout_add(_RECONNECT_TIMEOUT, self._reconnect_cb) self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE].Connect(reply_handler=connect_reply, error_handler=connect_error) self._handle_connection_status_change(status, CONNECTION_STATUS_REASON_NONE_SPECIFIED) def _connected_cb(self): """Callback on successful connection to a server """ if self._account['register']: # we successfully register this account self._owner.set_registered(True) # request both handles at the same time to reduce round-trips pub_handle, sub_handle = self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE].RequestHandles( HANDLE_TYPE_LIST, ['publish', 'subscribe']) # the group of contacts who may receive your presence publish = self._conn.request_channel(CHANNEL_TYPE_CONTACT_LIST, HANDLE_TYPE_LIST, pub_handle, True) self._publish_channel = publish publish[CHANNEL_INTERFACE_GROUP].connect_to_signal('MembersChanged', self._publish_members_changed_cb) publish_handles, local_pending, remote_pending = \ publish[CHANNEL_INTERFACE_GROUP].GetAllMembers() # the group of contacts for whom you wish to receive presence subscribe = self._conn.request_channel(CHANNEL_TYPE_CONTACT_LIST, HANDLE_TYPE_LIST, sub_handle, True) self._subscribe_channel = subscribe subscribe[CHANNEL_INTERFACE_GROUP].connect_to_signal('MembersChanged', self._subscribe_members_changed_cb) subscribe_handles, subscribe_lp, subscribe_rp = \ subscribe[CHANNEL_INTERFACE_GROUP].GetAllMembers() self._subscribe_members = set(subscribe_handles) self._subscribe_local_pending = set(subscribe_lp) self._subscribe_remote_pending = set(subscribe_rp) if local_pending: # accept pending subscriptions publish[CHANNEL_INTERFACE_GROUP].AddMembers(local_pending, '') self.self_handle = self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE].GetSelfHandle() self._online_contacts[self.self_handle] = self._account['account'] # request subscriptions from people subscribed to us if we're not # subscribed to them not_subscribed = list(set(publish_handles) - set(subscribe_handles)) subscribe[CHANNEL_INTERFACE_GROUP].AddMembers(not_subscribed, '') if CONN_INTERFACE_BUDDY_INFO not in self._conn.get_valid_interfaces(): _logger.debug('OLPC information not available') return False self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE_BUDDY_INFO].connect_to_signal( 'PropertiesChanged', self._buddy_properties_changed_cb) self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE_BUDDY_INFO].connect_to_signal( 'ActivitiesChanged', self._buddy_activities_changed_cb) self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE_BUDDY_INFO].connect_to_signal( 'CurrentActivityChanged', self._buddy_current_activity_changed_cb) self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE_AVATARS].connect_to_signal('AvatarUpdated', self._avatar_updated_cb) self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE_ALIASING].connect_to_signal('AliasesChanged', self._alias_changed_cb) self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE_ACTIVITY_PROPERTIES].connect_to_signal( 'ActivityPropertiesChanged', self._activity_properties_changed_cb) # Set initial buddy properties, avatar, and activities self._set_self_olpc_properties() self._set_self_alias() # Hack; send twice to make sure the server gets it gobject.timeout_add(1000, self._set_self_alias) self._set_self_activities() self._set_self_current_activity() self._set_self_avatar() # Request presence for everyone we're subscribed to self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE_PRESENCE].RequestPresence(subscribe_handles) return True def _set_self_avatar_cb(self, token): self._icon_cache.set_avatar(hash, token) def _set_self_avatar(self, icon_data=None): if not icon_data: icon_data = self._owner.props.icon m = md5() m.update(icon_data) hash = m.hexdigest() self_handle = self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE].GetSelfHandle() token = self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE_AVATARS].GetAvatarTokens( [self_handle])[0] if self._icon_cache.check_avatar(hash, token): # avatar is up to date return types, minw, minh, maxw, maxh, maxsize = \ self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE_AVATARS].GetAvatarRequirements() if not "image/jpeg" in types: _logger.debug("server does not accept JPEG format avatars.") return img_data = _get_buddy_icon_at_size(icon_data, min(maxw, 96), min(maxh, 96), maxsize) self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE_AVATARS].SetAvatar(img_data, "image/jpeg", reply_handler=self._set_self_avatar_cb, error_handler=lambda e: self._log_error_cb("setting avatar", e)) def _join_activity_channel_props_set_cb(self, activity_id, signal, handle, channel, userdata): self._joined_activities.append((activity_id, handle)) self._set_self_activities() self.emit(signal, activity_id, channel, None, userdata) def _join_activity_channel_props_listed_cb(self, activity_id, signal, handle, channel, userdata, props, prop_specs): props_to_set = [] for ident, name, sig, flags in prop_specs: value = props.pop(name, None) if value is not None: if flags & PROPERTY_FLAG_WRITE: props_to_set.append((ident, value)) # FIXME: