import os import random import base64 import time import conf from sugar import env import logging from sugar.p2p import Stream from sugar.presence import PresenceService from model.Invites import Invites PRESENCE_SERVICE_TYPE = "_presence_olpc._tcp" class ShellOwner(object): """Class representing the owner of this machine/instance. This class runs in the shell and serves up the buddy icon and other stuff. It's the server portion of the Owner, paired with the client portion in""" def __init__(self): profile = conf.get_profile() self._nick = profile.get_nick_name() user_dir = profile.get_path() self._icon = None for fname in os.listdir(user_dir): if not fname.startswith("buddy-icon."): continue fd = open(os.path.join(user_dir, fname), "r") self._icon = fd.close() break self._pservice = PresenceService.get_instance() self._invites = Invites() self._last_activity_update = time.time() self._pending_activity_update_timer = None self._pending_activity_update = None def get_invites(self): return self._invites def get_name(self): return self._nick def announce(self): # Create and announce our presence color = conf.get_profile().get_color() props = {'color':color.to_string()} self._service = self._pservice.register_service(self._nick, PRESENCE_SERVICE_TYPE, properties=props) logging.debug("Owner '%s' using port %d" % (self._nick, self._service.get_port())) self._icon_stream = Stream.Stream.new_from_service(self._service) self._icon_stream.register_reader_handler(self._handle_buddy_icon_request, "get_buddy_icon") self._icon_stream.register_reader_handler(self._handle_invite, "invite") def _handle_buddy_icon_request(self): """XMLRPC method, return the owner's icon encoded with base64.""" if self._icon: return base64.b64encode(self._icon) return "" def _handle_invite(self, issuer, bundle_id, activity_id): """XMLRPC method, called when the owner is invited to an activity.""" self._invites.add_invite(issuer, bundle_id, activity_id) return '' def __update_advertised_current_activity_cb(self): self._last_activity_update = time.time() self._pending_activity_update_timer = None logging.debug("*** Updating current activity to %s" % self._pending_activity_update) return False def set_current_activity(self, activity_id): """Update our presence service with the latest activity, but no more frequently than every 30 seconds""" self._pending_activity_update = activity_id # If there's no pending update, we must not have updated it in the # last 30 seconds (except for the initial update, hence we also check # for the last update) if not self._pending_activity_update_timer or time.time() - self._last_activity_update > 30: self.__update_advertised_current_activity_cb() return # If we have a pending update already, we have nothing left to do if self._pending_activity_update_timer: return # Otherwise, we start a timer to update the activity at the next # interval, which should be 30 seconds from the last update, or if that # is in the past already, then now next = 30 - max(30, time.time() - self._last_activity_update) self._pending_activity_update_timer = gobject.timeout_add(next * 1000, self.__update_advertised_current_activity_cb)