# Copyright (C) 2007, Eduardo Silva # Copyright (C) 2008, One Laptop Per Child # Copyright (C) 2009, Tomeu Vizoso # Copyright (C) 2011, Benjamin Berg # Copyright (C) 2011, Marco Pesenti Gritti # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """ STABLE. """ import textwrap from gi.repository import GLib from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import Gdk from gi.repository import GObject from gi.repository import Pango from sugar3.graphics import animator from sugar3.graphics import style from sugar3.graphics.icon import Icon from sugar3.graphics.palettewindow import PaletteWindow, \ _PaletteWindowWidget, _PaletteMenuWidget from sugar3.graphics.palettemenu import PaletteMenuItem from sugar3.graphics.palettewindow import MouseSpeedDetector, Invoker, \ WidgetInvoker, CursorInvoker, ToolInvoker, TreeViewInvoker assert MouseSpeedDetector assert Invoker assert WidgetInvoker assert CursorInvoker assert ToolInvoker assert TreeViewInvoker class _HeaderItem(Gtk.MenuItem): """A MenuItem with a custom child widget that gets all the available space. """ __gtype_name__ = 'SugarPaletteHeader' def __init__(self, widget): Gtk.MenuItem.__init__(self) if self.get_child() is not None: self.remove(self.get_child()) self.add(widget) # FIXME we have to mark it as insensitive again to make it an # informational element, when we realize how to get the icon # displayed correctly - SL #3836 # self.set_sensitive(False) def do_size_allocate(self, allocation): self.set_allocation(allocation) self.get_child().size_allocate(allocation) def do_draw(self, cr): # force state normal, we don't want change color when hover self.set_state(Gtk.StateType.NORMAL) # draw separator allocation = self.get_allocation() cr.save() line_width = 2 cr.set_line_width(line_width) cr.set_source_rgb(.5, .5, .5) # button_grey #808080; cr.move_to(0, allocation.height - line_width) cr.line_to(allocation.width, allocation.height - line_width) cr.stroke() cr.restore() # draw content Gtk.MenuItem.do_draw(self, cr) return False class Palette(PaletteWindow): """Floating palette implementation. This class dynamically switches between one of two encapsulated child widget types: a _PaletteWindowWidget or a _PaletteMenuWidget. The window widget, created by default, acts as the container for any type of widget the user may wish to add. It can optionally display primary text, secondary text, and an icon at the top of the palette. If the user attempts to access the 'menu' property, the window widget is destroyed and the palette is dynamically switched to use a menu widget. This is a GtkMenu that retains the same look and feel as a normal palette, allowing submenus and so on. If primary text, secondary text and/or icons were provided, an initial menu entry is created containing widgets to display such information. """ __gsignals__ = { 'activate': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, None, ([])), } __gtype_name__ = 'SugarPalette' def __init__(self, label=None, accel_path=None, text_maxlen=style.MENU_WIDTH_CHARS, **kwargs): # DEPRECATED: label is passed with the primary-text property, # accel_path is set via the invoker property self._primary_text = None self._secondary_text = None self._icon = None self._icon_visible = True self._palette_state = self.PRIMARY self._primary_event_box = Gtk.EventBox() self._primary_event_box.show() self._primary_box = Gtk.HBox() self._primary_event_box.add(self._primary_box) self._primary_box.show() self._icon_box = Gtk.HBox() self._icon_box.set_size_request(style.GRID_CELL_SIZE, -1) self._primary_box.pack_start(self._icon_box, False, True, 0) labels_box = Gtk.VBox() self._label_alignment = Gtk.Alignment(xalign=0, yalign=0.5, xscale=1, yscale=0.33) self._label_alignment.set_padding( style.DEFAULT_SPACING, style.DEFAULT_SPACING, style.DEFAULT_SPACING, style.DEFAULT_SPACING) self._label_alignment.add(labels_box) self._label_alignment.show() self._primary_box.pack_start(self._label_alignment, True, True, 0) labels_box.show() self._label = Gtk.AccelLabel(label='') self._label.set_alignment(0, 0.5) if text_maxlen > 0: self._label.set_max_width_chars(text_maxlen) self._label.set_ellipsize(style.ELLIPSIZE_MODE_DEFAULT) labels_box.pack_start(self._label, True, True, 0) self._primary_event_box.connect('button-release-event', self.