* #4941: Add menu entry with dialog to show About this XO (erikos)
* #5089: show frame shortly when adding object to clipboard (erikos)
* #5097: Fix pasting text between activities through the clipboard. (tomeu)
* #4660: Use improved PS API which streamlines ShareActivity process (smcv)


* #5004 Fix race that caused multiple fake icons appear in the activity frame
  after installing a bundle with Browse. (tomeu)

Snapshot 411879e9de

* #4768 Fix memory leak when switching between activities. (marco)

Snapshot 9d28557bbd

* Fix randr. (marco)
* Do not fail if there is not an activity service. (marco)
* Alert when an activity cannot be saved. (rwh)

Snapshot 47e231311b

* Get rid of sound competely to be sure we don't block the device. (marco)

Snapshot 1bf6cdaa81

* #4728, #4764: Set the correct colors for filtered out mesh view icons. (tomeu)

Snapshot d6bac927e1

* #4667 Do not display XO outside the mesh view. (marco)
* #4687 Use the right free function, fix a crash. (sjoerd)
* #4724 Display meshbox invite palette menu with colored
  activity icon (erikos)
* Always checkin to the DS from a new file. (tomeu)

Snapshot c682a5e241

- #4570: Fix alt-tab and ctrl-alt-tab behavior
- #3605: Make donut activity size fixed
- #4644: Ctrl-Q does not kill Journal
- #4571: Scroll buttons should not be reversed for Arabic

Snapshot 55864fa3f6

* Support for the espeak service. (codyl)
* Fix typo in activity launching code. (marco)

Snapshot e23f012e08

* Launch a few activities outside rainbow containers. (marco)

Snapshot 3e491c2dc7

* #4715: Filter new items that appear in the mesh view. (tomeu)
* #4716: Filter correctly activity icons in the mesh view. (tomeu)
* Use HOME/.i18n in control panel and reset jabber_registered to False (erikos)

Snapshot dae3ebe8d1

Snapshot 306d32832f

* Associate ctrl+s to keep. (rwh)

Snapshot 73cae198f5

* Remove the startup sound for now, to not break audio
  for all the activities. (marco)

Snapshot 0a9676171d

* #4650: Failure to write journal files. (marco)

Snapshot ee8712d1c4

* #3119: Implement some basic search capabilities in the mesh view. (tomeu)

Snapshot d456f6c633

* New experimental screenshot code. (marco)

Snapshot e748f756c0

* #4618: Make the shell service more resilient to failure. (tomeu)

Snapshot 39aca0154d

* Get bundle installation to work again. (marco)

Snapshot b6422678e6

* #1941 Call FocusSearch method for popping up the journal. (rwh)

Snapshot 2df96b9af7

* #4552 Allow to open images in Paint (marco)
* #4518: Encode nickname in UTF-8 when writing it out to .sugar/*/config (smcv)
* sugar-control: Use NM for radio on/off, check for superuser (erikos)

Snapshot b72f00e30b

* #4517 Do not require a TakeScreenshot method on the dbus service (marco)
* Add wep type combo. (dcbw)

Snapshot 8c89bfaed7

* #4503: Do some standard Tubes boilerplate in sugar.presence, so activities
  don't have to (smcv)
* #4428 Revert to the trial-3 frame behavior (marco)
* Initial push for the sugar control panel (erikos)
* #4358: pydoc strings for sugar.activity.Activity

Snapshot 176262f2e9

* Added morgs NotifyAlert (timed one button alert) to the alert api (erikos)

Snapshot fdb4e49b14

* Save journal files on nand, not tmpfs (tomeu)

Snapshot 3bae39c06c

* Make <alt> keybindings work again (marco)

Snapshot 606346b18c

* #4238: Handle double BuddyLeft in handle tracking in sugar.presence (morgs)

Snapshot 57402cf309

* Add new keybindings (Ctrl+Q, Ctrl+escape) for close activity (erikos)
* Add a keybinding (alt+space) to activity window to hide/show tray (erikos)

Snapshot efd0bbd326

* Add support to be able to remove an alert which is not the top 
one on the queue (erikos)
* Fullscreen support (hide toolbar and tray) and tray support in activity 
window (erikos)

Snapshot b023dd17a2

* Fix a crash in the emulator (marco)

