You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

20 KiB

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from ipywidgets import FileUpload
import pandas as pd
import io
import json

Upload File

uploaded = FileUpload(accept=".csv")
FileUpload(value=(), accept='.csv', description='Upload')
for f in uploaded.value:
    content = f["content"]
    df = pd.read_csv(io.BytesIO(content))

Year CSIRO Adjusted Sea Level Lower Error Bound Upper Error Bound NOAA Adjusted Sea Level
0 1880 0.000000 -0.952756 0.952756 NaN
1 1881 0.220472 -0.732283 1.173228 NaN
2 1882 -0.440945 -1.346457 0.464567 NaN
3 1883 -0.232283 -1.129921 0.665354 NaN
4 1884 0.590551 -0.283465 1.464567 NaN
... ... ... ... ... ...
129 2009 8.586614 8.311024 8.862205 8.046354
130 2010 8.901575 8.618110 9.185039 8.122973
131 2011 8.964567 8.661417 9.267717 8.053065
132 2012 9.326772 8.992126 9.661417 8.457058
133 2013 8.980315 8.622047 9.338583 8.546648

134 rows × 5 columns

Provide CSV file URL as interactive input

url = input("Provide direct url of CSV file: ")
df = pd.read_csv(url)
Provide direct url of CSV file:

name description latitude longitude
0 Alabama Montgomery 32.377716 -86.300568
1 Alaska Juneau 58.301598 -134.420212
2 Arizona Phoenix 33.448143 -112.096962
3 Arkansas Little Rock 34.746613 -92.288986
4 California Sacramento 38.576668 -121.493629
5 Colorado Denver 39.739227 -104.984856
6 Connecticut Hartford<br> 41.764046 -72.682198
7 Delaware Dover 39.157307 -75.519722
8 Hawaii Honolulu 21.307442 -157.857376
9 Florida Tallahassee 30.438118 -84.281296
10 Georgia Atlanta<br> 33.749027 -84.388229
11 Idaho Boise 43.617775 -116.199722
12 Illinois Springfield 39.798363 -89.654961
13 Indiana Indianapolis 39.768623 -86.162643
14 Iowa Des Moines 41.591087 -93.603729
15 Kansas Topeka 39.048191 -95.677956
16 Kentucky Frankfort 38.186722 -84.875374
17 Louisiana Baton Rouge 30.457069 -91.187393
18 Maine Augusta 44.307167 -69.781693
19 Maryland Annapolis 38.978764 -76.490936
20 Massachusetts Boston 42.358162 -71.063698
21 Michigan Lansing 42.733635 -84.555328
22 Minnesota St. Paul 44.955097 -93.102211
23 Mississippi Jackson 32.303848 -90.182106
24 Missouri Jefferson City 38.579201 -92.172935
25 Montana Helena 46.585709 -112.018417
26 Nebraska Lincoln 40.808075 -96.699654
27 Nevada Carson City 39.163914 -119.766121
28 New Hampshire Concord 43.206898 -71.537994
29 New Jersey Trenton 40.220596 -74.769913
30 New Mexico Santa Fe 35.682240 -105.939728
31 North Carolina Raleigh 35.780430 -78.639099
32 North Dakota Bismarck 46.820850 -100.783318
33 New York Albany 42.652843 -73.757874
34 Ohio Columbus 39.961346 -82.999069
35 Oklahoma Oklahoma City 35.492207 -97.503342
36 Oregon Salem 44.938461 -123.030403
37 Pennsylvania Harrisburg 40.264378 -76.883598
38 Rhode Island Providence 41.830914 -71.414963
39 South Carolina Columbia 34.000343 -81.033211
40 South Dakota Pierre 44.367031 -100.346405
41 Tennessee Nashville 36.165810 -86.784241
42 Texas Austin 30.274670 -97.740349
43 Utah Salt Lake City 40.777477 -111.888237
44 Vermont Montpelier 44.262436 -72.580536
45 Virginia Richmond 37.538857 -77.433640
46 Washington Olympia 47.035805 -122.905014
47 West Virginia Charleston 38.336246 -81.612328
48 Wisconsin Madison 43.074684 -89.384445
49 Wyoming Cheyenne 41.140259 -104.820236
# source:
with open("us-state-boundaries.csv") as f:
    sb = [line.split(';')[-2] for line in f.readlines()[1:]] # state boundaries
    sb = ['[['+b[b.find("[[[")+3: b.find("]]]")+1].strip('[').strip(']')+']]' for b in sb]

sb2 = []
for i in range(len(sb)):
    except BaseException as e:

sb3 = []
for b in sb2:
    x = []
    y = []
    for xy in b:
    sb3.append([x, y])