__button_release_event_cb) self._primary_event_box.set_events(Gdk.EventMask.BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK) self._secondary_label = Gtk.Label() self._secondary_label.set_alignment(0, 0.5) labels_box.pack_start(self._secondary_label, True, True, 0) self._secondary_box = Gtk.VBox() self._separator = Gtk.HSeparator() self._secondary_box.pack_start(self._separator, True, True, 0) self._secondary_anim = animator.Animator(2.0, 10) self._secondary_anim.add(_SecondaryAnimation(self)) # we init after initializing all of our containers PaletteWindow.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._full_request = [0, 0] self._content = None # we set these for backward compatibility if label is not None: self.props.primary_text = label self._add_content() self.action_bar = PaletteActionBar() self._secondary_box.pack_start(self.action_bar, True, True, 0) self.action_bar.show() self.connect('notify::invoker', self.__notify_invoker_cb) self.connect('popdown', self.__popdown_cb) # Default to a normal window palette self._content_widget = None self.set_content(None) def _setup_widget(self): PaletteWindow._setup_widget(self) self._widget.connect('destroy', self.__destroy_cb) self._widget.connect('map', self.__map_cb) def __map_cb(self, *args): # Fixes #4463 if hasattr(self._widget, 'present'): self._widget.present() def __destroy_cb(self, palette): self._secondary_anim.stop() self.popdown(immediate=True) # Break the reference cycle. It looks like the gc is not able to free # it, possibly because Gtk.Menu memory handling is very special. self._widget = None def __popdown_cb(self, widget): self._secondary_anim.stop() def __notify_invoker_cb(self, palette, pspec): invoker = self.props.invoker if invoker is not None and hasattr(invoker.props, 'widget'): self._update_accel_widget() self._invoker.connect('notify::widget', self.__invoker_widget_changed_cb) def __invoker_widget_changed_cb(self, invoker, spec): self._update_accel_widget() def get_full_size_request(self): return self._full_request def popup(self, immediate=False, state=None): if self._invoker is not None: self._update_full_request() if state is None: state = self.PRIMARY self.set_palette_state(state) if state == self.PRIMARY: self._secondary_anim.start() else: self._secondary_anim.stop() PaletteWindow.popup(self, immediate) def popdown(self, immediate=False): if immediate: self._secondary_anim.stop() # to suppress glitches while later re-opening self.set_palette_state(self.PRIMARY) if self._widget: self._widget.size_request() PaletteWindow.popdown(self, immediate) def on_enter(self): PaletteWindow.on_enter(self) self._secondary_anim.start() def _add_content(self): # The content is not shown until a widget is added self._content = Gtk.VBox() self._secondary_box.pack_start(self._content, True, True, style.DEFAULT_SPACING) def _update_accel_widget(self): assert self.props.invoker is not None self._label.props.accel_widget = self.props.invoker.props.widget def set_primary_text(self, label, accel_path=None): self._primary_text = label if label is not None: label = GLib.markup_escape_text(label) self._label.set_markup('%s' % label) self._label.show() def get_primary_text(self): return self._primary_text primary_text = GObject.property(type=str, getter=get_primary_text, setter=set_primary_text) def __button_release_event_cb(self, widget, event): if self.props.invoker is not None: self.props.invoker.primary_text_clicked() def set_secondary_text(self, label): if label is None: self._secondary_label.hide() else: NO_OF_LINES = 3 ELLIPSIS_LENGTH = 6 label = label.replace('\n', ' ') label = label.replace('\r', ' ') if hasattr(self._secondary_label, 'set_lines'): self._secondary_label.set_max_width_chars( style.MENU_WIDTH_CHARS) self._secondary_label.set_line_wrap(True) self._secondary_label.set_ellipsize( style.ELLIPSIZE_MODE_DEFAULT) self._secondary_label.set_line_wrap_mode( Pango.WrapMode.WORD_CHAR) self._secondary_label.set_lines(NO_OF_LINES) self._secondary_label.set_justify(Gtk.Justification.FILL) else: # FIXME: fallback for Gtk < 3.10 body_width = NO_OF_LINES * style.MENU_WIDTH_CHARS body_width -= ELLIPSIS_LENGTH if len(label) > body_width: label = ' '.join(label[:body_width].split()[:-1]) + '...' label = textwrap.fill(label, width=style.MENU_WIDTH_CHARS) self._secondary_text = label self._secondary_label.set_text(label) self._secondary_label.show() def get_secondary_text(self): return self._secondary_text secondary_text = GObject.property(type=str, getter=get_secondary_text, setter=set_secondary_text) def _show_icon(self): self._label_alignment.set_padding( style.DEFAULT_SPACING, style.DEFAULT_SPACING, 0, style.DEFAULT_SPACING) self._icon_box.show() def _hide_icon(self): self._icon_box.hide() self._label_alignment.set_padding( style.DEFAULT_SPACING, style.DEFAULT_SPACING, style.DEFAULT_SPACING, style.DEFAULT_SPACING) def set_icon(self, icon): if icon is None: self._icon = None self._hide_icon() else: if self._icon: self._icon_box.remove(self._icon_box.get_children()[0]) event_box = Gtk.EventBox() event_box.connect('button-release-event', self.