Snapshot 276e1ee517

* #4266 Avoid misleading warning every time an activity starts (smcv)
* #4027 Try to make sugar.presence log messages less misleading (smcv)

Snapshot 24fbd1ce1c

* Fix the object chooser (marco)

Snapshot 3c7578577d

* Fix the shell service (marco)

Snapshot fa55b5af09

* Changed default spacing to 15px (from 8px) (benzea)
* Correct the height of the primary palette (benzea)
* Use double leading underscores for callback names to avoid name collisions (erikos)
Snapshot 34e2271833

* Activity launching fixes (marco)

Snapshot 6d2828e54e

* Code cleanups (marco)

Snapshot 1eb9932ab3

* sugar.presence tracking handles of buddies (morgs)
* Cleanup activity destruction (marco)
* Added TimeoutAlert (erikos)

Snapshot 29bc0a8a20

* Register to the school server from XO palette (marco)

Snapshot 05668dfad7

* First implementation of the alert bar #2822 and hooked it up 
  to the activity window (erikos)

Snapshot 9c5755d85a

* Put toolbars into event boxes so X fills the background correctly (benzea)

Snapshot 6c7c6a503b

* Activity launching refactoring. (marco)
* Improved logs. (marco)

Snapshot 143f9ac9c6

* Save activity previews to the datastore as binary png images. (tomeu)

Snapshot acca55e861

* #3905 Wait 3 seconds, rather than 3000, if NetworkManager doesn't respond
* #3909 Cope with both dbus-python both before and after 0.82.2 (smcv)
* #3181 Show always myself in friendstray (erikos)
* #948 Fix passphrase encoding for some passphrases. (bertf)
* #948 Accept ascii passphrases for WEP networks. '$:1a2b3c4d' for hex keys,
  's:my passphrase' for 5 or 13 characters ascii passphrases, or just the plain
  key for ascii passphrases of any other length. (tomeu)
* #2477 Support dbus introspection in sugar-native-factory (bertf)
* #2674 Add arrows to hint about the frame corner activation (marco)
* #2665 Re-arrange device icons in a line at the bottom (marco)
* #3378 Support changes in activity scope (incomplete!) (smcv, marco)
* #3081, #3497, #3485 Fix palette sizing and widget placement (benzea)
* #2211 New XRestop interface style in Developer Console (edsiper)

Snapshot b8ce5083b7

* #3601 Always remove invites from the frame. (cassidy)

Snapshot b8ce5083b7

* #3560 Updated spanish translation. (marco)

Snapshot b8ce5083b7

* Handle the passing of the child of the toolitem to the WidgetInvoker in ToolInvoker, FrameWidgetInvoker (erikos) 
* #3293 Fix that several palettes are not hooked up to the same button (erikos)
* #3514 Remove invite when the activiy disappear from the mesh. (cassidy)
* #3003 Make image drags on the clipboard work consistently. (marco)

Snapshot 8ef6c57f8b

* #3478 Fix handling of non-default types. (bertf)

Snapshot 0a666e23cf

* #2977 Associate activity with his journal object if there is one. (marco)
* #3045 Fix clipboard palettes behavior. (marco)
* #2739 Make frame show on corners also after showing palettes. (marco)

Snapshot 47f473189e

* Fix typo so the removal of expanded activity bundles is complete. (tomeu)
* Don't disable the clipboard icons when they are still incomplete. (tomeu)
* #3053: Fix the distance between the clustered xos and the activity. (marco)
* Make the sizes of mesh icons match Eben spec. (marco)
* #3364: When joining an activity, pick up its sharing scope, so we don't
  try to re-share already shared activities in order to invite someone (smcv)

Snapshot 8b784a6223

* #3339 Add default mime types handler to the shell. (marco)
* #3143 Finish up the invite-only mode implementation. (marco)

Snapshot 79237f3114

* #2582 German translation. (fab)
* #2026 Fix the active flag when there are multiple toplevels. (marco)
* Fixed some issues with text objects in the clipboard. (tomeu)

Snapshot a1f5cece18

* Fix traceback on mesh disconnect command (dcbw)

