639 lines
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639 lines
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"""An "actor" on the network, whether remote or local"""
# Copyright (C) 2007, Red Hat, Inc.
# Copyright (C) 2007, Collabora Ltd.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
import os
import gobject
import dbus
import dbus.service
from dbus.gobject_service import ExportedGObject
import psutils
from sugar import env, profile
import logging
_BUDDY_PATH = "/org/laptop/Sugar/Presence/Buddies/"
_BUDDY_INTERFACE = "org.laptop.Sugar.Presence.Buddy"
_OWNER_INTERFACE = "org.laptop.Sugar.Presence.Buddy.Owner"
_PROP_NICK = "nick"
_PROP_KEY = "key"
_PROP_ICON = "icon"
_PROP_CURACT = "current-activity"
_PROP_COLOR = "color"
_PROP_OWNER = "owner"
_PROP_VALID = "valid"
_PROP_OBJID = 'objid'
# Will go away soon
_PROP_IP4_ADDRESS = "ip4-address"
_logger = logging.getLogger('s-p-s.buddy')
class Buddy(ExportedGObject):
"""Person on the network (tracks properties and shared activites)
The Buddy is a collection of metadata describing a particular
actor/person on the network. The Buddy object tracks a set of
activities which the actor has shared with the presence service.
Buddies have a "valid" property which is used to flag Buddies
which are no longer reachable. That is, a Buddy may represent
a no-longer reachable target on the network.
The Buddy emits GObject events that the PresenceService uses
to track changes in its status.
_activities -- dictionary mapping activity ID to
activity.Activity objects
handles -- dictionary mapping Telepathy client plugin to
contact handle (an integer representing the JID or unique ID);
channel-specific handles do not appear here
__gsignals__ = {
# The buddy's validity changed.
# Validity starts off False, and becomes True when the buddy
# has a color, a nick and a key.
# * the new validity: bool
(gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, [bool]),
# One of the buddy's properties has changed.
# * those properties that have changed:
# dict { str => object }
(gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, [object]),
# The buddy's icon changed.
# * the bytes of the icon: str
(gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, [object]),
# The buddy is offline (has no Telepathy handles and is not the
# Owner)
(gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, []),
__gproperties__ = {
_PROP_KEY : (str, None, None, None, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE),
_PROP_ICON : (object, None, None, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE),
_PROP_NICK : (str, None, None, None, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE),
_PROP_COLOR : (str, None, None, None, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE),
_PROP_CURACT : (str, None, None, None, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE),
_PROP_VALID : (bool, None, None, False, gobject.PARAM_READABLE),
_PROP_OWNER : (bool, None, None, False, gobject.PARAM_READABLE),
_PROP_OBJID : (str, None, None, None, gobject.PARAM_READABLE),
_PROP_IP4_ADDRESS : (str, None, None, None, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE)
def __init__(self, bus, object_id, **kwargs):
"""Initialize the Buddy object
bus -- connection to the D-Bus session bus
object_id -- the buddy's unique identifier, either based on their
key-ID or JID
kwargs -- used to initialize the object's properties
constructs a DBUS "object path" from the _BUDDY_PATH
and object_id
self._object_id = object_id
self._object_path = dbus.ObjectPath(_BUDDY_PATH + object_id)
self._activities = {} # Activity ID -> Activity
self._activity_sigids = {}
self.handles = {} # tp client -> handle
self._valid = False
self._owner = False
self._key = None
self._icon = ''
self._current_activity = None
self._nick = None
self._color = None
self._ip4_address = None
for (key, value) in kwargs.items():
if key not in _ALLOWED_INIT_PROPS:
