
115 lines
3.7 KiB

import os
import random
import base64
import time
import gobject
import conf
from sugar import env
import logging
from sugar.p2p import Stream
from sugar.presence import PresenceService
from sugar import util
from model.Invites import Invites
import dbus
PRESENCE_SERVICE_TYPE = "_presence_olpc._tcp"
class ShellOwner(object):
"""Class representing the owner of this machine/instance. This class
runs in the shell and serves up the buddy icon and other stuff. It's the
server portion of the Owner, paired with the client portion in"""
def __init__(self, shell_model):
profile = conf.get_profile()
self._shell_model = shell_model
self._shell_model.connect('activity-changed', self.__activity_changed_cb)
self._nick = profile.get_nick_name()
user_dir = profile.get_path()
self._icon = None
self._icon_hash = ""
for fname in os.listdir(user_dir):
if not fname.startswith("buddy-icon."):
fd = open(os.path.join(user_dir, fname), "r")
self._icon =
if self._icon:
# Get the icon's hash
import md5, binascii
digest =
self._icon_hash = util.printable_hash(digest)
self._pservice = PresenceService.get_instance()
self._invites = Invites()
self._last_activity_update = time.time()
self._pending_activity_update_timer = None
self._pending_activity_update = None
def get_invites(self):
return self._invites
def get_name(self):
return self._nick
def announce(self):
# Create and announce our presence
color = conf.get_profile().get_color()
props = {'color': color.to_string(), 'icon-hash': self._icon_hash}
self._service = self._pservice.register_service(self._nick,
PRESENCE_SERVICE_TYPE, properties=props)
logging.debug("Owner '%s' using port %d" % (self._nick, self._service.get_port()))
self._icon_stream = Stream.Stream.new_from_service(self._service)
self._icon_stream.register_reader_handler(self._handle_buddy_icon_request, "get_buddy_icon")
self._icon_stream.register_reader_handler(self._handle_invite, "invite")
def _handle_buddy_icon_request(self):
"""XMLRPC method, return the owner's icon encoded with base64."""
if self._icon:
return base64.b64encode(self._icon)
return ""
def _handle_invite(self, issuer, bundle_id, activity_id):
"""XMLRPC method, called when the owner is invited to an activity."""
self._invites.add_invite(issuer, bundle_id, activity_id)
return ''
def __update_advertised_current_activity_cb(self):
self._last_activity_update = time.time()
self._pending_activity_update_timer = None
actid = self._pending_activity_update
if not actid:
actid = ""
self._service.set_published_value('curact', dbus.String(actid))
return False
def __activity_changed_cb(self, shell_model, activity_id):
"""Update our presence service with the latest activity, but no
more frequently than every 30 seconds"""
if activity_id == self._pending_activity_update:
self._pending_activity_update = activity_id
# If we have a pending update already, we have nothing left to do
if self._pending_activity_update_timer:
# If there's no pending update, we must not have updated it in the
# last 30 seconds (except for the initial update, hence we also check
# for the last update)
if time.time() - self._last_activity_update > 30:
# Otherwise, we start a timer to update the activity at the next
# interval, which should be 30 seconds from the last update, or if that
# is in the past already, then now
next = int(30 - max(0, time.time() - self._last_activity_update))
self._pending_activity_update_timer = gobject.timeout_add(next * 1000,