else error, but only if we're creating the room? # FIXME: if props is nonempty, then we want to set props that aren't # supported here - raise an error? if props_to_set: channel[PROPERTIES_INTERFACE].SetProperties(props_to_set, reply_handler=lambda: self._join_activity_channel_props_set_cb( activity_id, signal, handle, channel, userdata), error_handler=lambda e: self._join_error_cb( activity_id, signal, userdata, 'SetProperties(%r)' % props_to_set, e)) else: self._join_activity_channel_props_set_cb(activity_id, signal, handle, channel, userdata) def _join_activity_create_channel_cb(self, activity_id, signal, handle, userdata, chan_path): channel = Channel(self._conn.service_name, chan_path) props = { 'anonymous': False, # otherwise buddy resolution breaks 'invite-only': False, # XXX: should be True in future #'name': ... # XXX: set from activity name? 'persistent': False, # vanish when there are no members 'private': False, # XXX: should be True unless public } channel[PROPERTIES_INTERFACE].ListProperties( reply_handler=lambda prop_specs: self._join_activity_channel_props_listed_cb( activity_id, signal, handle, channel, userdata, props, prop_specs), error_handler=lambda e: self._join_error_cb( activity_id, signal, userdata, 'ListProperties', e)) def _join_activity_get_channel_cb(self, activity_id, signal, userdata, handles): if not self._activities.has_key(activity_id): self._activities[activity_id] = handles[0] if (activity_id, handles[0]) in self._joined_activities: e = RuntimeError("Already joined activity %s" % activity_id) _logger.debug('%s', e) self.emit(signal, activity_id, None, e, userdata) return self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE].RequestChannel(CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT, HANDLE_TYPE_ROOM, handles[0], True, reply_handler=lambda *args: self._join_activity_create_channel_cb( activity_id, signal, handles[0], userdata, *args), error_handler=lambda e: self._join_error_cb(activity_id, signal, userdata, 'RequestChannel(TEXT, ROOM, %r, True)' % handles[0], e)) def _join_error_cb(self, activity_id, signal, userdata, where, err): e = Exception("Error joining/sharing activity %s: (%s): %s" % (activity_id, where, err)) _logger.debug('%s', e) self.emit(signal, activity_id, None, e, userdata) def _internal_join_activity(self, activity_id, signal, userdata): handle = self._activities.get(activity_id) if not handle: # FIXME: figure out why the server can't figure this out itself room_jid = activity_id + "@conference." + self._account["server"] self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE].RequestHandles(HANDLE_TYPE_ROOM, [room_jid], reply_handler=lambda *args: self._join_activity_get_channel_cb( activity_id, signal, userdata, *args), error_handler=lambda e: self._join_error_cb(activity_id, signal, userdata, 'RequestHandles([%u])' % room_jid, e)) else: self._join_activity_get_channel_cb(activity_id, signal, userdata, [handle]) def share_activity(self, activity_id, userdata): """Share activity with the network activity_id -- unique ID for the activity userdata -- opaque token to be passed in the resulting event (id, callback, errback) normally Asks the Telepathy server to create a "conference" channel for the activity or return a handle to an already created conference channel for the activity. """ self._internal_join_activity(activity_id, "activity-shared", userdata) def join_activity(self, activity_id, userdata): """Join an activity on the network (or locally) activity_id -- unique ID for the activity userdata -- opaque token to be passed in the resulting event (id, callback, errback) normally Asks the Telepathy server to create a "conference" channel for the activity or return a handle to an already created conference channel for the activity. """ self._internal_join_activity(activity_id, "activity-joined", userdata) def _ignore_success_cb(self): """Ignore an event (null-operation)""" def _log_error_cb(self, msg, err): """Log a message (error) at debug level with prefix msg""" _logger.debug("Error %s: %s", msg, err) def _set_self_olpc_properties(self): """Set color and key on our Telepathy server identity""" props = {} props['color'] = self._owner.props.color props['key'] = dbus.ByteArray(self._owner.props.key) addr = self._owner.props.ip4_address if not addr: props['ip4-address'] = "" else: props['ip4-address'] = addr self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE_BUDDY_INFO].SetProperties(props, reply_handler=self._ignore_success_cb, error_handler=lambda e: self._log_error_cb("setting properties", e)) def _set_self_alias(self): """Forwarded to SetActivities on AliasInfo channel""" alias = self._owner.props.nick self_handle = self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE].GetSelfHandle() self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE_ALIASING].SetAliases({self_handle : alias}, reply_handler=self._ignore_success_cb, error_handler=lambda e: self._log_error_cb("setting alias", e)) return False def _set_self_activities(self): """Forward set of joined activities to network uses SetActivities on BuddyInfo channel """ self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE_BUDDY_INFO].SetActivities( self._joined_activities, reply_handler=self._ignore_success_cb, error_handler=lambda e: self._log_error_cb("setting activities", e)) def _set_self_current_activity(self): """Forward our current activity (or "") to network uses SetCurrentActivity on BuddyInfo channel """ cur_activity = self._owner.props.current_activity cur_activity_handle = 0 if not cur_activity: cur_activity = "" else: cur_activity_handle = self._get_handle_for_activity(cur_activity) if not cur_activity_handle: # dont advertise a current activity that's not shared cur_activity = "" _logger.debug("Setting current activity to '%s' (handle %s)", cur_activity, cur_activity_handle) self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE_BUDDY_INFO].SetCurrentActivity(cur_activity, cur_activity_handle, reply_handler=self._ignore_success_cb, error_handler=lambda e: self._log_error_cb("setting current activity", e)) def _get_handle_for_activity(self, activity_id): """Retrieve current handle for given activity or None""" for (act, handle) in self._joined_activities: if activity_id == act: return handle return None def _reconnect_cb(self): """Attempt to reconnect to the server""" self.start() return False def _handle_connection_status_change(self, status, reason): if status == self._conn_status: return if status == CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTING: self._conn_status = status _logger.debug("status: connecting...") elif status == CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED: if self._connected_cb(): _logger.debug("status: connected") self._conn_status = status else: self.cleanup() _logger.debug("status: was connected, but an error occurred") elif status == CONNECTION_STATUS_DISCONNECTED: self.cleanup() _logger.debug("status: disconnected (reason %r)", reason) if reason == CONNECTION_STATUS_REASON_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED: # FIXME: handle connection failure; retry later? pass else: # If disconnected, but still have a network connection, retry # If disconnected and no network connection, do nothing here # and let the IP4AddressMonitor address-changed signal handle # reconnection if self._ip4am.props.address and not self._reconnect_id: self._reconnect_id = gobject.timeout_add(_RECONNECT_TIMEOUT, self._reconnect_cb) self.emit('status', self._conn_status, int(reason)) return False def _status_changed_cb(self, status, reason): """Handle notification of connection-status change status -- CONNECTION_STATUS_* reason -- integer code describing the reason... """ _logger.debug("::: connection status changed to %s", status) self._handle_connection_status_change(status, reason) def start(self): """Start up the Telepathy networking connections if we are already connected, query for the initial contact information. if we are already connecting, do nothing otherwise initiate a connection and transfer control to _connect_reply_cb or _connect_error_cb """ _logger.debug("Starting up...") if self._reconnect_id > 0: gobject.source_remove(self._reconnect_id) self._reconnect_id = 0 # Only init connection if we have a valid IP address if self._ip4am.props.address: _logger.debug("::: Have IP4 address %s, will connect", self._ip4am.props.address) self._init_connection() else: _logger.debug("::: No IP4 address, postponing connection") def cleanup(self): """If we still have a connection, disconnect it""" if self._conn: try: self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE].Disconnect() except: pass self._conn = None self._conn_status = CONNECTION_STATUS_DISCONNECTED for handle in self._online_contacts.keys(): self._contact_offline(handle) self._online_contacts = {} self._joined_activites = [] self._activites = {} if self._reconnect_id > 0: gobject.source_remove(self._reconnect_id) self._reconnect_id = 0 def _contact_offline(self, handle): """Handle contact going offline (send message, update set)""" if not self._online_contacts.has_key(handle): return if self._online_contacts[handle]: self.emit("contact-offline", handle) del self._online_contacts[handle] def _contact_online_activities_cb(self, handle, activities): """Handle contact's activity list update""" self._buddy_activities_changed_cb(handle, activities) def _contact_online_activities_error_cb(self, handle, err): """Handle contact's activity list being unavailable""" _logger.debug("Handle %s - Error getting activities: %s", handle, err) # Don't drop the buddy if we can't get their activities, for now #self._contact_offline(handle) def _contact_online_aliases_cb(self, handle, props, aliases): """Handle contact's alias being received (do further queries)""" if not self._conn or not aliases or not len(aliases): _logger.debug("Handle %s - No aliases", handle) self._contact_offline(handle) return props['nick'] = aliases[0] jid = self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE].InspectHandles(HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT, [handle])[0] self._online_contacts[handle] = jid self.emit("contact-online", handle, props) self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE_BUDDY_INFO].GetActivities(handle, reply_handler=lambda *args: self._contact_online_activities_cb( handle, *args), error_handler=lambda e: self._contact_online_activities_error_cb( handle, e)) def _contact_online_aliases_error_cb(self, handle, props, retry, err): """Handle failure to retrieve given user's alias/information""" if retry: _logger.debug("Handle %s - Error getting nickname (will retry):" "%s", handle, err) self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE_ALIASING].RequestAliases([handle], reply_handler=lambda *args: self._contact_online_aliases_cb( handle, props, *args), error_handler=lambda e: self._contact_online_aliases_error_cb( handle, props, False, e)) else: _logger.debug("Handle %s - Error getting nickname: %s", handle, err) self._contact_offline(handle) def _contact_online_properties_cb(self, handle, props): """Handle failure to retrieve given user's alias/information""" if not props.has_key('key'): _logger.debug("Handle %s - invalid key.", handle) self._contact_offline(handle) return if not props.has_key('color'): _logger.debug("Handle %s - invalid color.", handle) self._contact_offline(handle) return self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE_ALIASING].RequestAliases([handle], reply_handler=lambda *args: self._contact_online_aliases_cb( handle, props, *args), error_handler=lambda e: self._contact_online_aliases_error_cb( handle, props, True, e)) def _contact_online_request_properties(self, handle, tries): self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE_BUDDY_INFO].GetProperties(handle, byte_arrays=True, reply_handler=lambda *args: self._contact_online_properties_cb( handle, *args), error_handler=lambda e: self._contact_online_properties_error_cb( handle, tries, e)) return False def _contact_online_properties_error_cb(self, handle, tries, err): """Handle error retrieving property-set for a user (handle)""" if tries <= 3: _logger.debug("Handle %s - Error getting properties (will retry):" " %s", handle, err) tries += 1 gobject.timeout_add(1000, self._contact_online_request_properties, handle, tries) else: _logger.debug("Handle %s - Error getting properties: %s", handle, err) self._contact_offline(handle) def _contact_online(self, handle): """Handle a contact coming online""" if (handle not in self._subscribe_members and handle not in self._subscribe_local_pending and handle not in self._subscribe_remote_pending): # it's probably a channel-specific handle - can't create a Buddy # object return self._online_contacts[handle] = None if handle == self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE].GetSelfHandle(): jid = self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE].InspectHandles( HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT, [handle])[0] self._online_contacts[handle] = jid # ignore network events for Owner property changes since those # are handled locally return self._contact_online_request_properties(handle, 1) def _subscribe_members_changed_cb(self, added, removed, local_pending, remote_pending, actor, reason): added = set(added) removed = set(removed) local_pending = set(local_pending) remote_pending = set(remote_pending) affected = added|removed affected |= local_pending affected |= remote_pending self._subscribe_members -= affected self._subscribe_members |= added self._subscribe_local_pending -= affected self._subscribe_local_pending |= local_pending self._subscribe_remote_pending -= affected self._subscribe_remote_pending |= remote_pending def _publish_members_changed_cb(self, added, removed, local_pending, remote_pending, actor, reason): if local_pending: # accept all requested subscriptions self._publish_channel[CHANNEL_INTERFACE_GROUP].AddMembers( local_pending, '') # subscribe to people who've subscribed to us, if necessary added = list(set(added) - self._subscribe_members - self._subscribe_remote_pending) if added: self._subscribe_channel[CHANNEL_INTERFACE_GROUP].AddMembers( added, '') def _presence_update_cb(self, presence): """Send update for online/offline status of presence""" for handle in presence: timestamp, statuses = presence[handle] online = handle in self._online_contacts for status, params in statuses.items(): if not online and status == "offline": # weren't online in the first place... continue jid = self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE].InspectHandles( HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT, [handle])[0] olstr = "ONLINE" if not online: olstr = "OFFLINE" _logger.debug("Handle %s (%s) was %s, status now '%s'.", handle, jid, olstr, status) if not online and status in ["available", "away", "brb", "busy", "dnd", "xa"]: self._contact_online(handle) elif status in ["offline", "invisible"]: self._contact_offline(handle) def _request_avatar_cb(self, handle, new_avatar_token, avatar, mime_type): jid = self._online_contacts[handle] if not jid: logging.debug("Handle %s not valid yet..." % handle) return icon = ''.join(map(chr, avatar)) self._icon_cache.store_icon(jid, new_avatar_token, icon) self.emit("avatar-updated", handle, icon) def _avatar_updated_cb(self, handle, new_avatar_token): """Handle update of