_logger.debug("Invalid init property '%s'; ignoring..." % key)
del kwargs[key]
# Set icon after superclass init, because it sends DBus and GObject
# signals when set
icon_data = None
if kwargs.has_key(_PROP_ICON):
icon_data = kwargs[_PROP_ICON]
del kwargs[_PROP_ICON]
ExportedGObject.__init__(self, bus, self._object_path,
if icon_data:
self.props.icon = icon_data
def do_get_property(self, pspec):
"""Retrieve current value for the given property specifier
pspec -- property specifier with a "name" attribute
if pspec.name == _PROP_OBJID:
return self._object_id
elif pspec.name == _PROP_KEY:
return self._key
elif pspec.name == _PROP_ICON:
return self._icon
elif pspec.name == _PROP_NICK:
return self._nick
elif pspec.name == _PROP_COLOR:
return self._color
elif pspec.name == _PROP_CURACT:
if not self._current_activity:
return None
if not self._activities.has_key(self._current_activity):
return None
return self._current_activity
elif pspec.name == _PROP_VALID:
return self._valid
elif pspec.name == _PROP_OWNER:
return self._owner
elif pspec.name == _PROP_IP4_ADDRESS:
return self._ip4_address
def do_set_property(self, pspec, value):
"""Set given property
pspec -- property specifier with a "name" attribute
value -- value to set
emits 'icon-changed' signal on icon setting
calls _update_validity on all calls
if pspec.name == _PROP_ICON:
if str(value) != self._icon:
self._icon = str(value)
self.emit('icon-changed', self._icon)
elif pspec.name == _PROP_NICK:
self._nick = value
elif pspec.name == _PROP_COLOR:
self._color = value
elif pspec.name == _PROP_CURACT:
self._current_activity = value
elif pspec.name == _PROP_KEY:
if self._key:
raise RuntimeError("Key already set.")
self._key = value
elif pspec.name == _PROP_IP4_ADDRESS:
self._ip4_address = value
# dbus signals
def IconChanged(self, icon_data):
"""Generates DBUS signal with icon_data"""
def JoinedActivity(self, activity_path):
"""Generates DBUS signal when buddy joins activity
activity_path -- DBUS path to the activity object
def LeftActivity(self, activity_path):
"""Generates DBUS signal when buddy leaves activity
activity_path -- DBUS path to the activity object
def PropertyChanged(self, updated):
"""Generates DBUS signal when buddy's property changes
updated -- updated property-set (dictionary) with the
Buddy's property (changed) values. Note: not the
full set of properties, just the changes.
def add_telepathy_handle(self, tp_client, handle):
"""Add a Telepathy handle."""
conn = tp_client.get_connection()
self.TelepathyHandleAdded(conn.service_name, conn.object_path, handle)
self.handles[tp_client] = handle
@dbus.service.signal(_BUDDY_INTERFACE, signature='sou')
def TelepathyHandleAdded(self, tp_conn_name, tp_conn_path, handle):
"""Another Telepathy handle has become associated with the buddy.
This must only be emitted for non-channel-specific handles.
tp_conn_name -- The bus name at which the Telepathy connection may be
tp_conn_path -- The object path at which the Telepathy connection may
be found
handle -- The handle of type CONTACT, which is not channel-specific,
newly associated with the buddy
def remove_telepathy_handle(self, tp_client, handle):
"""Remove a Telepathy handle."""
conn = tp_client.get_connection()
my_handle = self.handles.get(tp_client, 0)
if my_handle == handle:
del self.handles[tp_client]
self.TelepathyHandleRemoved(conn.service_name, conn.object_path,
# the Owner can't disappear - that would be silly
if not self.handles and not self._owner:
_logger.debug('Telepathy handle %u supposedly removed, but '
'my handle on that connection is %u - ignoring',
handle, my_handle)
@dbus.service.signal(_BUDDY_INTERFACE, signature='sou')
def TelepathyHandleRemoved(self, tp_conn_name, tp_conn_path, handle):
"""A Telepathy handle has ceased to be associated with the buddy,
probably because that contact went offline.
The parameters are the same as for TelepathyHandleAdded.
