"""Activity implementation code for Sugar-based activities Each activity within the OLPC environment must provide two dbus services. The first, patterned after the sugar.activity.activityfactory.ActivityFactory class is responsible for providing a "create" method which takes a small dictionary with values corresponding to a sugar.activity.activityhandle.ActivityHandle describing an individual instance of the activity. Each activity so registered is described by a sugar.activity.bundle.Bundle instance, which parses a specially formatted activity.info file (stored in the activity directory's ./activity subdirectory). The sugar.activity.bundlebuilder module provides facilities for the standard setup.py module which produces and registers bundles from activity source directories. Once instantiated by the ActivityFactory's create method, each activity must provide an introspection API patterned after the sugar.activity.activityservice.ActivityService class. This class allows for querying the ID of the root window, requesting sharing across the network, and basic "what type of application are you" queries. """