[[-64.843729999672, -64.8306170004155, -64.8166740000574, -64.8003289998509, -64.7850010003439, -64.7780049999629, -64.756923000007, -64.7438040000044, -64.7376500004207, -64.7298299996841, -64.727025000328, -64.7081970000824, -64.7016040001075, -64.6832930000708, -64.6752489999265, -64.6684810000495, -64.6404370000478, -64.6391440000621, -64.643689000191, -64.6377349997255, -64.6638549997298, -64.6613010004438, -64.6642589999609, -64.6782290000832, -64.6944889999008, -64.7079069996541, -64.720173999712, -64.7487359997476, -64.7577690001039, -64.7734199996511, -64.7828909996753, -64.8012889997506, -64.7992609999961, -64.8027730004303, -64.8068909998636, -64.8185169998639, -64.8333530001747, -64.849551999893, -64.8580350004284, -64.8725339995569, -64.8897519996245, -64.8997750000177, -64.9052399998634, -64.9061510002576, -64.921034000424, -64.9337140000354, -64.9420610001283, -64.9464720003629, -64.9609639998188, -64.9804139998553, -64.9978610002517, -65.0198210000917, -65.0315650000928, -65.0485809995957, -65.0501940001468, -65.0577479998463, -65.0677319998815, -65.0809529999913, -65.10083099965, -65.1172670000931, -65.1312199995987, -65.1426220001913, -65.1477229999889, -65.154117999597, -65.1536439999441, -65.1506989999476, -65.1448089999545, -65.137688999725, -65.1399409997855, -65.1351379999137, -65.1303469997376, -65.1174269999267, -65.1130569997, -65.1137599996818, -65.112214999801, -65.1004130000736, -65.091790999621, -65.0805670002019, -65.0606650002537, -65.0415220003638, -65.0172989996944, -65.007769000119, -64.9995900002555, -64.9823889999064, -64.9691820000403, -64.950455000077, -64.9426920001401, -64.9276419995691, -64.907594999856, -64.8950240000245, -64.8910329999146, -64.8739119999314, -64.8649759996594, -64.8599500002049, -64.843729999672], [18.3937130003038, 18.3952020001978, 18.4029059996947, 18.4075949997621, 18.4038019999373, 18.386209000173, 18.3766859999062, 18.3781310002826, 18.3762170003899, 18.3779449996133, 18.3747250001871, 18.373742000052, 18.3706359999168, 18.3725669997141, 18.3674629998913, 18.3655769999245, 18.363997000316, 18.3551899997673, 18.3441069997742, 18.3197589996555, 18.2853760001861, 18.2673589997501, 18.2612709996959, 18.2523160002306, 18.2487579998992, 18.2487249997681, 18.2506900002989, 18.2630590000803, 18.2608550002774, 18.2605059997401, 18.2526930002856, 18.2451059996837, 18.2293219998289, 18.2133720003843, 18.2051629999707, 18.1920609998845, 18.1834559998114, 18.1796829999945, 18.1795870003758, 18.1834839999737, 18.1942359996752, 18.2065249995874, 18.2185139997731, 18.2241929999785, 18.2288429997134, 18.2379699999478, 18.2480099999376, 18.2572230000658, 18.2560599998827, 18.2569120001884, 18.252492999917, 18.2523549996564, 18.2562770001029, 18.2667770001428, 18.2691289998076, 18.2541629999811, 18.2439080002976, 18.2364819999318, 18.2326290001953, 18.23477199986, 18.2417569995878, 18.2507890004071, 18.2590850003178, 18.2774250002881, 18.2931389997995, 18.302844999769, 18.3128859999509, 18.3205580003919, 18.3362909997264, 18.3508549999627, 18.3615369997632, 18.3802330002905, 18.3957579996876, 18.4068750001337, 18.418827, 18.4395440001859, 18.4471019997825, 18.4528070003069, 18.4597469996518, 18.4591020001661, 18.4493229999302, 18.4407029996101, 18.4455259999609, 18.4507079999187, 18.4509469999009, 18.4462940001965, 18.4541570002839, 18.4619490000909, 18.4649839999656, 18.4633640003554, 18.4621600003593, 18.4062549996746, 18.3959270002777, 18.3942250002094, 18.3937130003038]]
fig, axis = plt.subplots()
x_col = "longitude"
y_col = "latitude"
xlo = df[x_col].min() - 5
xhi = df[x_col].max() + 5
ylo = df[y_col].min() - 5
yhi = df[y_col].max() + 5

