#!/bin/python # Copyright (C) 2006, Red Hat, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import os import dbus, dbus.glib, gobject import logging import sqlite3 import dbus_helpers import string have_sugar = False try: from sugar import env have_sugar = True except ImportError: pass def is_hex(s): return s.strip(string.hexdigits) == '' ACTIVITY_ID_LEN = 40 def validate_activity_id(actid): """Validate an activity ID.""" if not isinstance(actid, str) and not isinstance(actid, unicode): return False if len(actid) != ACTIVITY_ID_LEN: return False if not is_hex(actid): return False return True _DS_SERVICE = "org.laptop.sugar.DataStore" _DS_DBUS_INTERFACE = "org.laptop.sugar.DataStore" _DS_OBJECT_PATH = "/org/laptop/sugar/DataStore" _DS_OBJECT_DBUS_INTERFACE = "org.laptop.sugar.DataStore.Object" _DS_OBJECT_OBJECT_PATH = "/org/laptop/sugar/DataStore/Object" class NotFoundError(Exception): pass def _create_op(uid): return "%s/%d" % (_DS_OBJECT_OBJECT_PATH, uid) def _get_uid_from_op(op): if not op.startswith(_DS_OBJECT_OBJECT_PATH + "/"): raise ValueError("Invalid object path %s." % op) item = op[len(_DS_OBJECT_OBJECT_PATH + "/"):] return int(item) def _get_data_as_string(data): if isinstance(data, list): data_str = "" for item in data: data_str += chr(item) return data_str elif isinstance(data, int): return str(data) elif isinstance(data, str): return data elif isinstance(data, unicode): return str(data) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported data type") class DataStoreDBusHelper(dbus.service.Object): def __init__(self, parent, bus_name): self._parent = parent self._bus_name = bus_name dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, bus_name, _DS_OBJECT_PATH) @dbus.service.method(_DS_DBUS_INTERFACE, in_signature="x", out_signature="o") def get(self, uid): return _create_op(self._parent.get(uid)) @dbus.service.method(_DS_DBUS_INTERFACE, in_signature="s", out_signature="o") def getActivityObject(self, activity_id): if not validate_activity_id(activity_id): raise ValueError("invalid activity id") return _create_op(self._parent.get_activity_object(activity_id)) @dbus.service.method(_DS_DBUS_INTERFACE, in_signature="aya{sv}s", out_signature="o") def create(self, data, prop_dict, activity_id): if len(activity_id): if not validate_activity_id(activity_id): raise ValueError("invalid activity id") else: activity_id = None uid = self._parent.create(data, prop_dict, activity_id) return _create_op(uid) @dbus.service.method(_DS_DBUS_INTERFACE, in_signature="o", out_signature="i") def delete(self, op): uid = _get_uid_from_op(op) self._parent.delete(uid) return 0 @dbus.service.method(_DS_DBUS_INTERFACE, in_signature="a{sv}", out_signature="ao") def find(self, prop_dict): uids = self._parent.find(prop_dict) ops = [] for uid in uids: ops.append(_create_op(uid)) return ops class ObjectDBusHelper(dbus_helpers.FallbackObject): def __init__(self, parent, bus_name): self._parent = parent self._bus_name = bus_name dbus_helpers.FallbackObject.__init__(self, bus_name, _DS_OBJECT_OBJECT_PATH) @dbus_helpers.method(_DS_OBJECT_DBUS_INTERFACE, in_signature="", out_signature="ay", object_path_keyword="dbus_object_path") def get_data(self, dbus_object_path=None): if not dbus_object_path: raise RuntimeError("Need the dbus object path.") uid = _get_uid_from_op(dbus_object_path) return dbus.ByteArray(self._parent.get_data(uid)) @dbus_helpers.method(_DS_OBJECT_DBUS_INTERFACE, in_signature="ay", out_signature="i", object_path_keyword="dbus_object_path") def set_data(self, data, dbus_object_path=None): if not dbus_object_path: raise RuntimeError("Need the dbus object path.") uid = _get_uid_from_op(dbus_object_path) self._parent.set_data(uid, data) return 0 @dbus_helpers.method(_DS_OBJECT_DBUS_INTERFACE, in_signature="as", out_signature="a{sv}", object_path_keyword="dbus_object_path") def get_properties(self, keys, dbus_object_path=None): if not dbus_object_path: raise RuntimeError("Need the dbus object path.") uid = _get_uid_from_op(dbus_object_path) return self._parent.get_properties(uid, keys) @dbus_helpers.method(_DS_OBJECT_DBUS_INTERFACE, in_signature="a{sv}", out_signature="i", object_path_keyword="dbus_object_path") def set_properties(self, prop_dict, dbus_object_path=None): if not dbus_object_path: raise RuntimeError("Need the dbus object path.") uid = _get_uid_from_op(dbus_object_path) self._parent.set_properties(uid, prop_dict) return 0 @dbus_helpers.fallback_signal(_DS_OBJECT_DBUS_INTERFACE, signature="ba{sv}b", ignore_args=["uid"]) def Updated(self, data, prop_dict, deleted, uid=None): # Return the object path so the signal decorator knows what # object this signal should be fore if not uid: raise RuntimeError("Need a UID.") op = _create_op(uid) return op class DataStore(object): def __init__(self): self._session_bus = dbus.SessionBus() self._bus_name = dbus.service.BusName(_DS_SERVICE, bus=self._session_bus) self._dbus_helper = DataStoreDBusHelper(self, self._bus_name) self._dbus_obj_helper = ObjectDBusHelper(self, self._bus_name) ppath = "/tmp" if have_sugar: ppath = env.get_profile_path() self._dbfile = os.path.join(ppath, "ds", "data-store.db") if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(self._dbfile)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self._dbfile), 0755) self._dbcx = sqlite3.connect(self._dbfile, timeout=3) try: self._ensure_table() except StandardError, e: logging.info("Could not access the data store. Reason: '%s'. Exiting..." % e) os._exit(1) self._dbcx.row_factory = sqlite3.Row def __del__(self): self._dbcx.close() del self._dbcx def _ensure_table(self): curs = self._dbcx.cursor() try: curs.execute('SELECT * FROM properties LIMIT 4') self._dbcx.commit() except Exception, e: # If table wasn't created, try to create it self._dbcx.commit() curs.execute('CREATE TABLE objects (' \ 'uid INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, ' \ 'activity_id VARCHAR(50), ' \ 'data BLOB' \ ');') curs.execute('CREATE TABLE properties (' \ 'objid INTEGER NOT NULL, ' \ 'key VARCHAR(100),' \ 'value VARCHAR(200)' \ ');') curs.execute('CREATE INDEX objid_idx ON properties(objid);') self._dbcx.commit() del curs def get(self, uid): curs = self._dbcx.cursor() curs.execute('SELECT uid FROM objects WHERE uid=?;', (uid,)) res = curs.fetchall() self._dbcx.commit() del curs if len(res) > 0: return uid raise NotFoundError("Object %d was not found." % uid) def get_activity_object(self, activity_id): curs = self._dbcx.cursor() curs.execute("SELECT uid FROM objects WHERE activity_id=?;", (activity_id,)) res = curs.fetchall() self._dbcx.commit() if len(res) > 0: del curs return res[0][0] del curs raise NotFoundError("Object for activity %s was not found." % activity_id) def create(self, data, prop_dict=None, activity_id=None): curs = self._dbcx.cursor() data = _get_data_as_string(data) logging.debug(type(data)) logging.debug(data) if not activity_id: curs.execute("INSERT INTO objects (uid, data) VALUES (NULL, ?);", (data,)) else: curs.execute("INSERT INTO objects (uid, data, activity_id) VALUES (NULL, ?, ?);", (data, activity_id)) curs.execute("SELECT last_insert_rowid();") rows = curs.fetchall() self._dbcx.commit() last_row = rows[0] uid = last_row[0] for (key, value) in prop_dict.items(): safe_key = key.replace("'", "''") value = _get_data_as_string(value) curs.execute("INSERT