# Copyright (C) 2006, Red Hat, Inc. # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. import re import gobject import gtk import hippo import rsvg import cairo import time from sugar.graphics.iconcolor import IconColor from sugar.graphics.timeline import Timeline class _IconCacheIcon: def __init__(self, name, color, now): self.data_size = None self.handle = self._read_icon_data(name, color) self.last_used = now self.usage_count = 1 def _read_icon_data(self, filename, color): icon_file = open(filename, 'r') data = icon_file.read() icon_file.close() if color: fill = color.get_fill_color() stroke = color.get_stroke_color() entity = '' % fill data = re.sub('', entity, data) entity = '' % stroke data = re.sub('', entity, data) self.data_size = len(data) return rsvg.Handle(data=data) class _IconCache: _CACHE_MAX = 50000 # in bytes def __init__(self): self._icons = {} self._theme = gtk.icon_theme_get_default() self._cache_size = 0 def _get_real_name_from_theme(self, name): info = self._theme.lookup_icon(name, 50, 0) if not info: raise ValueError("Icon '" + name + "' not found.") fname = info.get_filename() del info return fname def _cache_cleanup(self, key, now): while self._cache_size > self._CACHE_MAX: evict_key = None oldest_key = None oldest_time = now for icon_key, icon in self._icons.items(): # Don't evict the icon we are about to use if it's in the cache if icon_key == key: continue # evict large icons first if icon.data_size > self._CACHE_MAX: evict_key = icon_key break # evict older icons next; those used over 2 minutes ago if icon.last_used < now - 120: evict_key = icon_key break # otherwise, evict the oldest if oldest_time > icon.last_used: oldest_time = icon.last_used oldest_key = icon_key # If there's nothing specific to evict, try evicting # the oldest thing if not evict_key: if not oldest_key: break evict_key = oldest_key self._cache_size -= self._icons[evict_key].data_size del self._icons[evict_key] def get_handle(self, name, color): if name == None: return None if name[0:6] == "theme:": name = self._get_real_name_from_theme(name[6:]) if color: key = (name, color.to_string()) else: key = name # If we're over the cache limit, evict something from the cache now = time.time() self._cache_cleanup(key, now) if self._icons.has_key(key): icon = self._icons[key] icon.usage_count += 1 icon.last_used = now else: icon = _IconCacheIcon(name, color, now) self._icons[key] = icon self._cache_size += icon.data_size return icon.handle class CanvasIcon(hippo.CanvasBox, hippo.CanvasItem): __gtype_name__ = 'CanvasIcon' __gproperties__ = { 'icon-name': (str, None, None, None, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE), 'color' : (object, None, None, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE), 'scale' : (float, None, None, 0.0, 1024.0, 1.0, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE), 'cache' : (bool, None, None, False, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE) } _cache = _IconCache() def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._buffers = {} self._cur_buffer = None self._scale = 1.0 self._color = None self._icon_name = None self._cache = False self._handle = None self._popup = None self._hover_popup = False self._timeline = Timeline(self) self._timeline.add_tag('popup', 6, 6) self._timeline.add_tag('before_popdown', 7, 7) self._timeline.add_tag('popdown', 8, 8) hippo.CanvasBox.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.connect('motion-notify-event', self._motion_notify_event_cb) self.connect('button-press-event', self._button_press_event_cb) def _clear_buffers(self): cur_buf_key = self._get_current_buffer_key() for key in self._buffers.keys(): if key != cur_buf_key: del self._buffers[key] self._buffers = {} def do_set_property(self, pspec, value): if pspec.name == 'icon-name': if self._icon_name != value and not self._cache: self._clear_buffers() self._icon_name = value self._handle = None self.emit_paint_needed(0, 0, -1, -1) elif pspec.name == 'color': if self._color != value and not self._cache: self._clear_buffers() self._color = value self._handle = None self.emit_paint_needed(0, 0, -1, -1) elif pspec.name == 'scale': if self._scale != value and not self._cache: self._clear_buffers() self._scale = value self.emit_request_changed() elif pspec.name == 'cache': self._cache = value def _get_handle(self): if not self._handle: cache = CanvasIcon._cache self._handle = cache.get_handle(self._icon_name, self._color) return self._handle def _get_current_buffer_key(self): return (self._icon_name, self._color, self._scale) def do_get_property(self, pspec): if pspec.name == 'scale': return self._scale elif pspec.name == 'icon-name': return self._icon_name elif pspec.name == 'color': return self._color elif pspec.name == 'cache': return self._cache def _get_icon_size(self): handle = self._get_handle() if handle: dimensions = handle.get_dimension_data() width = int(dimensions[0] * self._scale) + 1 height = int(dimensions[1] * self._scale) + 1 return [width, height] return [0, 0] def _get_buffer(self, cr, handle): key = self._get_current_buffer_key() buf = None if self._buffers.has_key(key): buf = self._buffers[key] else: target = cr.get_target() [w, h] = self._get_icon_size() buf = target.create_similar(cairo.CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA, w, h) ctx = cairo.Context(buf) ctx.scale(self._scale, self._scale) handle.render_cairo(ctx) del ctx self._buffers[key] = buf return buf def do_paint_below_children(self, cr, damaged_box): handle = self._get_handle() if handle == None: return buf = self._get_buffer(cr, handle) [width, height] = self.get_allocation() [icon_width, icon_height] = self._get_icon_size() x = (width - icon_width) / 2 y = (height - icon_height) / 2 cr.set_source_surface(buf, x, y) cr.paint() def do_get_content_width_request(self): [width, height] = self._get_icon_size() return width def do_get_content_height_request(self, for_width): [width, height] = self._get_icon_size() return height def _button_press_event_cb(self, item, event): item.emit_activated() def get_popup(self): return self._popup def get_popup_context(self): return None def do_popup(self, current, n_frames): if self._popup: return popup = self.get_popup() if not popup: return popup_context = self.get_popup_context() [x, y] = [None, None] if popup_context: try: [x, y] = popup_context.get_position(self, popup) except NotImplementedError: pass if [x, y] == [None, None]: context = self.get_context() [x, y] = context.translate_to_screen(self) # TODO: Any better place to do this? popup.props.box_width = max(popup.props.box_width, self.get_width_request()) [width, height] = self.get_allocation() y += height position = [x, y] popup.popup(x, y) popup.connect('motion-notify-event', self._popup_motion_notify_event_cb) popup.connect('action-completed', self._popup_action_completed_cb) if popup_context: popup_context.popped_up(popup) self._popup = popup def do_popdown(self, current, frame): if self._popup: self._popup.popdown() popup_context = self.get_popup_context() if popup_context: popup_context.popped_down(self._popup) self._popup = None def popdown(self): self._timeline.play('popdown', 'popdown') def _motion_notify_event_cb(self, button, event): if event.detail == hippo.MOTION_DETAIL_ENTER: self._timeline.play(None, 'popup') elif event.detail == hippo.MOTION_DETAIL_LEAVE: if not self._hover_popup: self._timeline.play('before_popdown', 'popdown') def _popup_motion_notify_event_cb(self, popup, event): if event.detail == hippo.MOTION_DETAIL_ENTER: self._hover_popup = True self._timeline.play('popup', 'popup') elif event.detail == hippo.MOTION_DETAIL_LEAVE: self._hover_popup = False self._timeline.play('popdown', 'popdown') def _popup_action_completed_cb(self, popup): self.popdown()