This call would always fail for activity services because the dbus bindings for it did not pass in the activity at all. Fix that.
530 lines
17 KiB
530 lines
17 KiB
# Copyright (C) 2006, Red Hat, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
import base64
import logging
import gobject
import dbus, dbus.service
from sugar import profile
PRESENCE_SERVICE_TYPE = "_presence_olpc._tcp"
BUDDY_DBUS_OBJECT_PATH = "/org/laptop/Presence/Buddies/"
BUDDY_DBUS_INTERFACE = "org.laptop.Presence.Buddy"
_BUDDY_KEY_COLOR = 'color'
_BUDDY_KEY_CURACT = 'curact'
class NotFoundError(Exception):
class BuddyDBusHelper(dbus.service.Object):
def __init__(self, parent, bus_name, object_path):
self._parent = parent
self._bus_name = bus_name
self._object_path = object_path
dbus.service.Object.__init__(self, bus_name, self._object_path)
def ServiceAppeared(self, object_path):
def ServiceDisappeared(self, object_path):
def Disappeared(self):
def CurrentActivityChanged(self, activities):
def IconChanged(self):
def JoinedActivity(self, object_path):
def LeftActivity(self, object_path):
def PropertyChanged(self, prop_list):
in_signature="", out_signature="ay")
def getIcon(self):
icon = self._parent.get_icon()
if not icon:
return ""
return icon
in_signature="so", out_signature="o")
def getServiceOfType(self, stype, activity_op):
activity = None
# "/" is the placeholder for None
if activity_op != "/":
for act in self._parent.get_joined_activities():
if act.object_path() == activity_op:
activity = act
if not activity:
raise NotFoundError("Not found")
service = self._parent.get_service_of_type(stype, activity)
if not service:
raise NotFoundError("Not found")
return service.object_path()
in_signature="", out_signature="ao")
def getJoinedActivities(self):
acts = []
for act in self._parent.get_joined_activities():
return acts
in_signature="", out_signature="a{sv}")
def getProperties(self):
props = {}
props['name'] = self._parent.get_name()
addr = self._parent.get_address()
if addr:
props['ip4_address'] = addr
props['owner'] = self._parent.is_owner()
color = self._parent.get_color()
if color:
props[_BUDDY_KEY_COLOR] = self._parent.get_color()
return props
in_signature="", out_signature="o")
def getCurrentActivity(self):
activity = self._parent.get_current_activity()
if not activity:
raise NotFoundError()
return activity.object_path()
class Buddy(object):
"""Represents another person on the network and keeps track of the
activities and resources they make available for sharing."""
def __init__(self, bus_name, object_id, service, icon_cache):
if not bus_name:
raise ValueError("DBus bus name must be valid")
if not object_id or not isinstance(object_id, int):
raise ValueError("object id must be a valid number")
# Normal Buddy objects must be created with a valid service,
# owner objects do not
if not isinstance(self, Owner):
if not isinstance(service, Service.Service):
raise ValueError("service must be a valid service object")
self._services = {}
self._activities = {}
self._icon_cache = icon_cache
self._nick_name = None
self._address = None
if service is not None:
self._nick_name = service.get_name()
self._address = service.get_source_address()
self._color = None
self._current_activity = None
self._valid = False
self._icon = None
self._icon_tries = 0
self._object_id = object_id
self._object_path = BUDDY_DBUS_OBJECT_PATH + str(self._object_id)
self._dbus_helper = BuddyDBusHelper(self, bus_name, self._object_path)
self._buddy_presence_service = None
if service is not None:
def object_path(self):
return dbus.ObjectPath(self._object_path)
def _request_buddy_icon_cb(self, result_status, response, user_data):
"""Callback when icon request has completed."""
from sugar.p2p import network
icon = response
service = user_data
if result_status == network.RESULT_SUCCESS:
if icon and len(icon):
icon = base64.b64decode(icon)
if (result_status == network.RESULT_FAILED or not icon) and self._icon_tries < 3:
self._icon_tries = self._icon_tries + 1
if self._icon_tries >= 3:
logging.debug("Failed to retrieve buddy icon for '%s'." % self._nick_name)
gobject.timeout_add(1000, self._get_buddy_icon, service, True)
return False
def _get_buddy_icon(self, service, retry=False):
"""Get the buddy's icon. Check the cache first, if its
not there get the icon from the buddy over the network."""