INTO properties (objid, key, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?);", (uid, safe_key, value)) self._dbcx.commit() del curs return uid def delete(self, uid): curs = self._dbcx.cursor() curs.execute("DELETE FROM objects WHERE (uid=?);", (uid,)) curs.execute("DELETE FROM properties WHERE (objid=?);", (uid,)) self._dbcx.commit() del curs self._dbus_obj_helper.Updated(False, {}, True, uid=uid) return 0 def find(self, prop_dict): query = "SELECT objid FROM properties" subquery = "" for (key, value) in prop_dict.items(): safe_key = key.replace("'", "''") value = _get_data_as_string(value) if not len(value): raise ValueError("Property values must not be blank.") substr = "(key='%s' AND value='%s')" % (safe_key, value) if len(subquery) > 0: subquery += " OR " subquery += substr if len(subquery): query += " WHERE (%s)" % subquery query += ";" curs = self._dbcx.cursor() curs.execute(query) rows = curs.fetchall() self._dbcx.commit() # FIXME: ensure that each properties.objid has a match in objects.uid uids = [] for row in rows: uids.append(row['objid']) del curs return uids def set_data(self, uid, data): curs = self._dbcx.cursor() curs.execute('SELECT uid FROM objects WHERE uid=?;', (uid,)) res = curs.fetchall() self._dbcx.commit() if len(res) <= 0: del curs raise NotFoundError("Object %d was not found." % uid) data = _get_data_as_string(data) curs.execute("UPDATE objects SET data=? WHERE uid=?;", (data, uid)) self._dbcx.commit() del curs self._dbus_obj_helper.Updated(True, {}, False, uid=uid) _reserved_keys = ["uid", "objid", "data", "created", "modified"] def set_properties(self, uid, prop_dict): curs = self._dbcx.cursor() curs.execute('SELECT uid FROM objects WHERE uid=?;', (uid,)) res = curs.fetchall() self._dbcx.commit() if len(res) <= 0: del curs raise NotFoundError("Object %d was not found." % uid) for key in prop_dict.keys(): if key in self._reserved_keys: raise ValueError("key %s is a reserved key." % key) for (key, value) in prop_dict.items(): safe_key = key.replace("'", "''") value = _get_data_as_string(value) if not len(value): # delete the property curs.execute("DELETE FROM properties WHERE (objid=? AND key=?);", (uid, safe_key)) else: curs.execute("SELECT objid FROM properties WHERE (objid=? AND key=?);", (uid, safe_key)) if len(curs.fetchall()) > 0: curs.execute("UPDATE properties SET value=? WHERE (objid=? AND key=?);", (value, uid, safe_key)) else: curs.execute("INSERT INTO properties (objid, key, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?);", (uid, safe_key, value)) self._dbcx.commit() del curs self._dbus_obj_helper.Updated(False, {}, False, uid=uid) def get_data(self, uid): curs = self._dbcx.cursor() curs.execute('SELECT uid, data FROM objects WHERE uid=?;', (uid,)) res = curs.fetchall() self._dbcx.commit() if len(res) <= 0: raise NotFoundError("Object %d was not found." % uid) data = res[0][1] del curs return data def get_properties(self, uid, keys): query = "SELECT objid, key, value FROM properties WHERE (objid=%d" % uid subquery = "" if len(keys) > 0: for key in keys: if len(subquery) > 0: subquery += " OR " safe_key = key.replace("'", "''") subquery += "key='%s'" % safe_key subquery += ")" query += subquery + ");" curs = self._dbcx.cursor() curs.execute(query) rows = curs.fetchall() self._dbcx.commit() prop_dict = {} for row in rows: conv_key = row['key'].replace("''", "'") prop_dict[conv_key] = sqlite3.decode(row['value']) prop_dict['uid'] = str(uid) del curs return prop_dict def main(): loop = gobject.MainLoop() ds = DataStore() try: loop.run() except KeyboardInterrupt: print 'Ctrl+C pressed, exiting...' if __name__ == "__main__": main()