given user (handle)'s avatar""" if handle == self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE].GetSelfHandle(): # ignore network events for Owner property changes since those # are handled locally return if not self._online_contacts.has_key(handle): _logger.debug("Handle %s unknown.", handle) return jid = self._online_contacts[handle] if not jid: _logger.debug("Handle %s not valid yet...", handle) return icon = self._icon_cache.get_icon(jid, new_avatar_token) if not icon: # cache miss self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE_AVATARS].RequestAvatar(handle, reply_handler=lambda *args: self._request_avatar_cb(handle, new_avatar_token, *args), error_handler=lambda e: self._log_error_cb( "getting avatar", e)) else: self.emit("avatar-updated", handle, icon) def _alias_changed_cb(self, aliases): """Handle update of aliases for all users""" for handle, alias in aliases: prop = {'nick': alias} #print "Buddy %s alias changed to %s" % (handle, alias) if (self._online_contacts.has_key(handle) and self._online_contacts[handle]): self._buddy_properties_changed_cb(handle, prop) def _buddy_properties_changed_cb(self, handle, properties): """Handle update of given user (handle)'s properties""" if handle == self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE].GetSelfHandle(): # ignore network events for Owner property changes since those # are handled locally return if (self._online_contacts.has_key(handle) and self._online_contacts[handle]): self.emit("buddy-properties-changed", handle, properties) def _buddy_activities_changed_cb(self, handle, activities): """Handle update of given user (handle)'s activities""" if handle == self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE].GetSelfHandle(): # ignore network events for Owner activity changes since those # are handled locally return if (not self._online_contacts.has_key(handle) or not self._online_contacts[handle]): return for act_id, act_handle in activities: self._activities[act_id] = act_handle activities_id = map(lambda x: x[0], activities) self.emit("buddy-activities-changed", handle, activities_id) def _buddy_current_activity_changed_cb(self, handle, activity, channel): """Handle update of given user (handle)'s current activity""" if handle == self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE].GetSelfHandle(): # ignore network events for Owner current activity changes since # those are handled locally return if (not self._online_contacts.has_key(handle) or not self._online_contacts[handle]): return if not len(activity) or not util.validate_activity_id(activity): activity = None prop = {'current-activity': activity} _logger.debug("Handle %s: current activity now %s", handle, activity) self._buddy_properties_changed_cb(handle, prop) def _new_channel_cb(self, object_path, channel_type, handle_type, handle, suppress_handler): """Handle creation of a new channel """ if (handle_type == HANDLE_TYPE_ROOM and channel_type == CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT): def ready(channel): for act_id, act_handle in self._activities.iteritems(): if handle == act_handle: break else: return def got_all_members(current, local_pending, remote_pending): if local_pending: for act_id, act_handle in self._activities.iteritems(): if handle == act_handle: self.emit('activity-invitation', act_id) def got_all_members_err(e): logger.debug('Unable to get channel members for %s:', object_path, exc_info=1) group = channel[CHANNEL_INTERFACE_GROUP] group.GetAllMembers(reply_handler=got_all_members, error_handler=got_all_members_err) # we throw away the channel as soon as ready() finishes Channel(self._conn.service_name, object_path, ready_handler=ready) elif (handle_type == HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT and channel_type in (CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT, CHANNEL_TYPE_STREAMED_MEDIA)): self.emit("private-invitation", object_path) def update_activity_properties(self, act_id): """Request update from network on the activity properties of act_id""" handle = self._activities.get(act_id) if not handle: raise RuntimeError("Unknown activity %s: couldn't find handle.") self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE_ACTIVITY_PROPERTIES].GetProperties(handle, reply_handler=lambda *args: self._activity_properties_changed_cb( handle, *args), error_handler=lambda e: self._log_error_cb( "getting activity properties", e)) def set_activity_properties(self, act_id, props): """Send update to network on the activity properties of act_id (props). """ handle = self._activities.get(act_id) if not handle: raise RuntimeError("Unknown activity %s: couldn't find handle.") self._conn[CONN_INTERFACE_ACTIVITY_PROPERTIES].SetProperties(handle, props, reply_handler=self._ignore_success_cb, error_handler=lambda e: self._log_error_cb( "setting activity properties", e)) def _activity_properties_changed_cb(self, room, properties): """Handle update of properties for a "room" (activity handle)""" for act_id, act_handle in self._activities.items(): if room == act_handle: self.emit("activity-properties-changed", act_id, properties) return