if retry != True:
# Only hit the cache once
icon_hash = service.get_one_property('icon-hash')
if icon_hash is not None:
icon = self._icon_cache.get_icon(icon_hash)
if icon:
logging.debug("%s: icon cache hit for %s." % (self._nick_name, icon_hash))
return False
logging.debug("%s: icon cache miss, fetching icon from buddy..." % self._nick_name)
from sugar.p2p import Stream
buddy_stream = Stream.Stream.new_from_service(service, start_reader=False)
writer = buddy_stream.new_writer(service)
success = writer.custom_request("get_buddy_icon", self._request_buddy_icon_cb, service)
if not success:
del writer, buddy_stream
gobject.timeout_add(1000, self._get_buddy_icon, service, True)
return False
def _get_service_key(self, service):
return (service.get_type(), service.get_activity_id())
def add_service(self, service):
"""Adds a new service to this buddy's service list, returning
True if the service was successfully added, and False if it was not."""
if service.get_name() != self._nick_name:
logging.error("Service and buddy nick names doesn't match: " \
"%s %s" % (service.get_name(), self._nick_name))
return False
source_addr = service.get_source_address()
if source_addr != self._address:
logging.error("Service source and buddy address doesn't " \
"match: %s %s" % (source_addr, self._address))
return False
return self._internal_add_service(service)
def _internal_add_service(self, service):
service_key = self._get_service_key(service)
if service_key in self._services.keys():
logging.error("Service already known: %s %s" % (service_key[0],
return False
if service.get_type() == PRESENCE_SERVICE_TYPE and self._buddy_presence_service:
# already have a presence service for this buddy
logging.debug("!!! Tried to add a buddy presence service when " \
"one already existed.")
return False
logging.debug("Buddy %s added service type %s id %s" % (self._nick_name,
service.get_type(), service.get_activity_id()))
self._services[service_key] = service
if service.get_type() == PRESENCE_SERVICE_TYPE:
self._buddy_presence_service = service
# A buddy isn't valid until its official presence
# service has been found and resolved
self._valid = True
self._color = service.get_one_property(_BUDDY_KEY_COLOR)
self._current_activity = service.get_one_property(_BUDDY_KEY_CURACT)
# Monitor further buddy property changes, like current activity
# and color
if self._valid:
return True
def __buddy_presence_service_property_changed_cb(self, service, keys):
if _BUDDY_KEY_COLOR in keys:
new_color = service.get_one_property(_BUDDY_KEY_COLOR)
if new_color and self._color != new_color:
self._color = new_color
if _BUDDY_KEY_CURACT in keys:
# Three cases here:
# 1) Buddy didn't publish a 'curact' key at all; we do nothing
# 2) Buddy published a blank/zero-length 'curact' key; we send
# a current-activity-changed signal for no activity
# 3) Buddy published a non-zero-length 'curact' key; we send
# a current-activity-changed signal if we know about the
# activity already, if not we postpone until the activity
# is found on the network and added to the buddy
new_curact = service.get_one_property(_BUDDY_KEY_CURACT)
if new_curact and self._current_activity != new_curact:
if not len(new_curact):
new_curact = None
self._current_activity = new_curact
if self._activities.has_key(self._current_activity):
# Case (3) above, valid activity id
activity = self._activities[self._current_activity]
if activity.is_valid():
elif not self._current_activity:
# Case (2) above, no current activity
def __find_service_by_activity_id(self, actid):
for serv in self._services.values():
if serv.get_activity_id() == actid:
return serv
return None
def add_activity(self, activity):
if activity in self._activities.values():
actid = activity.get_id()
if not self.__find_service_by_activity_id(actid):
raise RuntimeError("Tried to add activity for which we had no service")
self._activities[actid] = activity
if activity.is_valid():
# If when we received a current activity update from the buddy,
# but didn't know about that activity yet, and now we do know about
# it, we need to send out the changed activity signal
if actid == self._current_activity:
def remove_service(self, service):
"""Remove a service from a buddy; ie, the activity was closed
or the buddy went away."""
if service.get_source_address() != self._address:
if service.get_name() != self._nick_name:
if service.get_type() == PRESENCE_SERVICE_TYPE \
and self._buddy_presence_service \
and service != self._buddy_presence_service:
logging.debug("!!! Tried to remove a spurious buddy presence service.")
