This allows us to ignore the (trivially spoofable) PEP info for activities that we're actually in, in favour of looking at the actual members.
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716 lines
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# Copyright (C) 2007, Red Hat, Inc.
# Copyright (C) 2007, Collabora Ltd.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
import gobject
import dbus
import dbus.service
from dbus.gobject_service import ExportedGObject
from sugar import util
import logging
from telepathy.interfaces import (CHANNEL_INTERFACE, CHANNEL_INTERFACE_GROUP)
_ACTIVITY_PATH = "/org/laptop/Sugar/Presence/Activities/"
_ACTIVITY_INTERFACE = "org.laptop.Sugar.Presence.Activity"
_PROP_ID = "id"
_PROP_NAME = "name"
_PROP_COLOR = "color"
_PROP_TYPE = "type"
_PROP_VALID = "valid"
_PROP_LOCAL = "local"
_PROP_JOINED = "joined"
_PROP_CUSTOM_PROPS = "custom-props"
_logger = logging.getLogger('s-p-s.activity')
class Activity(ExportedGObject):
"""Represents a shared activity seen on the network, or a local activity
that has been, or will be, shared onto the network.
The activity might be public, restricted to a group, or invite-only.
__gtype_name__ = "Activity"
__gsignals__ = {
# The activity's validity has changed.
# An activity is valid if its name, color, type and ID have been
# set.
# Arguments:
# validity: bool
(gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, [bool]),
# Nobody is in this activity any more.
# No arguments.
(gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, []),
__gproperties__ = {
_PROP_ID : (str, None, None, None,
_PROP_NAME : (str, None, None, None, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE),
_PROP_COLOR : (str, None, None, None, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE),
_PROP_TYPE : (str, None, None, None, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE),
_PROP_VALID : (bool, None, None, False, gobject.PARAM_READABLE),
_PROP_LOCAL : (bool, None, None, False,
_PROP_JOINED : (bool, None, None, False, gobject.PARAM_READABLE),
_PROP_CUSTOM_PROPS : (object, None, None,
_RESERVED_PROPNAMES = __gproperties__.keys()
def __init__(self, bus, object_id, ps, tp, **kwargs):
"""Initializes the activity and sets its properties to default values.
`bus` : dbus.bus.BusConnection
A connection to the D-Bus session bus
`object_id` : int
PS ID for this activity, used to construct the object-path
`ps` : presenceservice.PresenceService
The presence service
`tp` : server plugin
The server plugin object (stands for "telepathy plugin")
`id` : str
The globally unique activity ID (required)
`name` : str
Human-readable title for the activity
`color` : str
Activity color in #RRGGBB,#RRGGBB (stroke,fill) format
`type` : str
D-Bus service name representing the activity type
`local : bool
If True, this activity was initiated locally and is not
(yet) advertised on the network
(FIXME: is this description right?)
`custom-props` : dict
Activity-specific properties
if not object_id or not isinstance(object_id, int):
raise ValueError("object id must be a valid number")
if not tp:
raise ValueError("telepathy CM must be valid")
self._ps = ps
self._object_id = object_id
self._object_path = dbus.ObjectPath(_ACTIVITY_PATH +
self._buddies = set()
self._member_handles = set()
self._joined = False
# the telepathy client
self._tp = tp
self._self_handle = None
self._text_channel = None
self._text_channel_group_flags = 0
self._valid = False
self._id = None
self._actname = None
self._color = None
self._local = False
self._type = None
self._custom_props = {}
# ensure no reserved property names are in custom properties
cprops = kwargs.get(_PROP_CUSTOM_PROPS)
if cprops is not None:
(rprops, cprops) = self._split_properties(cprops)
if len(rprops.keys()) > 0:
raise ValueError("Cannot use reserved property names '%s'"
% ", ".join(rprops.keys()))
if not kwargs.get(_PROP_ID):
raise ValueError("activity id is required")
if not util.validate_activity_id(kwargs[_PROP_ID]):
raise ValueError("Invalid activity id '%s'" % kwargs[_PROP_ID])
ExportedGObject.__init__(self, bus, self._object_path,
if self.props.local and not self.props.valid:
raise RuntimeError("local activities require color, type, and "
# If not yet valid, query activity properties
if not self.props.valid:
def do_get_property(self, pspec):
"""Gets the value of a property associated with this activity.