Snapshot 6b6470ebcb

* #1260, #2664, #1542, #2985: Rework network UI bits to be more informative and
    increase granularity of mesh device control (dcbw)
* #2909: Make python activities more tolerant to missing metadata properties. (tomeu)
* #2653: Add audio/wav and audio/x-wav as Audio objects. (tomeu)
* Support moving of data files written to the datastore using standard Activity
  write_file() API (dcbw)

Snapshot c8700feccf

* Removing activity from donut when not the active and the last one (erikos)
* Fix when removing an item from the clipboard tray (erikos)
* #3085: Fixed XO icon in group view (erikos)
* #3856: support for content bundles (danw)

Snapshot d9a30c23ff

* #2960: Gray bottom border for Toolbox. (marco)
* #2164: Keybindings for buttons in intro sequence (erikos)

Snapshot 0ad6398cf1

* #3025: Make bundlebuilder work even if SUGAR_PREFIX is not set. (marco)
* #2896: Remove sugar.date module. (tomeu)

Snapshot 0b3f687749

* #3088: Fix style of zoom buttons palettes. (marco)
* Refactor activity share/join in Activity.__init__() to be clearer and cover
    all cases (dcbw)
* #2971: Fix palette flash when the mouse pointer leave the palete and go
    over the Invoker (marco)

Snapshot feb462d08d

* Don't allow removing system-installed activities. (tomeu)
* #3063: Make the 'Keep' button in the activity toolbar create a copy of the
  activity in the journal. Add a copy() method for activities to use. (tomeu)
* #3045: Fix issues with the clipboard icons and palettes. (tomeu)
* Get invites back to work in the UI. (marco)
* Get the title on activity palette in the mesh to work. (marco)

Snapshot e65fef5c79

* Support mutable name/tags in sugar.presence (smcv)
* Support invitations in sugar.presence (smcv)
* Add badges to infrastructure access points in mesh view (dcbw)
* Add palette to Wireless device on Home view showing channel (dcbw)

Snapshot 23ad88db0c

* #1986: Add Reboo option in Home View (edsiper)
* Re-share an activity when it gets launched from the journal if it was
    shared before (dcbw)
* Update to new tubes API (cassidy)

Snapshot 246ec1e4aa

* Update arabic translation. (khaled)
* Restore Icon's ability to load absolute file paths. (tomeu)
* #722 Show "charging" badge on battery. (danw)
* #2010 Remember state when scrubbing. (marco)

Snapshot d38cacfe2c

* Add icons to the activity ring palette. (danw)

Snapshot e83b98a8f6

* #2912: Improvements to GlibURLDownloader API (dcbw)
* #2299: Really fix buddy properties coming through as arrays of bytes (dcbw)

Snapshot b24a28a77d

* #2012: Fix palette position on the left frame panel. (marco)
* #2297: Make activity name translatable. (danw)
* #2695: Recognize text files as such. (tomeu)
* #2669: Add a border to the inner of the frame. (marco)
* #2703: Update macedonian translation. (ArangelAngov)
* #2543: Offer multiple activities for opening clipboard objects. (tomeu)

Snapshot d93122bf5e

* #2751 Add keybindings for max/min brightness/volume

Snapshot 040c94d181

* #2099 Tweak a color pair as requested by Walter. (marco)
* Draw an invoker that is connected with the palette for toolbuttons. (benzea)
* Fix traceback when reading in saved WPA2 network configs (dcbw)
* #2475 Retrieve correctly the file path for files in removable devices. (tomeu)
* #2119 If config is missing start intro. (marco)
* #2083 Fix centering of items in the spread box. (marco)
* #2486 In the intro screen name page enter goes to next page. (marco)
* #2570 Accept correctly image drops from Record.
* Add Greek translation. (simosx)
* #2564 Use the activity service name as the base name for translation files.
* Add WPA support (miguel, dcbw)
* Fix clipboard support for text from Browse. (tomeu)
* #2511 Fix journal entries background in the object chooser. (tomeu)
* Activity launching now timeout after 120 seconds. (marco)
* Add timeout arg to sugar.datastore.Datastore. (tomeu)
* Presence Service monitor in dev console (smcv)
* Turn off logging by default.  Logs may be re-enabled on a per-module basis
  by adding environment variables like SHELL_DEBUG and RECORD_DEBUG to
  the sugar environment

