# Copyright (C) 2007, Red Hat, Inc. # Copyright (C) 2010 Collabora Ltd. # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """UI interface to an activity in the presence service STABLE. """ import logging from functools import partial import dbus from dbus import PROPERTIES_IFACE from gi.repository import GObject from telepathy.client import Channel from telepathy.interfaces import CHANNEL, \ CHANNEL_INTERFACE_GROUP, \ CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES, \ CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT, \ CONNECTION, \ PROPERTIES_INTERFACE from telepathy.constants import CHANNEL_GROUP_FLAG_CHANNEL_SPECIFIC_HANDLES, \ HANDLE_TYPE_ROOM, \ HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT, \ PROPERTY_FLAG_WRITE from sugar3.presence.buddy import Buddy CONN_INTERFACE_ACTIVITY_PROPERTIES = 'org.laptop.Telepathy.ActivityProperties' CONN_INTERFACE_BUDDY_INFO = 'org.laptop.Telepathy.BuddyInfo' CONN_INTERFACE_ROOM_CONFIG = \ 'org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Interface.RoomConfig1' _logger = logging.getLogger('sugar3.presence.activity') class Activity(GObject.GObject): """UI interface for an Activity in the presence service Activities in the presence service represent your and other user's shared activities. Properties: id color name type joined """ __gsignals__ = { 'buddy-joined': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ([GObject.TYPE_PYOBJECT])), 'buddy-left': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ([GObject.TYPE_PYOBJECT])), 'new-channel': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ([GObject.TYPE_PYOBJECT])), 'joined': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ([GObject.TYPE_PYOBJECT, GObject.TYPE_PYOBJECT])), } __gproperties__ = { 'id': (str, None, None, None, GObject.PARAM_READABLE), 'name': (str, None, None, None, GObject.PARAM_READWRITE), 'tags': (str, None, None, None, GObject.PARAM_READWRITE), 'color': (str, None, None, None, GObject.PARAM_READWRITE), 'type': (str, None, None, None, GObject.PARAM_READABLE), 'private': (bool, None, None, True, GObject.PARAM_READWRITE), 'joined': (bool, None, None, False, GObject.PARAM_READABLE), } def __init__(self, account_path, connection, room_handle=None, properties=None): if room_handle is None and properties is None: raise ValueError('Need to pass one of room_handle or properties') if properties is None: properties = {} GObject.GObject.__init__(self) self._account_path = account_path self.telepathy_conn = connection self.telepathy_text_chan = None self.telepathy_tubes_chan = None self.room_handle = room_handle self._join_command = None self._share_command = None self._id = properties.get('id', None) self._color = properties.get('color', None) self._name = properties.get('name', None) self._type = properties.get('type', None) self._tags = properties.get('tags', None) self._private = properties.get('private', True) self._joined = properties.get('joined', False) self._channel_self_handle = None self._text_channel_group_flags = 0 self._buddies = {} self._joined_buddies = {} self._get_properties_call = None if not self.room_handle is None: self._start_tracking_properties() def _start_tracking_properties(self): bus = dbus.SessionBus() self._get_properties_call = bus.call_async( self.telepathy_conn.requested_bus_name, self.telepathy_conn.object_path, CONN_INTERFACE_ACTIVITY_PROPERTIES, 'GetProperties', 'u', (self.room_handle,), reply_handler=self.__got_properties_cb, error_handler=self.__error_handler_cb, utf8_strings=True) # As only one Activity instance is needed per activity process, # we can afford listening to ActivityPropertiesChanged like this. self.telepathy_conn.connect_to_signal( 'ActivityPropertiesChanged', self.__activity_properties_changed_cb, dbus_interface=CONN_INTERFACE_ACTIVITY_PROPERTIES) def __activity_properties_changed_cb(self, room_handle, properties): _logger.debug('%r: Activity properties changed to %r', self, properties) self._update_properties(properties) def __got_properties_cb(self, properties): _logger.debug('__got_properties_cb %r', properties) self._get_properties_call = None self._update_properties(properties) def __error_handler_cb(self, error): _logger.debug('__error_handler_cb %r', error) def _update_properties(self, new_props): val = new_props.get('name', self._name) if isinstance(val, str) and val != self._name: self._name = val self.notify('name') val = new_props.get('tags', self._tags) if isinstance(val, str) and val != self._tags: self._tags = val self.notify('tags') val = new_props.get('color', self._color) if