pspec -- Property specifier
returns The value of the given property.
if pspec.name == _PROP_ID:
return self._id
elif pspec.name == _PROP_NAME:
return self._actname
elif pspec.name == _PROP_COLOR:
return self._color
elif pspec.name == _PROP_TYPE:
return self._type
elif pspec.name == _PROP_VALID:
return self._valid
elif pspec.name == _PROP_JOINED:
return self._joined
elif pspec.name == _PROP_LOCAL:
return self._local
def do_set_property(self, pspec, value):
"""Sets the value of a property associated with this activity.
pspec -- Property specifier
value -- Desired value
Note that the "type" property can be set only once; attempting to set
it to something different later will raise a RuntimeError.
if pspec.name == _PROP_ID:
if self._id:
raise RuntimeError("activity ID is already set")
self._id = value
elif pspec.name == _PROP_NAME:
self._actname = value
elif pspec.name == _PROP_COLOR:
self._color = value
elif pspec.name == _PROP_TYPE:
if self._type:
raise RuntimeError("activity type is already set")
self._type = value
elif pspec.name == _PROP_JOINED:
self._joined = value
elif pspec.name == _PROP_LOCAL:
self._local = value
elif pspec.name == _PROP_CUSTOM_PROPS:
if not value:
value = {}
(rprops, cprops) = self._split_properties(value)
self._custom_props = {}
for (key, dvalue) in cprops.items():
self._custom_props[str(key)] = str(dvalue)
def _update_validity(self):
"""Sends a "validity-changed" signal if this activity's validity has
Determines whether this activity's status has changed from valid to
invalid, or invalid to valid, and emits a "validity-changed" signal
if either is true. "Valid" means that the object's type, ID, name,
colour and type properties have all been set to something valid
(i.e., not "None").
old_valid = self._valid
if self._color and self._actname and self._id and self._type:
self._valid = True
self._valid = False
if old_valid != self._valid:
self.emit("validity-changed", self._valid)
except AttributeError:
self._valid = False
# dbus signals
def BuddyJoined(self, buddy_path):
"""Generates DBUS signal when a buddy joins this activity.
buddy_path -- DBUS path to buddy object
def BuddyLeft(self, buddy_path):
"""Generates DBUS signal when a buddy leaves this activity.
buddy_path -- DBUS path to buddy object
def NewChannel(self, channel_path):
"""Generates DBUS signal when a new channel is created for this
channel_path -- DBUS path to new channel
XXX - what is this supposed to do? Who is supposed to call it?
What is the channel path? Right now this is never called.
# dbus methods
in_signature="", out_signature="s")
def GetId(self):
"""DBUS method to get this activity's (randomly generated) unique ID
:Returns: Activity ID as a string
return self.props.id
in_signature="", out_signature="s")
def GetColor(self):
"""DBUS method to get this activity's colour
:Returns: Activity colour as a string in the format #RRGGBB,#RRGGBB
return self.props.color
in_signature="", out_signature="s")
def GetType(self):
"""DBUS method to get this activity's type
:Returns: Activity type as a string, in the same form as a D-Bus
well-known name
return self.props.type
in_signature="", out_signature="",
async_callbacks=('async_cb', 'async_err_cb'))
def Join(self, async_cb, async_err_cb):
"""DBUS method to for the local user to attempt to join the activity
async_cb -- Callback method to be called if join attempt is successful
async_err_cb -- Callback method to be called if join attempt is
self.join(async_cb, async_err_cb)
in_signature="", out_signature="ao")
def GetJoinedBuddies(self):
"""DBUS method to return a list of valid buddies who are joined in
this activity
A list of buddy object paths corresponding to those buddies
in this activity who are 'valid' (i.e. for whom we have complete
ret = []
for buddy in self._buddies:
if buddy.props.valid:
return ret
in_signature="", out_signature="soao")
def GetChannels(self):
"""DBUS method to get the list of channels associated with this
a tuple containing:
- the D-Bus well-known service name of the connection
(FIXME: this is redundant; in Telepathy it can be derived
from that of the connection)
- the D-Bus object path of the connection
- a list of D-Bus object paths representing the channels
associated with this activity
return self.get_channels()
in_signature="", out_signature="s")
def GetName(self):
"""DBUS method to get this activity's name
returns Activity name
return self.props.name
# methods
def object_path(self):
"""Retrieves our dbus.ObjectPath object
returns DBUS ObjectPath object
return self._object_path
def get_joined_buddies(self):
"""Local method to return a list of valid buddies who are joined in
this activity
This method is called by the PresenceService on the local machine.