__icon_button_release_event_cb) self._icon_box.pack_start(event_box, True, True, 0) event_box.show() self._icon = icon self._icon.props.pixel_size = style.STANDARD_ICON_SIZE event_box.add(self._icon) self._icon.show() self._show_icon() def get_icon(self): return self._icon icon = GObject.property(type=object, getter=get_icon, setter=set_icon) def __icon_button_release_event_cb(self, icon, event): self.emit('activate') def set_icon_visible(self, visible): self._icon_visible = visible if visible and self._icon is not None: self._show_icon() else: self._hide_icon() def get_icon_visible(self): return self._icon_visilbe icon_visible = GObject.property(type=bool, default=True, getter=get_icon_visible, setter=set_icon_visible) def set_content(self, widget): assert self._widget is None \ or isinstance(self._widget, _PaletteWindowWidget) if self._widget is None: self._widget = _PaletteWindowWidget(self) self._setup_widget() self._palette_box = Gtk.VBox() self._palette_box.pack_start(self._primary_event_box, False, True, 0) self._palette_box.pack_start(self._secondary_box, True, True, 0) self._widget.add(self._palette_box) self._palette_box.show() height = style.GRID_CELL_SIZE - 2 * self._widget.get_border_width() self._primary_event_box.set_size_request(-1, height) if self._content.get_children(): self._content.remove(self._content.get_children()[0]) if widget is not None: widget.connect('button-release-event', self.__widget_button_release_cb) self._content.add(widget) self._content.show() else: self._content.hide() self._content_widget = widget self._update_accept_focus() self._update_separators() def __widget_button_release_cb(self, widget, event): event_widget = Gtk.get_event_widget(event) if isinstance(event_widget, PaletteMenuItem): self.popdown(immediate=True) return False def get_label_width(self): # Gtk.AccelLabel request doesn't include the accelerator. label_width = self._label_alignment.get_preferred_width()[1] + \ self._label.get_accel_width() return label_width def _update_separators(self): visible = self._content.get_children() self._separator.props.visible = visible def _update_accept_focus(self): accept_focus = len(self._content.get_children()) self._widget.set_accept_focus(accept_focus) def _update_full_request(self): if self._palette_state == self.PRIMARY: self._secondary_box.show() if self._widget is not None: self._full_request = self._widget.size_request() if self._palette_state == self.PRIMARY: self._secondary_box.hide() def _set_palette_state(self, state): if self._palette_state == state: return if state == self.PRIMARY: self._secondary_box.hide() elif state == self.SECONDARY: self._secondary_box.show() self.update_position() self._palette_state = state def get_menu(self): assert self._content_widget is None if self._widget is None \ or not isinstance(self._widget, _PaletteMenuWidget): if self._widget is not None: self._palette_box.remove(self._primary_event_box) self._palette_box.remove(self._secondary_box) self._teardown_widget() self._widget.destroy() self._widget = _PaletteMenuWidget() self._label_menuitem = _HeaderItem(self._primary_event_box) self._label_menuitem.show() self._widget.append(self._label_menuitem) self._setup_widget() return self._widget menu = GObject.property(type=object, getter=get_menu) def _invoker_right_click_cb(self, invoker): self.popup(immediate=True, state=self.SECONDARY) def _invoker_toggle_state_cb(self, invoker): if self.is_up() and self._palette_state == self.SECONDARY: self.popdown(immediate=True) else: self.popup(immediate=True, state=self.SECONDARY) class PaletteActionBar(Gtk.HButtonBox): def add_action(self, label, icon_name=None): button = Gtk.Button(label) if icon_name: icon = Icon(icon_name) button.set_image(icon) icon.show() self.pack_start(button, True, True, 0) button.show() class _SecondaryAnimation(animator.Animation): def __init__(self, palette): animator.Animation.__init__(self, 0.0, 1.0) self._palette = palette def next_frame(self, current): if current == 1.0: self._palette.set_palette_state(Palette.SECONDARY)