service_key = self._get_service_key(service)
if self._services.has_key(service_key):
if self._valid:
del self._services[service_key]
if service.get_type() == PRESENCE_SERVICE_TYPE:
self._valid = False
def remove_activity(self, activity):
actid = activity.get_id()
if not self._activities.has_key(actid):
del self._activities[actid]
if activity.is_valid():
# If we just removed the buddy's current activity,
# send out a signal
if actid == self._current_activity:
self._current_activity = None
def get_joined_activities(self):
acts = []
for act in self._activities.values():
if act.is_valid():
return acts
def get_service_of_type(self, stype, activity=None):
"""Return a service of a certain type, or None if the buddy
doesn't provide that service."""
if not stype:
raise RuntimeError("Need to specify a service type.")
if activity and not activity.is_valid():
raise RuntimeError("Activity is not yet valid.")
if activity:
key = (stype, activity.get_id())
key = (stype, None)
if self._services.has_key(key):
return self._services[key]
return None
def is_valid(self):
"""Return whether the buddy is valid or not. A buddy is
not valid until its official presence service has been found
and successfully resolved."""
return self._valid
def get_icon(self):
"""Return the buddies icon, if any."""
return self._icon
def get_address(self):
return self._address
def get_name(self):
return self._nick_name
def get_color(self):
return self._color
def get_current_activity(self):
if not self._current_activity:
return None
if not self._activities.has_key(self._current_activity):
return None
return self._activities[self._current_activity]
def _set_icon(self, icon):
"""Can only set icon for other buddies. The Owner
takes care of setting it's own icon."""
if icon != self._icon:
self._icon = icon
def is_owner(self):
return False
class Owner(Buddy):
"""Class representing the owner of the machine. This is the client
portion of the Owner, paired with the server portion in Owner.py."""
def __init__(self, ps, bus_name, object_id, icon_cache):
Buddy.__init__(self, bus_name, object_id, None, icon_cache)
self._nick_name = profile.get_nick_name()
self._color = profile.get_color()
self._ps = ps
def add_service(self, service):
"""Adds a new service to this buddy's service list, returning
True if the service was successfully added, and False if it was not."""
if service.get_name() != self._nick_name:
logging.error("Service and buddy nick names doesn't match: " \
"%s %s" % (service.get_name(), self._nick_name))
return False
# The Owner initially doesn't have an address, so the first
# service added to the Owner determines the owner's address
source_addr = service.get_source_address()
if self._address is None and service.is_local():
self._address = source_addr
# The owner bypasses address checks and only cares if
# avahi says the service is a local service
if not service.is_local():
logging.error("Cannot add remote service to owner object.")
return False
logging.debug("Adding owner service %s.%s at %s:%d." % (service.get_name(),
service.get_type(), service.get_source_address(),
return self._internal_add_service(service)
def is_owner(self):
return True
# Tests
import unittest
import Service
__objid_seq = 0
def _next_objid():
global __objid_seq
__objid_seq = __objid_seq + 1
return __objid_seq
class BuddyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
_DEF_NAME = u"Tommy"
_DEF_DOMAIN = u"local"
_DEF_PORT = 1234
def __init__(self, name):
self._bus = dbus.SessionBus()
self._bus_name = dbus.service.BusName('org.laptop.Presence', bus=self._bus)
unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, name)
def __del__(self):
del self._bus_name
del self._bus
def _test_init_fail(self, service, fail_msg):
"""Test something we expect to fail."""
objid = _next_objid()
buddy = Buddy(self._bus_name, objid, service, owner=False)
except ValueError, exc:
self.fail("expected a ValueError for %s." % fail_msg)
def testService(self):
service = None
self._test_init_fail(service, "invalid service")
def testGoodInit(self):
objid = _next_objid()
service = Service.Service(self._bus_name, objid, self._DEF_NAME, self._DEF_STYPE, self._DEF_DOMAIN,
self._DEF_ADDRESS, self._DEF_PORT)
objid = _next_objid()
buddy = Buddy(self._bus_name, objid, service)
assert buddy.get_name() == self._DEF_NAME, "buddy name wasn't correct after init."
assert buddy.get_address() == self._DEF_ADDRESS, "buddy address wasn't correct after init."
assert buddy.object_path() == BUDDY_DBUS_OBJECT_PATH + str(objid)
def addToSuite(suite):
addToSuite = staticmethod(addToSuite)
def main():
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
runner = unittest.TextTestRunner()
if __name__ == "__main__":