isinstance(val, str) and val != self._color: self._color = val self.notify('color') val = bool(new_props.get('private', self._private)) if val != self._private: self._private = val self.notify('private') val = new_props.get('id', self._id) if isinstance(val, str) and self._id is None: self._id = val self.notify('id') val = new_props.get('type', self._type) if isinstance(val, str) and self._type is None: self._type = val self.notify('type') def object_path(self): """Get our dbus object path""" return self._object_path def do_get_property(self, pspec): """Retrieve a particular property from our property dictionary""" if pspec.name == 'joined': return self._joined if self._get_properties_call is not None: _logger.debug('%r: Blocking on GetProperties() because someone ' 'wants property %s', self, pspec.name) self._get_properties_call.block() if pspec.name == 'id': return self._id elif pspec.name == 'name': return self._name elif pspec.name == 'color': return self._color elif pspec.name == 'type': return self._type elif pspec.name == 'tags': return self._tags elif pspec.name == 'private': return self._private def do_set_property(self, pspec, val): """Set a particular property in our property dictionary""" # FIXME: need an asynchronous API to set these properties, # particularly 'private' if pspec.name == 'name': self._name = val elif pspec.name == 'color': self._color = val elif pspec.name == 'tags': self._tags = val elif pspec.name == 'private': self._private = val else: raise ValueError('Unknown property %r', pspec.name) self._publish_properties() def set_private(self, val, reply_handler, error_handler): _logger.debug('set_private %r', val) self._activity.SetProperties({'private': bool(val)}, reply_handler=reply_handler, error_handler=error_handler) def get_joined_buddies(self): """Retrieve the set of Buddy objects attached to this activity returns list of presence Buddy objects that we can successfully create from the buddy object paths that PS has for this activity. """ return self._joined_buddies.values() def get_buddy_by_handle(self, handle): """Retrieve the Buddy object given a telepathy handle. buddy object paths are cached in self._handle_to_buddy_path, so we can get the buddy without calling PS. """ object_path = self._handle_to_buddy_path.get(handle, None) if object_path: buddy = self._ps_new_object(object_path) return buddy return None def invite(self, buddy, message, response_cb): """Invite the given buddy to join this activity. The callback will be called with one parameter: None on success, or an exception on failure. """ if not self._joined: raise RuntimeError('Cannot invite a buddy to an activity that is' 'not shared.') self.telepathy_text_chan.AddMembers([buddy.contact_handle], message, dbus_interface=CHANNEL_INTERFACE_GROUP, reply_handler=partial(self.__invite_cb, response_cb), error_handler=partial(self.__invite_cb, response_cb)) def __invite_cb(self, response_cb, error=None): response_cb(error) def set_up_tubes(self, reply_handler, error_handler): raise NotImplementedError() def __joined_cb(self, join_command, error): _logger.debug('%r: Join finished %r', self, error) if error is not None: self.emit('joined', error is None, str(error)) self.telepathy_text_chan = join_command.text_channel self.telepathy_tubes_chan = join_command.tubes_channel self._channel_self_handle = join_command.channel_self_handle self._text_channel_group_flags = join_command.text_channel_group_flags self._start_tracking_buddies() self._start_tracking_channel() def _start_tracking_buddies(self): group = self.telepathy_text_chan[CHANNEL_INTERFACE_GROUP] group.GetAllMembers(reply_handler=self.__get_all_members_cb, error_handler=self.__error_handler_cb) group.connect_to_signal('MembersChanged', self.__text_channel_members_changed_cb) def _start_tracking_channel(self): channel = self.telepathy_text_chan[CHANNEL] channel.connect_to_signal('Closed', self.__text_channel_closed_cb) def __get_all_members_cb(self, members, local_pending, remote_pending): _logger.debug('__get_all_members_cb %r %r', members, self._text_channel_group_flags) if self._channel_self_handle in members: members.remove(self._channel_self_handle) if not members: return self._resolve_handles(members, reply_cb=self._add_initial_buddies) def _resolve_handles(self, input_handles, reply_cb): def get_handle_owners_cb(handles): self.telepathy_conn.InspectHandles(HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT, handles, reply_handler=reply_cb, error_handler=self.