x = df[x_col].to_numpy()
y = df[y_col].to_numpy()

plt.axis([xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi])
plt.plot(x, y, "ro")
for b in sb3:
    plt.plot(b[0], b[1], "b")
plt.title("USA states and their capital location")


Edit CSV file URL variable

url = ""
df = pd.read_csv(url)

Year Macquarie Island MAX Macquarie Island MIN Mawson MAX Mawson MIN Casey MAX Casey MIN Davis MAX Davis MIN
0 1948 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 1949 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 1950 6.050 2.625 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 1951 6.100 2.660 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 1952 6.140 2.660 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
63 2011 6.740 3.200 -8.04 -14.28 -5.86 -12.50 -7.00 -12.98
64 2012 6.840 3.260 -8.24 -14.40 -6.28 -12.96 -7.10 -13.08
65 2013 6.825 3.225 -8.10 -14.30 -6.30 -12.90 -7.05 -13.05
66 2014 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
67 2015 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

68 rows × 9 columns


Year Macquarie Island MAX Macquarie Island MIN Mawson MAX Mawson MIN Casey MAX Casey MIN Davis MAX Davis MIN
0 1948 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 1949 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
col_names = df.columns.values
['Year' 'Macquarie Island MAX' 'Macquarie Island MIN' 'Mawson MAX'
 'Mawson MIN' 'Casey MAX' 'Casey MIN' 'Davis MAX' 'Davis MIN']
[print(i, col_names[i]) for i in range(len(col_names))]
x_col = int(input("Input index number of column to be used for x-axis: "))
y_col = int(input("Input index number of column to be used for y-axis: "))
y_col2 = input("Input index number of column 2 (optional) to be used for y-axis: ")
y_col2 = int(y_col2) if y_col2 else None
print(f"x-axis: {col_names[x_col]}, y-axis: {col_names[y_col]}, y-axis (second): {y_col2}")
0 Year
1 Macquarie Island MAX
2 Macquarie Island MIN
3 Mawson MAX
4 Mawson MIN
5 Casey MAX
6 Casey MIN
7 Davis MAX
8 Davis MIN

Input index number of column to be used for x-axis:  0
Input index number of column to be used for y-axis:  2
Input index number of column 2 (optional) to be used for y-axis:  1

x-axis: Year, y-axis: Macquarie Island MIN, y-axis (second): 1
fig, axis = plt.subplots()
xlo = df[col_names[x_col]].min() - 5
xhi = df[col_names[x_col]].max() + 5
ylo = df[col_names[y_col]].min() - 5
yhi = df[col_names[y_col]].max() + 5
if y_col2:
    ylo = min(ylo, df[col_names[y_col2]].min() - 5)
    yhi = max(yhi, df[col_names[y_col]].max() + 5)

x = df[col_names[x_col]].to_numpy()
y = df[col_names[y_col]].to_numpy()
if y_col2:
    y2 = df[col_names[y_col2]].to_numpy()

plt.axis([xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi])
# plt.plot(x, y, "bo")
plt.plot(x, y, "b")
if y_col2:
    # plt.plot(x, y2, "ro")
    plt.plot(x, y2, "r")