# dbus methods
in_signature="", out_signature="ay")
def GetIcon(self):
"""Retrieve Buddy's icon data
returns empty string or dbus.ByteArray
if not self.props.icon:
return ""
return dbus.ByteArray(self.props.icon)
in_signature="", out_signature="ao")
def GetJoinedActivities(self):
"""Retrieve set of Buddy's joined activities (paths)
returns list of dbus service paths for the Buddy's joined
acts = []
for act in self.get_joined_activities():
if act.props.valid:
return acts
in_signature="", out_signature="a{sv}")
def GetProperties(self):
"""Retrieve set of Buddy's properties
returns dictionary of
nick : str(nickname)
owner : bool( whether this Buddy is an owner??? )
XXX what is the owner flag for?
key : str(public-key)
color: Buddy's icon colour
XXX what type?
current-activity: Buddy's current activity_id, or
"" if no current activity
props = {}
props[_PROP_NICK] = self.props.nick
props[_PROP_OWNER] = self.props.owner
props[_PROP_KEY] = self.props.key
props[_PROP_COLOR] = self.props.color
if self.props.ip4_address:
props[_PROP_IP4_ADDRESS] = self.props.ip4_address
props[_PROP_IP4_ADDRESS] = ""
if self.props.current_activity:
props[_PROP_CURACT] = self.props.current_activity
props[_PROP_CURACT] = ""
return props
in_signature='', out_signature='a(sou)')
def GetTelepathyHandles(self):
"""Return a list of non-channel-specific Telepathy contact handles
associated with this Buddy.
An array of triples (connection well-known bus name, connection
object path, handle).
ret = []
for plugin in self.handles:
conn = plugin.get_connection()
ret.append((str(conn.service_name), conn.object_path,
# methods
def object_path(self):
"""Retrieve our dbus.ObjectPath object"""
return dbus.ObjectPath(self._object_path)
def _activity_validity_changed_cb(self, activity, valid):
"""Join or leave the activity when its validity changes"""
if valid:
def add_activity(self, activity):
"""Add an activity to the Buddy's set of activities
activity -- activity.Activity instance
calls JoinedActivity
actid = activity.props.id
if self._activities.has_key(actid):
self._activities[actid] = activity
# join/leave activity when it's validity changes
sigid = activity.connect("validity-changed",
self._activity_sigids[actid] = sigid
if activity.props.valid:
def remove_activity(self, activity):
"""Remove the activity from the Buddy's set of activities
activity -- activity.Activity instance
calls LeftActivity
actid = activity.props.id
if not self._activities.has_key(actid):
del self._activity_sigids[actid]
del self._activities[actid]
if activity.props.valid:
def get_joined_activities(self):
"""Retrieves list of still-valid activity objects"""
acts = []
for act in self._activities.values():
return acts
def set_properties(self, properties):
"""Set the given set of properties on the object
properties -- set of property values to set
if no change, no events generated
if change, generates property-changed and
calls _update_validity
changed = False
changed_props = {}
if _PROP_NICK in properties:
nick = properties[_PROP_NICK]
if nick != self._nick:
self._nick = nick
changed_props[_PROP_NICK] = nick
changed = True
if _PROP_COLOR in properties:
color = properties[_PROP_COLOR]
if color != self._color:
self._color = color
changed_props[_PROP_COLOR] = color
changed = True
if _PROP_CURACT in properties:
curact = properties[_PROP_CURACT]
if curact != self._current_activity:
self._current_activity = curact
changed_props[_PROP_CURACT] = curact
changed = True
if _PROP_IP4_ADDRESS in properties:
ip4addr = properties[_PROP_IP4_ADDRESS]
if ip4addr != self._ip4_address:
self._ip4_address = ip4addr
changed_props[_PROP_IP4_ADDRESS] = ip4addr
changed = True
if _PROP_KEY in properties:
# don't allow key to be set more than once
if self._key is None:
key = properties[_PROP_KEY]
if key is not None:
self._key = key
changed_props[_PROP_KEY] = key
changed = True
if not changed or not changed_props:
# Try emitting PropertyChanged before updating validity
# to avoid leaking a PropertyChanged signal before the buddy is
# actually valid the first time after creation
if self._valid:
dbus_changed = {}
for key, value in changed_props.items():
if value:
dbus_changed[key] = value
dbus_changed[key] = ""
self.emit('property-changed', changed_props)
def _update_validity(self):
"""Check whether we are now valid
validity is True if color, nick and key are non-null
emits validity-changed if we have changed validity
old_valid = self._valid
if self._color and self._nick and self._key:
self._valid = True
self._valid = False
if old_valid != self._valid:
self.emit("validity-changed", self._valid)
except AttributeError:
self._valid = False
class GenericOwner(Buddy):
"""Common functionality for Local User-like objects
The TestOwner wants to produce something *like* a
ShellOwner, but with randomised changes and the like.