__error_handler_cb, dbus_interface=CONNECTION) if self._text_channel_group_flags & \ CHANNEL_GROUP_FLAG_CHANNEL_SPECIFIC_HANDLES: group = self.telepathy_text_chan[CHANNEL_INTERFACE_GROUP] group.GetHandleOwners(input_handles, reply_handler=get_handle_owners_cb, error_handler=self.__error_handler_cb) else: get_handle_owners_cb(input_handles) def _add_initial_buddies(self, contact_ids): _logger.debug('__add_initial_buddies %r', contact_ids) for contact_id in contact_ids: self._buddies[contact_id] = self._get_buddy(contact_id) self._joined_buddies[contact_id] = self._get_buddy(contact_id) # Once we have the initial members, we can finish the join process self._joined = True self.emit('joined', True, None) def __text_channel_members_changed_cb(self, message, added, removed, local_pending, remote_pending, actor, reason): _logger.debug('__text_channel_members_changed_cb %r', [added, message, added, removed, local_pending, remote_pending, actor, reason]) if self._channel_self_handle in added: added.remove(self._channel_self_handle) if added: self._resolve_handles(added, reply_cb=self._add_buddies) if self._channel_self_handle in removed: removed.remove(self._channel_self_handle) if removed: self._resolve_handles(removed, reply_cb=self._remove_buddies) def _add_buddies(self, contact_ids): for contact_id in contact_ids: if contact_id not in self._buddies: buddy = self._get_buddy(contact_id) self.emit('buddy-joined', buddy) self._buddies[contact_id] = buddy if contact_id not in self._joined_buddies: self._joined_buddies[contact_id] = buddy def _remove_buddies(self, contact_ids): for contact_id in contact_ids: if contact_id in self._buddies: buddy = self._get_buddy(contact_id) self.emit('buddy-left', buddy) del self._buddies[contact_id] def _get_buddy(self, contact_id): if contact_id in self._buddies: return self._buddies[contact_id] else: return Buddy(self._account_path, contact_id) def join(self): """Join this activity. Emits 'joined' and otherwise does nothing if we're already joined. """ if self._join_command is not None: return if self._joined: self.emit('joined', True, None) return _logger.debug('%r: joining', self) self._join_command = _JoinCommand(self.telepathy_conn, self.room_handle) self._join_command.connect('finished', self.__joined_cb) self._join_command.run() def share(self, share_activity_cb, share_activity_error_cb): if not self.room_handle is None: raise ValueError('Already have a room handle') self._share_command = _ShareCommand(self.telepathy_conn, self._id) self._share_command.connect('finished', partial(self.__shared_cb, share_activity_cb, share_activity_error_cb)) self._share_command.run() def __shared_cb(self, share_activity_cb, share_activity_error_cb, share_command, error): _logger.debug('%r: Share finished %r', self, error) if error is None: self._joined = True self.room_handle = share_command.room_handle self.telepathy_text_chan = share_command.text_channel self.telepathy_tubes_chan = share_command.tubes_channel self._channel_self_handle = share_command.channel_self_handle self._text_channel_group_flags = \ share_command.text_channel_group_flags self._publish_properties() self._start_tracking_properties() self._start_tracking_buddies() self._start_tracking_channel() share_activity_cb(self) else: share_activity_error_cb(self, error) def _publish_properties(self): properties = {} if self._color is not None: properties['color'] = str(self._color) if self._name is not None: properties['name'] = str(self._name) if self._type is not None: properties['type'] = self._type if self._tags is not None: properties['tags'] = self._tags properties['private'] = self._private self.telepathy_conn.SetProperties( self.room_handle, properties, dbus_interface=CONN_INTERFACE_ACTIVITY_PROPERTIES) def __share_error_cb(self, share_activity_error_cb, error): logging.debug('%r: Share failed because: %s', self, error) share_activity_error_cb(self, error) # GetChannels() wrapper def get_channels(self): """Retrieve communications channel descriptions for the activity Returns a tuple containing: - the D-Bus well-known service name of the connection (FIXME: this is redundant; in Telepathy it can be derived from that of the connection) - the D-Bus object path of the connection - a list of D-Bus object paths representing the channels associated with this activity """ bus_name = self.telepathy_conn.requested_bus_name connection_path = self.telepathy_conn.object_path channels = [self.telepathy_text_chan.object_path, self.telepathy_tubes_chan.object_path] _logger.debug('%r: bus name is %s, connection is %s, channels are %r', self, bus_name, connection_path, channels) return bus_name, connection_path, channels # Leaving def __text_channel_closed_cb(self): self._joined = False self.emit('joined', False, 'left activity') def leave(self): """Leave this shared activity""" _logger.debug('%r: leaving', self) self.telepathy_text_chan.Close() class _BaseCommand(GObject.GObject): __gsignals__ = { 'finished': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ([object])), } def __init__(self): GObject.GObject.