returns A list of buddy objects
ret = []
for buddy in self._buddies:
if buddy.props.valid:
return ret
def buddy_apparently_joined(self, buddy):
"""Adds a buddy to this activity and sends a BuddyJoined signal,
unless we can already see who's in the activity by being in it
buddy -- Buddy object representing the buddy being added
Adds a buddy to this activity if the buddy is not already in the
buddy list.
If this activity is "valid", a BuddyJoined signal is also sent.
This method is called by the PresenceService on the local machine.
if not self._joined:
def _add_buddies(self, buddies):
buddies = set(buddies)
# disregard any who are already there
buddies -= self._buddies
self._buddies |= buddies
for buddy in buddies:
if self.props.valid:
def _remove_buddies(self, buddies):
buddies = set(buddies)
# disregard any who are not already there
buddies &= self._buddies
self._buddies -= buddies
for buddy in buddies:
if self.props.valid:
if not self._buddies:
def buddy_apparently_left(self, buddy):
"""Removes a buddy from this activity and sends a BuddyLeft signal,
unless we can already see who's in the activity by being in it
buddy -- Buddy object representing the buddy being removed
Removes a buddy from this activity if the buddy is in the buddy list.
If this activity is "valid", a BuddyLeft signal is also sent.
This method is called by the PresenceService on the local machine.
if not self._joined:
def _text_channel_group_flags_changed_cb(self, flags):
self._text_channel_group_flags = flags
def _handle_share_join(self, tp, text_channel):
"""Called when a join to a network activity was successful.
Called by the _shared_cb and _joined_cb methods.
if not text_channel:
_logger.debug("Error sharing: text channel was None, shouldn't "
raise RuntimeError("Plugin returned invalid text channel")
self._text_channel = text_channel
if CHANNEL_INTERFACE_GROUP in self._text_channel:
group = self._text_channel[CHANNEL_INTERFACE_GROUP]
# FIXME: make these method calls async?
self._text_channel_group_flags = group.GetGroupFlags()
self._self_handle = group.GetSelfHandle()
# by the time we hook this, we need to know the group flags
# bootstrap by getting the current state. This is where we find
# out whether anyone was lying to us in their PEP info
members = set(group.GetMembers())
added = members - self._member_handles
removed = self._member_handles - members
if added or removed:
self._text_channel_members_changed_cb('', added, removed,
(), (), 0, 0)
# if we can see any member handles, we're probably able to see
# all members, so can stop caring about PEP announcements for this
# activity
self._joined = (self._self_handle in self._member_handles)
self._joined = True
return True
def _shared_cb(self, tp, activity_id, text_channel, exc, userdata):
"""XXX - not documented yet
if activity_id != self.props.id:
# Not for us
(sigid, owner, async_cb, async_err_cb) = userdata
if exc:
_logger.debug("Share of activity %s failed: %s" % (self._id, exc))
self._handle_share_join(tp, text_channel)
_logger.debug("Share of activity %s succeeded." % self._id)
def _share(self, (async_cb, async_err_cb), owner):
"""XXX - not documented yet
XXX - This method is called externally by the PresenceService
despite the fact that this is supposed to be an internal method!
