# -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- import dbus import dbus.service import dbus.glib import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk, gobject SHELL_SERVICE_NAME = "com.redhat.Sugar.Shell" SHELL_SERVICE_PATH = "/com/redhat/Sugar/Shell" ACTIVITY_SERVICE_NAME = "com.redhat.Sugar.Activity" ACTIVITY_SERVICE_PATH = "/com/redhat/Sugar/Activity" ON_CONNECTED_TO_SHELL_CB = "connected_to_shell" ON_DISCONNECTED_FROM_SHELL_CB = "disconnected_from_shell" ON_RECONNECTED_TO_SHELL_CB = "reconnected_to_shell" ON_CLOSE_FROM_USER_CB = "close_from_user" ON_LOST_FOCUS_CB = "lost_focus" ON_GOT_FOCUS_CB = "got_focus" ON_PUBLISH_CB = "publish" class ActivityDbusService(dbus.service.Object): """Base dbus service object that each Activity uses to export dbus methods. The dbus service is separate from the actual Activity object so that we can tightly control what stuff passes through the dbus python bindings.""" _ALLOWED_CALLBACKS = [ON_CONNECTED_TO_SHELL_CB, ON_DISCONNECTED_FROM_SHELL_CB, \ ON_RECONNECTED_TO_SHELL_CB, ON_CLOSE_FROM_USER_CB, ON_LOST_FOCUS_CB, \ ON_GOT_FOCUS_CB, ON_PUBLISH_CB] def __init__(self, activity): self._activity = activity self._activity_id = None self._activity_object = None self._service = None self._bus = dbus.SessionBus() self._bus.add_signal_receiver(self.name_owner_changed, dbus_interface = "org.freedesktop.DBus", signal_name = "NameOwnerChanged") self._callbacks = {} for cb in self._ALLOWED_CALLBACKS: self._callbacks[cb] = None def __del__(self): if self._activity_id: del self._service del self._activity_container del self._activity_conainer_object del self._activity_object self._bus.remove_signal_receiver(self.name_owner_changed, dbus_interface="org.freedesktop.DBus", signal_name="NameOwnerChanged") del self._bus def register_callback(self, name, callback): if name not in self._ALLOWED_CALLBACKS: print "ActivityDbusService: bad callback registration request for '%s'" % name return self._callbacks[name] = callback def _call_callback_cb(self, func, *args): gobject.idle_add(func, *args) return False def _call_callback(self, name, *args): """Call our activity object back, but from an idle handler to minimize the possibility of stupid activities deadlocking in dbus callbacks.""" if name in self._ALLOWED_CALLBACKS and self._callbacks[name]: gobject.idle_add(self._call_callback_cb, self._callbacks[name], *args) def connect_to_shell(self, service=None): """Register with the shell via dbus, getting an activity ID and and XEMBED window ID in which to display the Activity.""" self._activity_container_object = self._bus.get_object(SHELL_SERVICE_NAME, \ SHELL_SERVICE_PATH + "/ActivityContainer") self._activity_container = dbus.Interface(self._activity_container_object, \ SHELL_SERVICE_NAME + ".ActivityContainer") if service is None: self._activity_id = self._activity_container.add_activity("", self._activity.default_type()) else: self._activity_id = service.get_activity_id() self._activity_container.add_activity_with_id("", self._activity.default_type(), self._activity_id) self._object_path = SHELL_SERVICE_PATH + "/Activities/%s" % self._activity_id print "ActivityDbusService: object path is '%s'" % self._object_path self._activity_object = dbus.Interface(self._bus.get_object(SHELL_SERVICE_NAME, self._object_path), \ SHELL_SERVICE_NAME + ".ActivityHost") # Now let us register a peer service so the Shell can poke it self._peer_service_name = ACTIVITY_SERVICE_NAME + "%s" % self._activity_id self._peer_object_path = ACTIVITY_SERVICE_PATH + "/%s" % self._activity_id self._service = dbus.service.BusName(self._peer_service_name, bus=self._bus) dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, self._service, self._peer_object_path) self._activity_object.set_peer_service_name(self._peer_service_name, self._peer_object_path) self._call_callback(ON_CONNECTED_TO_SHELL_CB, self._activity_object, self._activity_id, service) def _shutdown_reply_cb(self): """Shutdown was successful, tell the Activity that we're disconnected.""" self._call_callback(ON_DISCONNECTED_FROM_SHELL_CB) def _shutdown_error_cb(self, error): print "ActivityDbusService: error during shutdown - '%s'" % error def shutdown(self): """Notify the shell that we are shutting down.""" self._activity_object.shutdown(reply_handler=self._shutdown_reply_cb, error_handler=self._shutdown_error_cb) def name_owner_changed(self, service_name, old_service_name, new_service_name): """Handle dbus NameOwnerChanged signals.""" if not self._activity_id: # Do nothing if we're not connected yet return if service_name == SHELL_SERVICE_NAME and not len(new_service_name): self._call_callback(ON_DISCONNECTED_FROM_SHELL_CB) elif service_name == SHELL_SERVICE_NAME and not len(old_service_name): self._call_callback(ON_RECONNECTED_TO_SHELL_CB) @dbus.service.method(ACTIVITY_SERVICE_NAME) def lost_focus(self): """Called by the shell to notify us that we've lost focus.""" self._call_callback(ON_LOST_FOCUS_CB) @dbus.service.method(ACTIVITY_SERVICE_NAME) def got_focus(self): """Called by the shell to notify us that the user gave us focus.""" self._call_callback(ON_GOT_FOCUS_CB) @dbus.service.method(ACTIVITY_SERVICE_NAME) def close_from_user(self): """Called by the shell to notify us that the user closed us.""" self._call_callback(ON_CLOSE_FROM_USER_CB) @dbus.service.method(ACTIVITY_SERVICE_NAME) def publish(self): """Called by the shell to request the activity to publish itself on the network.""" self._call_callback(ON_PUBLISH_CB) @dbus.service.signal(ACTIVITY_SERVICE_NAME) def ActivityShared(self): print "sent signal" pass class Activity(object): """Base Activity class that all other Activities derive from.""" def __init__(self, default_type): self._dbus_service = self._get_new_dbus_service() self._dbus_service.register_callback(ON_CONNECTED_TO_SHELL_CB, self._internal_on_connected_to_shell_cb) self._dbus_service.register_callback(ON_DISCONNECTED_FROM_SHELL_CB, self._internal_on_disconnected_from_shell_cb) self._dbus_service.register_callback(ON_RECONNECTED_TO_SHELL_CB, self._internal_on_reconnected_to_shell_cb) self._dbus_service.register_callback(ON_CLOSE_FROM_USER_CB, self._internal_on_close_from_user_cb) self._dbus_service.register_callback(ON_PUBLISH_CB, self._internal_on_publish_cb) self._dbus_service.register_callback(ON_LOST_FOCUS_CB, self._internal_on_lost_focus_cb) self._dbus_service.register_callback(ON_GOT_FOCUS_CB, self._internal_on_got_focus_cb) self._has_focus = False self._plug = None self._initial_service = None self._activity_object = None self._shared = False if type(default_type) != type("") or not len(default_type): raise ValueError("Default type must be a valid string.") self._default_type = default_type def _cleanup(self): if self._plug: self._plug.destroy() self._plug = None if self._dbus_service: del self._dbus_service self._dbus_service = None def __del__(self): self._cleanup() def _get_new_dbus_service(self): """Create and return a new dbus service object for this Activity. Allows subclasses to use their own dbus service object if they choose.""" return ActivityDbusService(self) def default_type(self): return self._default_type def set_shared(self): """Mark the activity as 'shared'.""" if not self._shared: self._shared = True self._dbus_service.ActivityShared() def shared(self): return self._shared def has_focus(self): """Return whether or not this Activity is visible to the user.""" return self._has_focus def connect_to_shell(self, service = None): """Called by our controller to tell us to initialize and connect to the shell.""" self._dbus_service.connect_to_shell(service) def _internal_on_connected_to_shell_cb(self, activity_object, activity_id, service=None): """Callback when the dbus service object has connected to the shell.""" self._activity_object = activity_object self._activity_id = activity_id self._window_id = self._activity_object.get_host_xembed_id() print "Activity: XEMBED window ID is %s" % self._window_id self._plug = gtk.Plug(self._window_id) self._initial_service = service if service: self.set_shared(True) self.on_connected_to_shell() def _internal_on_disconnected_from_shell_cb(self): """Callback when the dbus service object has disconnected from the shell.""" self._cleanup() self.on_disconnected_from_shell() def _internal_on_reconnected_to_shell_cb(self): """Callback when the dbus service object has reconnected to the shell.""" self.on_reconnected_to_shell() def _internal_on_close_from_user_cb(self): """Callback when the dbus service object tells us the user has closed our activity.""" self.shutdown() self.on_close_from_user() def _internal_on_publish_cb(self): """Callback when the dbus service object tells us the user has closed our activity.""" self.publish() def _internal_on_lost_focus_cb(self): """Callback when the dbus service object tells us we have lost focus.""" self._has_focus = False self.on_lost_focus() def _internal_on_got_focus_cb(self): """Callback when the dbus service object tells us we have gotten focus.""" self._has_focus = True self.set_has_changes(False) self.on_got_focus() def gtk_plug(self): """Return our GtkPlug widget.""" return self._plug def set_ellipsize_tab(self, ellipsize): """Sets this Activity's tab text to be ellipsized or not.""" self._activity_object.set_ellipsize_tab(ellipsize) def set_tab_text(self, text): """Sets this Activity's tab text.""" self._activity_object.set_tab_text(text) def set_can_close(self, can_close): """Sets whether or not this Activity can be closed by the user.""" self._activity_object.set_can_close(can_close) def set_show_tab_icon(self, show_icon): """Sets whether or not an icon is shown in this Activity's tab.""" self._activity_object.set_tab_show_icon(show_icon) def set_tab_icon(self, pixbuf=None, name=None): """Set the Activity's tab icon, either from pixbuf data or by an icon theme icon name.""" if name: icon_theme = gtk.icon_theme_get_default() icon_info = icon_theme.lookup_icon(name, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU, 0) if icon_info: orig_pixbuf = icon_info.load_icon() pixbuf = orig_pixbuf.scale_simple(16, 16, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR) if pixbuf: # Dump the pixel data into an array and shove it through dbus pixarray = [] pixstr = pixbuf.get_pixels(); for c in pixstr: pixarray.append(c) self._activity_object.set_tab_icon(pixarray, \ pixbuf.get_colorspace(), \ pixbuf.get_has_alpha(), \ pixbuf.get_bits_per_sample(), \ pixbuf.get_width(), \ pixbuf.get_height(), \ pixbuf.get_rowstride()) def set_has_changes(self, has_changes): """Marks this Activity as having changes. This usually means that this Activity's tab turns a red color or something else to notify the user that this Activity needs attention.""" if not self.has_focus() and has_changes: self._activity_object.set_has_changes(True) else: self._activity_object.set_has_changes(False) def get_id(self): return self._activity_id def shutdown(self): """Disconnect from the shell and clean up.""" self._dbus_service.shutdown() ############################################################# # Pure Virtual methods that subclasses may/may not implement ############################################################# def publish(self): """Called to request the activity to publish itself on the network.""" pass def on_lost_focus(self): """Triggered when this Activity loses focus.""" pass def on_got_focus(self): """Triggered when this Activity gets focus.""" pass def on_disconnected_from_shell(self): """Triggered when we disconnect from the shell.""" pass def on_reconnected_to_shell(self): """Triggered when the shell's service comes back.""" pass def on_connected_to_shell(self): """Triggered when this Activity has successfully connected to the shell.""" pass def on_close_from_user(self): """Triggered when this Activity is closed by the user.""" pass