__init__(self) self.text_channel = None self.text_channel_group_flags = None self.tubes_channel = None self.room_handle = None self.channel_self_handle = None def run(self): raise NotImplementedError() class _ShareCommand(_BaseCommand): def __init__(self, connection, activity_id): _BaseCommand.__init__(self) self._connection = connection self._activity_id = activity_id self._finished = False self._join_command = None def run(self): self._connection.RequestHandles( HANDLE_TYPE_ROOM, [self._activity_id], reply_handler=self.__got_handles_cb, error_handler=self.__error_handler_cb, dbus_interface=CONNECTION) def __got_handles_cb(self, handles): logging.debug('__got_handles_cb %r', handles) self.room_handle = handles[0] self._join_command = _JoinCommand(self._connection, self.room_handle) self._join_command.connect('finished', self.__joined_cb) self._join_command.run() def __joined_cb(self, join_command, error): _logger.debug('%r: Join finished %r', self, error) if error is not None: self._finished = True self.emit('finished', error) return self.text_channel = join_command.text_channel self.text_channel_group_flags = join_command.text_channel_group_flags self.tubes_channel = join_command.tubes_channel self.channel_self_handle = join_command.channel_self_handle self._connection.AddActivity( self._activity_id, self.room_handle, reply_handler=self.__added_activity_cb, error_handler=self.__error_handler_cb, dbus_interface=CONN_INTERFACE_BUDDY_INFO) def __added_activity_cb(self): self._finished = True self.emit('finished', None) def __error_handler_cb(self, error): self._finished = True self.emit('finished', error) class _JoinCommand(_BaseCommand): def __init__(self, connection, room_handle): _BaseCommand.__init__(self) self._connection = connection self._finished = False self.room_handle = room_handle self._global_self_handle = None def run(self): if self._finished: raise RuntimeError('This command has already finished') self._connection.Get(CONNECTION, 'SelfHandle', reply_handler=self.__get_self_handle_cb, error_handler=self.__error_handler_cb, dbus_interface=PROPERTIES_IFACE) def __get_self_handle_cb(self, handle): self._global_self_handle = handle self._connection.RequestChannel(CHANNEL_TYPE_TEXT, HANDLE_TYPE_ROOM, self.room_handle, True, reply_handler=self.__create_text_channel_cb, error_handler=self.__error_handler_cb, dbus_interface=CONNECTION) self._connection.RequestChannel(CHANNEL_TYPE_TUBES, HANDLE_TYPE_ROOM, self.room_handle, True, reply_handler=self.__create_tubes_channel_cb, error_handler=self.__error_handler_cb, dbus_interface=CONNECTION) def __create_text_channel_cb(self, channel_path): Channel(self._connection.requested_bus_name, channel_path, ready_handler=self.__text_channel_ready_cb) def __create_tubes_channel_cb(self, channel_path): Channel(self._connection.requested_bus_name, channel_path, ready_handler=self.__tubes_channel_ready_cb) def __error_handler_cb(self, error): self._finished = True self.emit('finished', error) def __tubes_channel_ready_cb(self, channel): _logger.debug('%r: Tubes channel %r is ready', self, channel) self.tubes_channel = channel self._tubes_ready() def __text_channel_ready_cb(self, channel): _logger.debug('%r: Text channel %r is ready', self, channel) self.text_channel = channel self._tubes_ready() def _tubes_ready(self): if self.text_channel is None or \ self.tubes_channel is None: return _logger.debug('%r: finished setting up tubes', self) self._add_self_to_channel() def __text_channel_group_flags_changed_cb(self, added, removed): _logger.debug('__text_channel_group_flags_changed_cb %r %r', added, removed) self.text_channel_group_flags |= added self.text_channel_group_flags &= ~removed def _add_self_to_channel(self): # FIXME: cope with non-Group channels here if we want to support # non-OLPC-compatible IMs group = self.text_channel[CHANNEL_INTERFACE_GROUP] def got_all_members(members, local_pending, remote_pending): _logger.debug('got_all_members members %r local_pending %r ' 'remote_pending %r', members, local_pending, remote_pending) if self.text_channel_group_flags & \ CHANNEL_GROUP_FLAG_CHANNEL_SPECIFIC_HANDLES: self_handle = self.channel_self_handle else: self_handle = self._global_self_handle if self_handle in local_pending: _logger.debug('%r: We are in local pending - entering', self) group.AddMembers([self_handle], '', reply_handler=lambda: None, error_handler=lambda e: self._join_failed_cb(e, 'got_all_members AddMembers')) if members: self.