_logger.debug("Starting share of activity %s" % self._id)
if self._joined:
async_err_cb(RuntimeError("Already shared activity %s"
% self.props.id))
sigid = self._tp.connect('activity-shared', self._shared_cb)
self._tp.share_activity(self.props.id, (sigid, owner, async_cb,
_logger.debug("done with share attempt %s" % self._id)
def _joined_cb(self, tp, activity_id, text_channel, exc, userdata):
"""XXX - not documented yet
if activity_id != self.props.id:
# Not for us
(sigid, async_cb, async_err_cb) = userdata
if exc:
self._handle_share_join(tp, text_channel)
def join(self, async_cb, async_err_cb):
"""Local method for the local user to attempt to join the activity.
async_cb -- Callback method to be called if join attempt is successful
async_err_cb -- Callback method to be called if join attempt is
The two callbacks are passed to the server_plugin ("tp") object,
which in turn passes them back as parameters in a callback to the
_joined_cb method; this callback is set up within this method.
if self._joined:
async_err_cb(RuntimeError("Already joined activity %s"
% self.props.id))
sigid = self._tp.connect('activity-joined', self._joined_cb)
self._tp.join_activity(self.props.id, (sigid, async_cb, async_err_cb))
def get_channels(self):
"""Local method to get the list of channels associated with this
returns XXX - expected a list of channels, instead returning a tuple?
conn = self._tp.get_connection()
# FIXME add tubes and others channels
return (str(conn.service_name), conn.object_path,
def leave(self):
"""Local method called when the user wants to leave the activity.
(XXX - doesn't appear to be called anywhere!)
if self._joined:
def _text_channel_members_changed_cb(self, message, added, removed,
local_pending, remote_pending,
actor, reason):
# Note: D-Bus calls this with list arguments, but after GetMembers()
# we call it with set and tuple arguments; we cope with any iterable.
if (self._text_channel_group_flags &
map_chan = self._text_channel
# we have global handles here
map_chan = None
# disregard any who are already there
added = set(added)
added -= self._member_handles
self._member_handles |= added
# for added people, we need a Buddy object
added_buddies = self._ps.map_handles_to_buddies(self._tp,
# we treat all pending members as if they weren't there
removed = set(removed)
removed |= set(local_pending)
removed |= set(remote_pending)
# disregard any who aren't already there
removed &= self._member_handles
self._member_handles -= removed
# for removed people, don't bother creating a Buddy just so we can
# say it left. If we don't already have a Buddy object for someone,
# then obviously they're not in self._buddies!
removed_buddies = self._ps.map_handles_to_buddies(self._tp,
# if we were among those removed, we'll have to start believing
# the spoofable PEP-based activity tracking again.
if self._self_handle not in self._member_handles:
self._joined = False
def _text_channel_closed_cb(self):
"""Callback method called when the text channel is closed.
This callback is set up in the _handle_share_join method.
self._joined = False
self._self_handle = None
self._text_channel = None
def send_properties(self):
"""Tells the Telepathy server what the properties of this activity are.
props = {}
props['name'] = self._actname
props['color'] = self._color
props['type'] = self._type
# Add custom properties
for (key, value) in self._custom_props.items():
props[key] = value
self._tp.set_activity_properties(self.props.id, props)
def set_properties(self, properties):
"""Sets name, colour and/or type properties for this activity all
at once.
properties - Dictionary object containing properties keyed by
property names
Note that if any of the name, colour and/or type property values is
changed from what it originally was, the update_validity method will
be called, resulting in a "validity-changed" signal being generated.
Called by the PresenceService on the local machine.
changed = False
# split reserved properties from activity-custom properties
(rprops, cprops) = self._split_properties(properties)
if _PROP_NAME in rprops.keys():
name = rprops[_PROP_NAME]
if name != self._actname:
self._actname = name
changed = True
if _PROP_COLOR in rprops.keys():
color = rprops[_PROP_COLOR]
if color != self._color:
self._color = color
changed = True
if _PROP_TYPE in rprops.keys():
type = rprops[_PROP_TYPE]
if type != self._type:
# Type can never be changed after first set
if self._type:
_logger.debug("Activity type changed by network; this "
"is illegal")
self._type = type
changed = True
# Set custom properties
if len(cprops.keys()) > 0:
self.props.custom_props = cprops
if changed:
def _split_properties(self, properties):
"""Extracts reserved properties.
properties - Dictionary object containing properties keyed by
property names
returns a tuple of 2 dictionaries, reserved properties and custom
rprops = {}
cprops = {}
for (key, value) in properties.items():
if key in self._RESERVED_PROPNAMES:
rprops[key] = value
cprops[key] = value
return (rprops, cprops)