This class provides the common features for a real
local owner and a testing one.
__gtype_name__ = "GenericOwner"
def __init__(self, ps, bus, object_id, **kwargs):
"""Initialize the GenericOwner instance
ps -- presenceservice.PresenceService object
bus -- a connection to the D-Bus session bus
object_id -- the activity's unique identifier
kwargs -- used to initialize the object's properties
calls Buddy.__init__
self._ps = ps
self._server = kwargs.pop("server", "olpc.collabora.co.uk")
self._key_hash = kwargs.pop("key_hash", None)
self._registered = kwargs.pop("registered", False)
self._ip4_addr_monitor = psutils.IP4AddressMonitor.get_instance()
if self._ip4_addr_monitor.props.address:
kwargs["ip4-address"] = self._ip4_addr_monitor.props.address
Buddy.__init__(self, bus, object_id, **kwargs)
self._owner = True
self._bus = dbus.SessionBus()
def _ip4_address_changed_cb(self, monitor, address):
"""Handle IPv4 address change, set property to generate event"""
props = {_PROP_IP4_ADDRESS: address}
def get_registered(self):
"""Retrieve whether owner has registered with presence server"""
return self._registered
def get_server(self):
"""Retrieve XMPP server hostname (used by the server plugin)"""
return self._server
def get_key_hash(self):
"""Retrieve the user's private-key hash (used by the server plugin
as a password)
return self._key_hash
def set_registered(self, registered):
"""Customisation point: handle the registration of the owner"""
raise RuntimeError("Subclasses must implement")
class ShellOwner(GenericOwner):
"""Representation of the local-machine owner using Sugar's Shell
The ShellOwner uses the Sugar Shell's dbus services to
register for updates about the user's profile description.
__gtype_name__ = "ShellOwner"
_SHELL_SERVICE = "org.laptop.Shell"
_SHELL_OWNER_INTERFACE = "org.laptop.Shell.Owner"
_SHELL_PATH = "/org/laptop/Shell"
def __init__(self, ps, bus):
"""Initialize the ShellOwner instance
ps -- presenceservice.PresenceService object
bus -- a connection to the D-Bus session bus
Retrieves initial property values from the profile
module. Loads the buddy icon from file as well.
XXX note: no error handling on that
calls GenericOwner.__init__
server = profile.get_server()
key_hash = profile.get_private_key_hash()
registered = profile.get_server_registered()
key = profile.get_pubkey()
nick = profile.get_nick_name()
color = profile.get_color().to_string()
icon_file = os.path.join(env.get_profile_path(), "buddy-icon.jpg")
f = open(icon_file, "r")
icon = f.read()
GenericOwner.__init__(self, ps, bus,
'keyid/' + psutils.pubkey_to_keyid(key),
key=key, nick=nick, color=color, icon=icon, server=server,
key_hash=key_hash, registered=registered)
# Ask to get notifications on Owner object property changes in the
# shell. If it's not currently running, no problem - we'll get the
# signals when it does run
for (signal, cb) in (('IconChanged', self._icon_changed_cb),
('ColorChanged', self._color_changed_cb),
('NickChanged', self._nick_changed_cb)):
self._bus.add_signal_receiver(cb, signal_name=signal,
def set_registered(self, value):
"""Handle notification that we have been registered"""
if value:
def _icon_changed_cb(self, icon):
"""Handle icon change, set property to generate event"""
self.props.icon = icon
def _color_changed_cb(self, color):
"""Handle color change, set property to generate event"""
props = {_PROP_COLOR: color}
def _nick_changed_cb(self, nick):
"""Handle nickname change, set property to generate event"""
props = {_PROP_NICK: nick}
def _cur_activity_changed_cb(self, activity_id):
"""Handle current-activity change, set property to generate event
Filters out local activities (those not in self.activites)
because the network users can't join those activities, so
the activity_id shared will be None in those cases...
if not self._activities.has_key(activity_id):
# This activity is local-only
activity_id = None
props = {_PROP_CURACT: activity_id}