__text_channel_members_changed_cb('', members, (), (), (), 0, 0) def got_group_flags(flags): self.text_channel_group_flags = flags # by the time we hook this, we need to know the group flags group.connect_to_signal('MembersChanged', self.__text_channel_members_changed_cb) # bootstrap by getting the current state. This is where we find # out whether anyone was lying to us in their PEP info group.GetAllMembers(reply_handler=got_all_members, error_handler=self.__error_handler_cb) def got_self_handle(channel_self_handle): self.channel_self_handle = channel_self_handle group.connect_to_signal('GroupFlagsChanged', self.__text_channel_group_flags_changed_cb) group.GetGroupFlags(reply_handler=got_group_flags, error_handler=self.__error_handler_cb) group.GetSelfHandle(reply_handler=got_self_handle, error_handler=self.__error_handler_cb) def __text_channel_members_changed_cb(self, message, added, removed, local_pending, remote_pending, actor, reason): _logger.debug('__text_channel_members_changed_cb added %r removed %r ' 'local_pending %r remote_pending %r channel_self_handle ' '%r', added, removed, local_pending, remote_pending, self.channel_self_handle) if self.text_channel_group_flags & \ CHANNEL_GROUP_FLAG_CHANNEL_SPECIFIC_HANDLES: self_handle = self.channel_self_handle else: self_handle = self._global_self_handle if self_handle not in added: return # Use RoomConfig1 to configure the text channel. If this # doesn't exist, fall-back on old-style PROPERTIES_INTERFACE. if CONN_INTERFACE_ROOM_CONFIG in self.text_channel: self.__update_room_config() elif PROPERTIES_INTERFACE in self.text_channel: self.text_channel[PROPERTIES_INTERFACE].ListProperties( reply_handler=self.__list_properties_cb, error_handler=self.__error_handler_cb) else: # FIXME: when does this codepath get hit? # It could be related to no property configuration being available # in the selected backend, or it could be called at some stage # of the protocol when properties aren't available yet. self._finished = True self.emit('finished', None) def __update_room_config(self): # FIXME: invite-only ought to be set on private activities; but # since only the owner can change invite-only, that would break # activity scope changes. props = { # otherwise buddy resolution breaks 'Anonymous': False, # anyone who knows about the channel can join 'InviteOnly': False, # vanish when there are no members 'Persistent': False, # don't appear in server room lists 'Private': True, } room_cfg = self.text_channel[CONN_INTERFACE_ROOM_CONFIG] room_cfg.UpdateConfiguration(props, reply_handler=self.__room_cfg_updated_cb, error_handler=self.__room_cfg_error_cb) def __room_cfg_updated_cb(self): self._finished = True self.emit('finished', None) def __room_cfg_error_cb(self, error): # If RoomConfig update fails, it's probably because we don't have # permission (e.g. we are not the session initiator). Thats OK - # ignore the failure and carry on. if (error.get_dbus_name() != 'org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Error.PermissionDenied'): logging.error("Error setting room configuration: %s", error) self._finished = True self.emit('finished', None) def __list_properties_cb(self, prop_specs): # FIXME: invite-only ought to be set on private activities; but # since only the owner can change invite-only, that would break # activity scope changes. props = { # otherwise buddy resolution breaks 'anonymous': False, # anyone who knows about the channel can join 'invite-only': False, # so non-owners can invite others 'invite-restricted': False, # vanish when there are no members 'persistent': False, # don't appear in server room lists 'private': True, } props_to_set = [] for ident, name, sig_, flags in prop_specs: value = props.pop(name, None) if value is not None: if flags & PROPERTY_FLAG_WRITE: props_to_set.append((ident, value)) # FIXME: else error, but only if we're creating the room? # FIXME: if props is nonempty, then we want to set props that aren't # supported here - raise an error? if props_to_set: self.text_channel[PROPERTIES_INTERFACE].SetProperties( props_to_set, reply_handler=self.__set_properties_cb, error_handler=self.__error_handler_cb) else: self._finished = True self.emit('finished', None) def __set_properties_cb(self): self._finished = True self.emit('finished', None)