Snapshot 088c7612e3

* Don't follow the cursor when expanding to secondary palette. (marco)
* #2370 Update spanish translation. (marco)
* #2014 Add icons in the share dropdown in activities. (marco)

Snapshot 9ac5d38e90

* #2361 Ensure secondary palette state doesn't go out of screen. (marco)
* #2014 Use a combobox to represent activity network state. (marco)

Snapshot 4a924a8e5d

* #2399 Fix a bug which was preventing Write to start. (tomeu)
* #2052 Fix error in the developer console. (edsiper)

Snapshot 943c78ffa7

* #2323 Make combobox icons bigger when there is no text. (marco)
* Add option to GlibURLDownloader to download to specified file instead
  of tempfile (dcbw)

Snapshot 8ae99aaa87

* #2268 Allow removing downloads from the clipboard while in progress. (tomeu)
* #2240 Ensure activity uniquness in the shell. (marco)

Snapshot f6f3f2b520

* #2103 Use selection grey for progress in the browser entry. (marco)
* Fix opening downloads from the clipboard. (marco)

Snapshot 6b57baa075

* #2008 Place free views palettes at cursor. (marco)
* Actually handle multiple mime types (dcbw)
* Keep owner in the center in mesh view (dcbw)
* Suppress annoying warnings about unknown activities from the PS (dcbw)
* Don't close GlibTCPServer sockets prematurely (dcbw)

Snapshot 5212790236

* Fix initialization order of buddy class '_activities' member (dcbw)
* Update brazilian translation.
* Add polish translation.
* Add french translation.
* #958, #1433 Refactor brightness and volume key handling to follow
Eben specification and the new B3 keyboard (marco)

Snapshot fd7336c2f1

* Suppress traceback when creating a new buddy object on buddy-disappeared

Snapshot 9f4da4e6d1

* #775 Show the activity's creator colors in the donut. (danw)
* #2185 Do not shutdown on power button, ohm does it now. (marco)
* #1888 Choose the correct mime type when adding text from Write to the
  clipboard. (tomeu)
* #2149, #2150: fixes for the clipboard palette. (tomeu)
* #2163 Arrow icons in the intro screen buttons. (marco)

Snapshot 4c352d1f83

* Adapt to the datastore API changes. (tomeu)

Snapshot ec7eb2ebbb

* Update the XO colors with a new list from walter. (marco)
* Refactored the intro screen UI to start matching the new design. (marco)
* #1720 Show the name of the wireless network to which we are connected. (tomeu)
* #1888 Fix opening items from the clipboard. (tomeu)
* #1984 Fix removing items from the clipboard. (tomeu)

Snapshot b83a9ec27d

* Fix font size on the XO. (marco)
* Make developer console work again. (marco)
* #2020 Use the new activity-stop icon. (marco)
* #2002 Tooltips for the zoom levels. (marco)
* #2018 Rename Save to Keep. (marco)
* #2020 Rename Close to Stop. (marco)

Snapshot 42f0bcc48d

* Fix broken import which was preventing startup. (marco)

Snapshot 757b2b8ce6

* #2031: Do not die if battery properties are unavailable. (marco)
* #1953: Retrieve friends' nicks from the profile. (tomeu)
* #1720: Show the owner's buddy menu in the Groups view. (tomeu)

Snapshot aa6a024368

* #1825: Fix tab label padding. (marco)
* #1823: Margin at the toolbar tabs bottom. (marco)
* #1872, #1934: Hide palettes when closing activities or switching views. (tomeu)

Snapshot f8cf7ff1ce

* Hide palettes when buttons are clicked. (edsiper)

Snapshot cebf25739b

* #1930: Only take preview before closing. (tomeu)

Snapshot 8af15d4e73

* Nicer tooltips. Improved sizing logic. (marco)
* Do not popdown the frame when palettes are active. (marco)
* Add macedonian translation. (ArangelAngov)
* Add brazilian translation. (DiegoZacarao)
* Some fixes for changing the selected clipboard object. (tomeu)
* Fix palettes around the mesh edges. (edsiper)

Snapshot de8b3b4c01

* Use HAL to get battery informations. 
* Improvements in the mesh view layout.
* Hide the active palette when another popup.
* Icons in the buddy menu items